by Max Barry

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by Great britain au. . 1,003 reads.

OWE: Claimed Land = Europe

The following land areas are claimed by the Old World Europe nations located in Europe.

Please select only ONE available "unclaimed nation" land claim to start.

Please use LinkGoogle Maps to research your potential land claim.

The Old World Europe region uses a simplified natural resource system derived from the computer game, "Victoria II". Only important resources are tracked. If you wish to investigate the natural resources in your land claim, please feel free to take a look at Linkmap #1, or the additional land resources of Linkmap #2. I have added the "bauxite" and "uranium" resources to all appropriate real life land represented within our story. The "fish" resource has been added to all coastal nations.

Significant oil resources discovered after 1920 have been added to the appropriate land claims.

Send a telegram to Jon at Tessen to request an available land claim.

(*Tech groups with an asterisk are earned and only exist with the current land owner. Those tech groups will be removed from that land claim if/when the current roleplay nation CTEs or leaves the OWE region.)

Visual land claims map coming soon! | Infrastructure Points | Claimed Story Assets


United kingdom au -- ("Great Britain"):
--- Sovereign Nation
--- Nation Data:
------- Founded: = 1707 -- (new nation)
----------- England :: 927-1701 -- (monarchy)
----------- Great Britain :: 1707-1923 -- (constitutional monarchy)
----------- United Kingdom :: 1923-present -- (constitutional monarchy)
------- Capital City: = London (London, Edinburgh, Cardiff)
------- Head of State: = King George V
------- Head of Government: = local official
------- Dominant Culture: = British
------- Cultural Minorities: = Irish, Scottish, Welsh
------- Language: = English, Irish
------- Dominant Faith: = Protestant, Catholic -- (freedom of religion)
------- Political Scale: = Liberal
------- Tech Group: = United Kingdom
------- UPSCALED POPULATION: -- +100,000,000 population
------- UPSCALED GDP: -- +$2.5 trillion GDP
------- Space Industry: = none
------- Nuclear Weapons: = none
------- Coastal Nation: = Yes
------- Roads: = Rural Paved Roads
------- Highways: = --
------- Railroads: = Standard Railroad
------- Seaports: = Cargo / Passenger Ports
------- Airports: = --
------- Other Rails: = --
------- Allowed Trade:
----------- (Rural Roads = AGRICULTURE)
----------- (Highways = --)
----------- (Airplanes = --)
----------- (Other Rails = --)
------- Sports Facilities: = --
------- Olympic Facilities: = --
------- Other Facilities: = --
------- Special Locations: = --
--- Vital Resources:
------- NATURAL: = timber, fish
------- MINES: = iron, coal, oil, sulfur
------- FARMS: = grain, cattle, wool
------- MATERIALS FACTORIES: = steel, glass, chemicals, synthetic rubber, lumber
------- PLASTIC FACTORIES: = Bakelite
------- CLOTHING FACTORIES: = clothing made from: fur, leather, animal skins, wool, linen
------- FUEL REFINERIES: = gasoline, ethanol fuel, methanol fuel, syngas
------- FOOD FACTORIES: = bread, packaged foods, packaged meats, frozen seafood, beer
------- OTHER FACTORIES: = synthetic dye, paper, cement, machine parts
------- POWER PLANTS: = coal-burning, natural gas, (NS: wind/solar)
------- PRODUCTS NOT YET AVAILABLE: = acrylic, spandex, fiberglass
------- PRODUCTS NOT YET AVAILABLE: = polystyrene, PVC, polypropylene, PET plastic
---------- (*natural resources require positive NS timber and fish industries.)
---------- (*mine resources require a positive NS mining industry.)
---------- (*farm resources require a positive NS agriculture sector.)
---------- (*factories and refineries require a positive NS manufacturing sector.)

--- Faroe Islands
-------- (Resources: = fish)
--- Shetland Islands
-------- (Resources: = oil, sulfur, fish)
--- Orkney Islands
-------- (Resources: = sulfur, fish)
--- Outer Hebrides
-------- (Resources: = sulfur, fish)
--- Great Britain
-------- (Resources: = iron, coal, oil, grain, sulfur, wool, timber, fish)
--- Ireland (entire island)
-------- (Resources: = grain, cattle, fish)
--- Isle of Man
-------- (Resources: = fish)

Groter nederland -- ("Netherlands"):
--- Sovereign Nation
--- Nation Data:
------- Founded: = 1920 -- (new nation)
----------- Dutch Republic :: 1588-1795 -- (confederal republic)
----------- Batavian Republic :: 1795-1806 -- (republic)
----------- Holland :: 1806-1810 -- (French puppet monarchy)
----------- Province of Netherlands :: 1810-1813 -- (French constitutional monarchy)
----------- Netherlands :: 1813-1815 -- (provisional government)
----------- Netherlands :: 1815-1920 -- (constitutional monarchy)
----------- Groter Nederland :: 1920-present -- (constitutional monarchy)
------- Capital City: = Amsterdam
------- Head of State = Dutch King/Queen
------- Head of Government = local official
------- Dominant Culture: = Dutch
------- Cultural Minorities: = French, German, Flemish
------- Language: = Dutch
------- Dominant Faith: = Protestant -- (freedom of religion)
------- Political Scale: = Conservative
------- Tech Group: = Netherlands
------- UPSCALED POPULATION: -- +8,000,000 population
------- UPSCALED GDP: -- +$200 billion GDP
------- Space Industry: = none
------- Nuclear Weapons: = none
------- Coastal Nation: = Yes
------- Roads: = Rural Paved Roads
------- Highways: = --
------- Railroads: = Standard Railroad
------- Seaports: = Cargo / Passenger Ports
------- Airports: = --
------- Other Rails: = --
------- Allowed Trade:
----------- (Rural Roads = AGRICULTURE)
----------- (Highways = --)
----------- (Airplanes = --)
----------- (Other Rails = --)
------- Sports Facilities: = --
------- Olympic Facilities: = --
------- Other Facilities: = --
------- Special Locations: = --
--- Vital Resources:
------- NATURAL: = fish
------- MINES: = coal
------- FARMS: = grain, cattle, wool
------- MATERIALS FACTORIES: = glass
------- CLOTHING FACTORIES: = clothing made from: leather, animal skins, wool, linen
------- FUEL REFINERIES: = ethanol fuel, syngas
------- FOOD FACTORIES: = bread, packaged foods, packaged meats, frozen seafood, beer
------- OTHER FACTORIES: = synthetic dye, cement
------- POWER PLANTS: = coal-burning, natural gas, (NS: wind/solar)
------- PRODUCTS NOT YET AVAILABLE: = acrylic, spandex, fiberglass
------- PRODUCTS NOT YET AVAILABLE: = polystyrene, PVC, polypropylene, PET plastic
---------- (*natural resources require positive NS timber and fish industries.)
---------- (*mine resources require a positive NS mining industry.)
---------- (*farm resources require a positive NS agriculture sector.)
---------- (*factories and refineries require a positive NS manufacturing sector.)

--- Netherlands
-------- (Resources: = coal, grain, cattle, wool, fish)

unclaimed nation -- ("Belgium"):
--- Sovereign Nation
--- Nation Data:
------- Founded: = 1836 -- (independence from Netherlands)
----------- Part of Netherlands :: 1815-1836 -- (constitutional monarchy)
----------- Belgium :: 1836-present -- (constitutional monarchy)
------- Capital City: = Brussels
------- Head of State = Belgian King/Queen
------- Head of Government = local official
------- Ethnicity: = Dutch, French
------- Language: = Dutch, French, German
------- Dominant Faith: = Catholic -- (freedom of religion)
------- Political Scale: = Conservative
------- Permanent Population: = 11,000,000
------- Maximum Soldiers: = 110,000
------- Permanent GDP: = $458.650 billion
------- Tech Group: = Netherlands, France, European Union
------- Space Industry: = none
------- Nuclear Weapons: = none
------- Coastal Nation: = Yes
------- Infrastructure Points = 30
------- Roads: = TBD -- (trade = no land trade)
------- Railroads: = TBD -- (trade = no land trade)
------- Seaports: = TBD -- (trade = no sea trade)
------- Airports: = TBD -- (trade = no air trade)
------- Border Checkpoints: = TBD
------- Military Facilities: = TBD
------- Civilian Fleet: = TBD
------- National Navy: = TBD
------- Enterainment Facilities: = TBD
------- Sports Facilities: = TBD
------- Other Facilities: = TBD
------- Cargo Ships (container/vehicle): = 5
------- Cargo Ships (dry bulk): = 2
------- Cargo Ships (liquid tanker): = 2
--- Vital Resources:
------- HAVE: coal, iron, grain, sulfur, cattle, wool, timber, fish
------- PRODUCE: steel, lumber

--- Belgium
-------- (Resources: = coal, iron, grain, sulfur, cattle, wool, timber, fish)

unclaimed nation -- ("Luxembourg"):
--- Sovereign Nation
--- Nation Data:
------- Founded: = 1871 -- (independence from Netherlands)
----------- Part of Netherlands :: 1815-1836 -- (constitutional monarchy)
----------- Luxembourg :: 1836-1871 -- (Dutch puppet constitutional monarchy)
----------- Luxembourg :: 1871-present -- (constitutional monarchy)
------- Capital City: = Luxembourg City
------- Head of State = Luxembourgish Grand Duke/Grand Duchess
------- Head of Government = local official
------- Ethnicity: = Luxembourgish
------- Language: = Luxembourgish, French, German
------- Dominant Faith: = Catholic -- (freedom of religion)
------- Political Scale: = Conservative
------- Tech Group: = France, Germany, European Union
------- Space Industry: = none
------- Nuclear Weapons: = none
------- Coastal Nation: = No
------- Infrastructure Points = 10
------- Roads: = TBD -- (trade = no land trade)
------- Railroads: = TBD -- (trade = no land trade)
------- Seaports: = --
------- Airports: = TBD -- (trade = no air trade)
------- Border Checkpoints: = TBD
------- Military Facilities: = TBD
------- Civilian Fleet: = --
------- National Navy: = --
------- Enterainment Facilities: = TBD
------- Sports Facilities: = TBD
------- Other Facilities: = TBD
------- Cargo Ships (container/vehicle): = --
------- Cargo Ships (dry bulk): = --
------- Cargo Ships (liquid tanker): = --
--- Vital Resources:
------- HAVE: iron
------- PRODUCE: --
------- (*Cannot produce steel for other countries.)

--- Luxembourg
-------- (Resources: = iron)

unclaimed nation -- ("Germany"):
--- Sovereign Union
--- Nation Data:
------- Founded: = 1922 -- (unification of German kingdoms)
----------- Germany :: 1922-present -- (constitutional monarchy)
------- Capital City: = Nuremberg
------- Head of State: = King Ludwig III (of Bavaria)
------- Head of Government: = local official
------- Dominant Culture: = German
------- Cultural Minorities: =
------- Language: = German
------- Dominant Faith: = Catholic, Protestant -- (religious tolerance)
------- Political Scale: = Liberal
------- Tech Group: = Germany
------- Space Industry: = --
------- Nuclear Weapons: = --
------- Coastal Nation: = Yes
------- Roads: = Rural Paved Roads
------- Highways: = --
------- Railroads: = Standard Railroad
------- Seaports: = Cargo / Passenger Ports
------- Airports: = --
------- Other Rails: = --
------- Allowed Trade:
----------- (Rural Roads = AGRICULTURE)
----------- (Highways = --)
----------- (Airplanes = --)
----------- (Other Rails = --)
------- Sports Facilities: = --
------- Olympic Facilities: = --
------- Other Facilities: = --
------- Special Locations: = --
--- Vital Resources:
------- NATURAL: = timber, fish
------- MINES: = iron, coal, sulfur
------- FARMS: = grain, cattle, fruit
------- MATERIALS FACTORIES: = steel, glass, lumber
------- CLOTHING FACTORIES: = clothing made from: fur, leather, animal skins, linen
------- FUEL REFINERIES: = ethanol fuel, methanol fuel, syngas
------- FOOD FACTORIES: = bread, packaged foods, packaged meats, frozen seafood, beer, wine
------- OTHER FACTORIES: = synthetic dye, paper, cement, machine parts
------- POWER PLANTS: = coal-burning, hydropower, (NS: wind/solar)
------- PRODUCTS NOT YET AVAILABLE: = nuclear power
---------- (*natural resources require positive NS timber and fish industries.)
---------- (*mine resources require a positive NS mining industry.)
---------- (*farm resources require a positive NS agriculture sector.)
---------- (*factories and refineries require a positive NS manufacturing sector.)

--- Holstein
-------- (Resources: = grain, cattle, fish)
--- Lubeck
-------- (Resources: = fish)
--- Mecklenburg
-------- (Resources: = grain)
--- Hamburg
-------- (Resources: = fruit)
--- Hannover
-------- (Resources: = grain, cattle, fruit, fish)
--- Bremen
-------- (Resources: = fish)
--- Oldenburg
-------- (Resources: = coal, fish)
--- Lippe-Detmold
-------- (Resources: = coal)
--- West Prussia
-------- (Resources: = coal, cattle, timber)
--- Hasse-Kassel
-------- (Resources: = coal, grain)
--- Hasse-Darmstadt
-------- (Resources: = cattle, fruit)
--- Frankfurt am Main
-------- (Resources: = fruit)
--- Nassau
-------- (Resources: = sulfur)
--- Bavaria
-------- (Resources: = coal, grain, cattle, fruit, timber)
--- Saxe-Meinengen
-------- (Resources: = iron)
--- Saxe-Coburg-Gotha
-------- (Resources: = iron)
--- Saxe-Weimer
-------- (Resources: = grain)
--- Saxony
-------- (Resources: = uranium, iron, coal)
--- Wurtemberg
-------- (Resources: = grain, fruit)
--- Baden
-------- (Resources: = grain, fruit, timber)

unclaimed nation -- ("Prussia"):
--- Sovereign Nation
--- Nation Data:
------- Founded: = 1701 -- (established)
----------- Prussia au :: 1701-present -- (constitutional monarchy)
------- Capital City: = Berlin
------- Head of State = Prussian King/Queen
------- Head of Government = local official
------- Ethnicity: = German
------- Language: = German
------- Dominant Faith: = Protestant, Catholic -- (freedom of religion)
------- Political Scale: = Conservative
------- Tech Group: = Germany
------- Space Industry: = none
------- Nuclear Weapons: = none
------- Coastal Nation: = Yes
------- Infrastructure Points = 50
------- Roads: = TBD -- (trade = no land trade)
------- Railroads: = TBD -- (trade = no land trade)
------- Seaports: = TBD -- (trade = no sea trade)
------- Airports: = TBD -- (trade = no air trade)
------- Border Checkpoints: = TBD
------- Military Facilities: = TBD
------- Civilian Fleet: = TBD
------- National Navy: = TBD
------- Enterainment Facilities: = TBD
------- Sports Facilities: = TBD
------- Other Facilities: = TBD
------- Cargo Ships (container/vehicle): = 4
------- Cargo Ships (dry bulk): = 3
------- Cargo Ships (liquid tanker): = 2
--- Vital Resources:
------- HAVE: iron, coal, grain, cattle, precious metals, fruit, fish
------- PRODUCE: steel

--- Western Germany (partial)
-------- (Resources: = iron, coal, grain, cattle, fruit, fish)
--- Poland (partial)
-------- (Resources: = iron, coal, grain, previous metals, cattle, fish)



Francia au -- ("France"):
--- Sovereign Nation
--- Nation Data:
------- Founded: = 1921 -- (new nation)
----------- France :: 843-1791 -- (monarchy)
----------- France :: 1791-1804 -- (constitutional monarchy)
----------- France :: 1804-1815 -- (monarchy)
----------- France :: 1815-1848 -- (constitutional monarchy)
----------- France :: 1848-1852 -- (democracy)
----------- France :: 1852-1921 -- (constitutional monarchy) -- (Second French Empire)
----------- Francia :: 1921-present -- (constitutional monarchy) -- (Second French Empire)
------- Capital City: = Paris
------- Head of State = Emperor of France
------- Head of Government = local official
------- Dominant Culture: = French
------- Cultural Minorities: = German, Swiss, Italian
------- Language: = French
------- Dominant Faith: = Catholic -- (freedom of religion)
------- Political Scale: = Liberal
------- Tech Group: = France
------- UPSCALED POPULATION: -- +32,000,000 population
------- UPSCALED GDP: -- +$800 billion GDP
------- Space Industry: = none
------- Nuclear Weapons: = none
------- Coastal Nation: = Yes
------- Roads: = Rural Paved Roads
------- Highways: = --
------- Railroads: = Standard Railroad
------- Seaports: = Cargo / Passenger Ports
------- Airports: = --
------- Other Rails: = --
------- Allowed Trade:
----------- (Rural Roads = AGRICULTURE)
----------- (Highways = --)
----------- (Airplanes = --)
----------- (Other Rails = --)
------- Sports Facilities: = --
------- Olympic Facilities: = --
------- Other Facilities: = --
------- Special Locations: = --
--- Vital Resources:
------- NATURAL: = timber, dye, silk, fish
------- MINES: = iron, coal, precious metals, sulfur
------- FARMS: = grain, cattle, fruit, cotton, tobacco
------- MATERIALS FACTORIES: = steel, glass, lumber
------- CLOTHING FACTORIES: = clothing made from: fur, leather, animal skins, cotton, silk, linen
------- FUEL REFINERIES: = ethanol fuel, methanol fuel, syngas
------- FOOD FACTORIES: = bread, packaged foods, packaged meats, frozen seafood, beer, wine
------- OTHER FACTORIES: = synthetic dye, paper, cement, machine parts
------- POWER PLANTS: = coal-burning, natural gas, hydropower, (NS: wind/solar)
------- PRODUCTS NOT YET AVAILABLE: = acrylic, spandex, fiberglass
------- PRODUCTS NOT YET AVAILABLE: = polystyrene, PVC, polypropylene, PET plastic
---------- (*natural resources require positive NS timber and fish industries.)
---------- (*mine resources require a positive NS mining industry.)
---------- (*farm resources require a positive NS agriculture sector.)
---------- (*factories and refineries require a positive NS manufacturing sector.)

--- France (minus Brittany)
-------- (Resources: = iron, coal, grain, precious metal, cotton, dye, fruit, fish)
-------- (Resources: = silk, tobacco, cattle, sulfur, timber)
--- SW corner of Rhineland-Palatinate (German state)
-------- (Resources: = iron, coal)
--- Brittany
-------- (Resources: = coal, grain, fish)
--- Corsica
-------- (Resources: = fish)

unclaimed nation -- ("Andorra"):
--- Sovereign Nation
--- Nation Data:
------- Founded: = 1278 -- (independence from Aragon/Spain)
----------- Andorra :: 1278-present -- (monarchy)
------- Capital City: = Andorra la Vella
------- Head of State = Andorran King/Queen
------- Head of Government = --
------- Ethnicity: = Andorran, Spanish, Portuguese, French
------- Language: = Catalan, Spanish, Portuguese, French
------- Dominant Faith: = Catholic -- (freedom of religion)
------- Political Scale: = Conservative
------- Tech Group: = Spain, France, European Union
------- Space Industry: = none
------- Nuclear Weapons: = none
------- Coastal Nation: = No
------- Infrastructure Points = 10
------- Roads: = TBD -- (trade = no land trade)
------- Railroads: = TBD -- (trade = no land trade)
------- Seaports: = --
------- Airports: = TBD -- (trade = no air trade)
------- Border Checkpoints: = TBD
------- Military Facilities: = TBD
------- Civilian Fleet: = --
------- National Navy: = --
------- Enterainment Facilities: = TBD
------- Sports Facilities: = TBD
------- Other Facilities: = TBD
------- Cargo Ships (container/vehicle): = --
------- Cargo Ships (dry bulk): = --
------- Cargo Ships (liquid tanker): = --
--- Vital Resources:
------- HAVE: fruit
------- PRODUCE: --
------- (*Cannot produce steel for other countries.)

--- Andorra
-------- (Resources: = fruit)

Spain AU -- ("Spain"):
--- Sovereign Nation
--- Nation Data:
------- Founded: = 1479 -- (established)
----------- Spain :: 1479-present -- (constitutional monarchy)
------- Capital City: = Madrid
------- Head of State = King/Queen of Spain
------- Head of Government = local official
------- Dominant Culture: = Spanish
------- Cultural Minorities: = Catalan, Basque
------- Language: = Spanish
------- Dominant Faith: = Catholic -- (freedom of religion)
------- Political Scale: = Liberal
------- Tech Group: = Spain
------- UPSCALED POPULATION: -- +22,000,000 population
------- UPSCALED GDP: -- +$500 billion GDP
------- Space Industry: = none
------- Nuclear Weapons: = none
------- Coastal Nation: = Yes
------- Roads: = Rural Paved Roads
------- Highways: = --
------- Railroads: = Standard Railroad
------- Seaports: = Cargo / Passenger Ports
------- Airports: = --
------- Other Rails: = --
------- Allowed Trade:
----------- (Rural Roads = AGRICULTURE)
----------- (Highways = --)
----------- (Airplanes = --)
----------- (Other Rails = --)
------- Sports Facilities: = --
------- Olympic Facilities: = --
------- Other Facilities: = --
------- Special Locations: = --
--- Vital Resources:
------- NATURAL: = fish
------- MINES: = iron, coal, sulfur
------- FARMS: = grain, cattle, fruit, wool
------- MATERIALS FACTORIES: = steel, glass
------- CLOTHING FACTORIES: = clothing made from: leather, animal skins, wool, linen
------- FUEL REFINERIES: = ethanol fuel, syngas
------- FOOD FACTORIES: = bread, packaged foods, packaged meats, frozen seafood, beer, wine
------- OTHER FACTORIES: = synthetic dye, cement, machine parts
------- POWER PLANTS: = coal-burning, natural gas, hydropower, (NS: wind/solar)
------- PRODUCTS NOT YET AVAILABLE: = nuclear power, acrylic, spandex, fiberglass
------- PRODUCTS NOT YET AVAILABLE: = polystyrene, PVC, polypropylene, PET plastic
---------- (*natural resources require positive NS timber and fish industries.)
---------- (*mine resources require a positive NS mining industry.)
---------- (*farm resources require a positive NS agriculture sector.)
---------- (*factories and refineries require a positive NS manufacturing sector.)

--- Spain (minus Galicia and Catalonia)
-------- (Resources: = iron, coal, grain, cattle, fruit, wool, fish)
--- Galicia (Spanish state)
-------- (Resources: = fruit, fish)
--- Catalonia (Spanish state)
-------- (Resources: = grain, cattle, fish)
--- Gibraltar
-------- (Resources: = fish)
--- Majorca
-------- (Resources: = sulfur, fish)
--- Minorca
-------- (Resources: = sulfur, fish)
--- Ibiza
-------- (Resources: = sulfur, fish)
--- Formentera
-------- (Resources: = sulfur, fish)

Portugal AU -- ("Portugal"):
--- Sovereign Nation
--- Nation Data:
------- Founded: = 2020 -- (new nation)
----------- Portugal :: 1128-2020 -- (constitutional monarchy)
----------- Portugal AU :: 2020-present -- (constitutional monarchy)
------- Capital City: = Lisbon
------- Head of State = Portuguese King/Queen
------- Head of Government = local official
------- Ethnicity: = Portuguese
------- Language: = Portuguese
------- Dominant Faith: = Catholic -- (freedom of religion)
------- Political Scale: = Socialist
------- Tech Group: = Portugal, Spain
------- Space Industry: = none
------- Nuclear Weapons: = none
------- Coastal Nation: = Yes
------- Infrastructure Points = 30
------- Roads: = TBD -- (trade = no land trade)
------- Railroads: = TBD -- (trade = no land trade)
------- Seaports: = TBD -- (trade = no sea trade)
------- Airports: = TBD -- (trade = no air trade)
------- Border Checkpoints: = TBD
------- Military Facilities: = TBD
------- Civilian Fleet: = TBD
------- National Navy: = TBD
------- Enterainment Facilities: = TBD
------- Sports Facilities: = TBD
------- Other Facilities: = TBD
------- Cargo Ships (container/vehicle): = 3
------- Cargo Ships (dry bulk): = 3
------- Cargo Ships (liquid tanker): = 3
--- Vital Resources:
------- HAVE: iron, grain, fruit, wool, fish
------- PRODUCE: --
------- (*Cannot produce steel for other countries.)

--- Portugal
-------- (Resources: = iron, grain, fruit, wool, fish)

unclaimed nation -- ("Switzerland"):
--- Sovereign Nation
--- Nation Data:
------- Founded: = 1848 -- (new nation)
----------- Swiss Confederacy :: 1291-1798 -- (confederation)
----------- Part of Helvetic Republic :: 1798-1803 -- (French constitutional monarchy)
----------- Swiss Confederacy :: 1803-1815 -- (republic)
----------- Swiss Confederacy :: 1815-1848 -- (executive council)
----------- Switzerland :: 1848-present -- (democracy)
------- Capital City: = Bern
------- Head of State = local official
------- Head of Government = local official
------- Ethnicity: = Swiss, other
------- Language: = German, French, Italian
------- Dominant Faith: = Catholic, Protestant -- (freedom of religion)
------- Political Scale: = Liberal
------- Tech Group: = Switzerland, Germany, France, European Union
------- Space Industry: = none
------- Nuclear Weapons: = none
------- Coastal Nation: = No
------- Infrastructure Points = 30
------- Roads: = TBD -- (trade = no land trade)
------- Railroads: = TBD -- (trade = no land trade)
------- Seaports: = --
------- Airports: = TBD -- (trade = no air trade)
------- Border Checkpoints: = TBD
------- Military Facilities: = TBD
------- Civilian Fleet: = --
------- National Navy: = --
------- Enterainment Facilities: = TBD
------- Sports Facilities: = TBD
------- Other Facilities: = TBD
------- Cargo Ships (container/vehicle): = --
------- Cargo Ships (dry bulk): = --
------- Cargo Ships (liquid tanker): = --
--- Vital Resources:
------- HAVE: iron, coal, grain, fruit, cattle, wool, timber
------- PRODUCE: steel, lumber

--- Switzerland
-------- (Resources: = iron, coal, grain, fruit, cattle, wool, timber)

unclaimed nation -- ("Sardina"):
--- Sovereign Nation
--- Nation Data:
------- Founded: = 1324 -- (established)
----------- Sardinia :: 1324-present -- (constitutional monarchy)
------- Capital City: = Turin
------- Head of State = Sardinian King/Queen
------- Head of Government = local official
------- Ethnicity: = Italian
------- Language: = Italian
------- Dominant Faith: = Catholic -- (religious tolerance)
------- Political Scale: = Conservative
------- Tech Group: = Italy
------- Space Industry: = none
------- Nuclear Weapons: = none
------- Coastal Nation: = Yes
------- Infrastructure Points = 30
------- Roads: = TBD -- (trade = no land trade)
------- Railroads: = TBD -- (trade = no land trade)
------- Seaports: = TBD -- (trade = no sea trade)
------- Airports: = TBD -- (trade = no air trade)
------- Border Checkpoints: = TBD
------- Military Facilities: = TBD
------- Civilian Fleet: = TBD
------- National Navy: = TBD
------- Enterainment Facilities: = TBD
------- Sports Facilities: = TBD
------- Other Facilities: = TBD
------- Cargo Ships (container/vehicle): = 3
------- Cargo Ships (dry bulk): = 2
------- Cargo Ships (liquid tanker): = 1
--- Vital Resources:
------- HAVE: iron, timber, previous metals, cattle, fruit, sulfur, fish
------- PRODUCE: lumber
------- (*Cannot produce steel for other countries.)

--- Piedmont, Liguria, Aosta Valley (Italian states)
-------- (Resources: = cattle, fruit, fish)
--- Western half of Emilia-Romagna (Italian state)
-------- (Resources: = iron, timber, fish)
--- Sardinia (island)
-------- (Resources: = previous metals, sulfur, fish)

Razari -- ("Papal States"):
--- Sovereign Nation
--- Nation Data:
------- Founded: = 754 -- (established)
----------- Papal States :: 754-2020 -- (theocratic elective monarchy)
----------- Razari :: 2020-present -- (theocratic elective monarchy)
------- Capital City: = Rome
------- Head of State = Roman Catholic Pope (Pope John Paul III -- formerly Cardinal Doran, American)
------- Head of Government = Cardinal Secretary of State
------- Ethnicity: = Italian
------- Language: = Latin, Italian
------- Dominant Faith: = Catholic -- (religious tolerance)
------- Political Scale: = Conservative
------- Tech Group: = Italy
------- Space Industry: = none
------- Nuclear Weapons: = none
------- Coastal Nation: = Yes
------- Infrastructure Points = 40
------- Roads: = TBD -- (trade = no land trade)
------- Railroads: = TBD -- (trade = no land trade)
------- Seaports: = TBD -- (trade = no sea trade)
------- Airports: = TBD -- (trade = no air trade)
------- Border Checkpoints: = TBD
------- Military Facilities: = TBD
------- Civilian Fleet: = TBD
------- National Navy: = TBD
------- Enterainment Facilities: = TBD
------- Sports Facilities: = TBD
------- Other Facilities: = TBD
------- Cargo Ships (container/vehicle): = 5
------- Cargo Ships (dry bulk): = 3
------- Cargo Ships (liquid tanker): = 2
--- Vital Resources:
------- HAVE: fruit, wool, fish
------- PRODUCE: --
------- (*Cannot produce steel for other countries.)

--- Lazio, Abruzzo (Italian states)
-------- (Resources: = fruit, wool, fish)

Sicilia au -- ("Two Sicilies"):
--- Sovereign Nation
--- Nation Data:
------- Founded: = 1816 -- (established)
----------- Two Sicilies :: 1816-1848 -- (monarchy)
----------- Two Sicilies :: 1848-1849 -- (constitutional monarchy)
----------- Two Sicilies :: 1849-2020 -- (monarchy)
----------- Sicilia :: 2020-present -- (monarchy)
------- Capital City: = Naples
------- Head of State = Sicilian King/Queen
------- Head of Government = --
------- Ethnicity: = Italian
------- Language: = Italian
------- Dominant Faith: = Catholic -- (religious tolerance)
------- Political Scale: = Conservative
------- Tech Group: = Italy
------- Space Industry: = none
------- Nuclear Weapons: = none
------- Coastal Nation: = Yes
------- Infrastructure Points = (30; claimed)
------- Roads: = rural paved roads
------- Highways: = --
------- Railroads: = standard railroad
------- Other Rails: = --
------- Seaports: = all seaports
------- Airports: = regional airports
------- Allowed Trade:
----------- (Rural Road = AGRICULTURE)
----------- (Highway = --)
----------- (Airplane = SMALL RETAIL GOODS)
----------- (Other Rails = --)
------- Border Checkpoints: = small road outpost
------- Defensive Structures: = level 02 defensive forts
------- Army Bases: = small army bases
------- Air Force Bases: = medium air force bases
------- Civilian Fleet: = Yes
------- National Navy: = Yes -- (defense)
------- Entertainment Facilities: = performance venue
------- Sports Facilities: = medium stadiums
------- Olympic Facilities: = Napoli -- (primary stadium; Summer Olympic facilities)
------- Other Facilities: = --
------- Special Locations: = --
------- Cargo Ships (container/vehicle): = 3
------- Cargo Ships (dry bulk): = 2
------- Cargo Ships (liquid tanker): = 2
--- Vital Resources:
------- HAVE: grain, fruit, sulfur, fish
------- PRODUCE: --
------- (*Cannot produce steel for other countries.)

--- Molise, Apulia, Campania, Basilicata, Calabraa (Italian states)
-------- (Resources: = grain, fruit, fish)
--- Sicily
-------- (Resources: = sulfur, fish)



unclaimed nation -- ("Austria"):
--- Sovereign Nation
--- Nation Data:
------- Founded: = 2020 -- (new nation)
----------- Austria :: 1804-1874 -- (monarchy)
----------- Austria :: 1874-2020 -- (democracy)
----------- Greater Austian Reich :: 2020-2020 -- (constitutional monarchy)
----------- Austria :: 2020-present -- (democracy)
------- Capital City: = Vienna
------- Head of State = local official
------- Head of Government = local official
------- Ethnicity: = German, Czech, Slovakian, Slovenian, Croatian, Bosnian, Italian
------- Language: = German, Italian, Czech, Slovakian
------- Dominant Faith: = Catholic -- (freedom of religion)
------- Political Scale: = Socialist
------- Tech Group: = Austria, Germany, Italy, Hungary
------- Space Industry: = none
------- Nuclear Weapons: = none
------- Coastal Nation: = Yes
------- Infrastructure Points = 50
------- Roads: = TBD -- (trade = no land trade)
------- Railroads: = TBD -- (trade = no land trade)
------- Seaports: = TBD -- (trade = no sea trade)
------- Airports: = TBD -- (trade = no air trade)
------- Border Checkpoints: = TBD
------- Military Facilities: = TBD
------- Civilian Fleet: = TBD
------- National Navy: = TBD
------- Enterainment Facilities: = TBD
------- Sports Facilities: = TBD
------- Other Facilities: = TBD
------- Cargo Ships (container/vehicle): = 6
------- Cargo Ships (dry bulk): = 4
------- Cargo Ships (liquid tanker): = 3
--- Vital Resources:
------- HAVE: iron, coal, uranium, fruit, grain, cattle, precious metals,
------- HAVE: cotton, silk, wool, sulfur, timber, fish
------- PRODUCE: steel, nuclear energy, clothing, lumber

--- Austria
-------- (Resources: = iron, coal, grain, fruit, sulfur, timber)
--- Czech Republic
-------- (Resources: = uranium, iron, coal)
--- Slovakia
-------- (Resources: = coal, grain, cattle)
--- Hungary (western half)
-------- (Resources: = grain, cattle, fruit)
--- Slovenia
-------- (Resources: = uranium, grain, precious metals, cotton, wool, timber)
--- Croatia
-------- (Resources: = iron, fruit, grain, cattle, precious metals, timber, fish)
--- Bosnia and Herzegovina (western half)
-------- (Resources: = grain, fruit, fish)
--- South Tyrol, Trentino, Friuli-Venezia Giulia, Veneto, Lombardy (Italian states)
-------- (Resources: = iron, fruit, grain, silk, timber, fish)
--- Eastern half of Emilia-Romagna, Tuscany, Marche, Umbria (Italian states)
-------- (Resources: = grain, fruit, wool, cattle, timber, fish)

unclaimed nation -- ("Hungary"):
--- Sovereign Nation
--- Nation Data:
------- Founded: = 1848 -- (independence from Austria)
----------- Part of Austria :: 1804-1848 -- (Austrian monarchy)
----------- Hungary :: 1848-present -- (monarchy/ constitutional monarchy)
------- Capital City: = Budapest
------- Head of State = Hungarian King/Queen
------- Head of Government = local official
------- Ethnicity: = Hungarian, Romanian
------- Language: = Hungarian, Romanian
------- Dominant Faith: = Catholic -- (freedom of religion)
------- Political Scale: = Conservative
------- Tech Group: = Hungary
------- Space Industry: = none
------- Nuclear Weapons: = none
------- Coastal Nation: = No
------- Infrastructure Points = 30
------- Roads: = TBD -- (trade = no land trade)
------- Railroads: = TBD -- (trade = no land trade)
------- Seaports: = --
------- Airports: = TBD -- (trade = no air trade)
------- Border Checkpoints: = TBD
------- Military Facilities: = TBD
------- Civilian Fleet: = --
------- National Navy: = --
------- Enterainment Facilities: = TBD
------- Sports Facilities: = TBD
------- Other Facilities: = TBD
------- Cargo Ships (container/vehicle): = --
------- Cargo Ships (dry bulk): = --
------- Cargo Ships (liquid tanker): = --
--- Vital Resources:
------- HAVE: oil, coal, uranium, grain, cattle, fruit, wool
------- PRODUCE: fuel, plastic, nuclear energy
------- (*Cannot produce steel for other countries.)

--- Hungary (eastern half)
-------- (Resources: = grain, cattle, fruit, wool)
--- Romania (partial)
-------- (Resources: = oil, coal, uranium, grain, cattle, fruit, wool)

unclaimed nation -- ("Ukraine"):
--- Sovereign Nation
--- Nation Data:
------- Founded: = 1869 -- (independence from Austria)
----------- Part of Austria :: 1804-1869 -- (Austrian monarchy)
----------- Ukraine :: 1869-present -- (democracy)
------- Capital City: = Lviv
------- Head of State = local official
------- Head of Government = local official
------- Ethnicity: = Ukranian, Russian
------- Language: = Ukranian
------- Dominant Faith: = Othodox -- (freedom of religion)
------- Political Scale: = Conservative
------- Tech Group: = Ukraine, Russia, Soviet Union
------- Space Industry: = none
------- Nuclear Weapons: = none
------- Coastal Nation: = No
------- Infrastructure Points = 20
------- Roads: = TBD -- (trade = no land trade)
------- Railroads: = TBD -- (trade = no land trade)
------- Seaports: = --
------- Airports: = TBD -- (trade = no air trade)
------- Border Checkpoints: = TBD
------- Military Facilities: = TBD
------- Civilian Fleet: = --
------- National Navy: = --
------- Enterainment Facilities: = TBD
------- Sports Facilities: = TBD
------- Other Facilities: = TBD
------- Cargo Ships (container/vehicle): = --
------- Cargo Ships (dry bulk): = --
------- Cargo Ships (liquid tanker): = --
--- Vital Resources:
------- HAVE: oil, coal, grain, cattle, fruit
------- PRODUCE: fuel, plastic
------- (*Cannot produce steel for other countries.)

--- Zakarpattia, Ivano-Frankivsk, Chernivtsi, Ternopil, Khmelnytskyi, Lviv (Ukranian oblasts)
-------- (Resources: = oil, coal, grain, cattle, fruit)

unclaimed nation -- ("Moldavia"):
--- Sovereign Nation
--- Nation Data:
------- Founded: = 1359 -- (established)
----------- Moldavia :: 1359-present -- (monarchy)
------- Capital City: = Iasi
------- Head of State = Moldavian King/Queen
------- Head of Government = --
------- Ethnicity: = Romanian
------- Language: = Romanian
------- Dominant Faith: = Othodox -- (religious tolerance)
------- Political Scale: = Conservative
------- Tech Group: = Romania, Russia, Soviet Union
------- Space Industry: = none
------- Nuclear Weapons: = none
------- Coastal Nation: = No
------- Infrastructure Points = 20
------- Roads: = TBD -- (trade = no land trade)
------- Railroads: = TBD -- (trade = no land trade)
------- Seaports: = --
------- Airports: = TBD -- (trade = no air trade)
------- Border Checkpoints: = TBD
------- Military Facilities: = TBD
------- Civilian Fleet: = --
------- National Navy: = --
------- Enterainment Facilities: = TBD
------- Sports Facilities: = TBD
------- Other Facilities: = TBD
------- Cargo Ships (container/vehicle): = --
------- Cargo Ships (dry bulk): = --
------- Cargo Ships (liquid tanker): = --
--- Vital Resources:
------- HAVE: oil, fruit, wool, fish
------- PRODUCE: fuel, plastic
------- (*Cannot produce steel for other countries.)

--- Eastern Romania (partial)
-------- (Resources: = oil, fruit, wool, fish)

unclaimed nation -- ("Serbia"):
--- Sovereign Nation
--- Nation Data:
------- Founded: = 1815 -- (independence from Ottoman Empire)
----------- Serbia :: 1217-1346 -- (monarchy)
----------- Serbia :: 1346-1371 -- (autocracy)
----------- Serbia :: 1371-1459 -- (a variety of small states)
----------- Part of Ottoman Empire :: 1459-1815 -- (Turkish monarchy)
----------- Serbia :: 1815-present -- (constitutional monarchy)
------- Capital City: = Belgrade
------- Head of State = Serbian King/Queen
------- Head of Government = local official
------- Ethnicity: = Serbian
------- Language: = Serbian
------- Dominant Faith: = Othodox -- (freedom or religion)
------- Political Scale: = Conservative
------- Tech Group: = Serbia
------- Space Industry: = none
------- Nuclear Weapons: = none
------- Coastal Nation: = No
------- Infrastructure Points = 20
------- Roads: = TBD -- (trade = no land trade)
------- Railroads: = TBD -- (trade = no land trade)
------- Seaports: = --
------- Airports: = TBD -- (trade = no air trade)
------- Border Checkpoints: = TBD
------- Military Facilities: = TBD
------- Civilian Fleet: = --
------- National Navy: = --
------- Enterainment Facilities: = TBD
------- Sports Facilities: = TBD
------- Other Facilities: = TBD
------- Cargo Ships (container/vehicle): = --
------- Cargo Ships (dry bulk): = --
------- Cargo Ships (liquid tanker): = --
--- Vital Resources:
------- HAVE: coal, grain
------- PRODUCE: --
------- (*Cannot produce steel for other countries.)

--- Bosnia and Herzegovina (partial)
-------- (Resources: = grain)
--- Serbia (partial)
-------- (Resources: = coal, grain)

unclaimed nation -- ("Montenegro"):
--- Sovereign Nation
--- Nation Data:
------- Founded: = 1516 -- (established)
----------- Montenegro :: 1516-1910 -- (independent state)
----------- Montenegro :: 1910-present -- (constitutional monarchy)
------- Capital City: = Podgorica
------- Head of State = Montenegrin King/Queen
------- Head of Government = local official
------- Ethnicity: = Montenegrin, Serbian
------- Language: = Montenegrin
------- Dominant Faith: = Orthodox, Islam -- (freedom of religion)
------- Political Scale: = Conservative
------- Tech Group: = Montenegro, Serbia
------- Space Industry: = none
------- Nuclear Weapons: = none
------- Coastal Nation: = Yes
------- Infrastructure Points = 20
------- Roads: = TBD -- (trade = no land trade)
------- Railroads: = TBD -- (trade = no land trade)
------- Seaports: = TBD -- (trade = no sea trade)
------- Airports: = TBD -- (trade = no air trade)
------- Border Checkpoints: = TBD
------- Military Facilities: = TBD
------- Civilian Fleet: = TBD
------- National Navy: = TBD
------- Enterainment Facilities: = TBD
------- Sports Facilities: = TBD
------- Other Facilities: = TBD
------- Cargo Ships (container/vehicle): = 2
------- Cargo Ships (dry bulk): = 1
------- Cargo Ships (liquid tanker): = 1
--- Vital Resources:
------- HAVE: grain, fruit, fish
------- PRODUCE: --
------- (*Cannot produce steel for other countries.)

--- Montenegro
-------- (Resources: = grain, fruit, fish)

unclaimed nation -- ("Bulgaria"):
--- Satellite Nation of Russia
--- Nation Data:
------- Founded: = 1877 -- (established)
----------- Bulgaria :: 1877-present -- (constitutional monarchy)
------- Capital City: = Sofia
------- Head of State = Bulgarian King/Queen
------- Head of Government = local official
------- Ethnicity: = Bulgarian
------- Language: = Bulgarian
------- Dominant Faith: = Orthodox -- (freedom of religion)
------- Political Scale: = Conservative
------- Tech Group: = Bulgaria
------- Space Industry: = none
------- Nuclear Weapons: = none
------- Coastal Nation: = Yes
------- Infrastructure Points = 20
------- Roads: = TBD -- (trade = no land trade)
------- Railroads: = TBD -- (trade = no land trade)
------- Seaports: = TBD -- (trade = no sea trade)
------- Airports: = TBD -- (trade = no air trade)
------- Border Checkpoints: = TBD
------- Military Facilities: = TBD
------- Civilian Fleet: = TBD
------- National Navy: = TBD
------- Enterainment Facilities: = TBD
------- Sports Facilities: = TBD
------- Other Facilities: = TBD
------- Cargo Ships (container/vehicle): = 2
------- Cargo Ships (dry bulk): = 2
------- Cargo Ships (liquid tanker): = 1
--- Vital Resources:
------- HAVE: grain, cotton, tobacco, timber, wool
------- PRODUCE: lumber
------- (*Cannot produce steel for other countries.)

--- Bulgaria
-------- (Resources: = grain, cotton, tobacco, timber, wool)

Diadokhoi -- ("Greece"):
--- Sovereign Nation
--- Nation Data:
------- Founded: = 1877 -- (established)
----------- Greece :: 1000 BC-146 BC -- (monarchy)
----------- Part of Roman Empire :: 146 BC-1261 -- (Roman monarchy)
----------- Part of Byzantine Empire :: 1261-1453 -- (Byzantine monarchy)
----------- Part of Ottoman Empire :: 1453-1821 -- (Turkish monarchy)
----------- Greece :: 1821-2020 -- (constitutional monarchy)
----------- Diadokhoi :: 2020-present -- (constitutional monarchy)
------- Capital City: = Athens
------- Head of State = Greek King/Queen
------- Head of Government = local official
------- Ethnicity: = Greek
------- Language: = Greek
------- Dominant Faith: = Orthodox -- (freedom of religion)
------- Political Scale: = Conservative
------- Tech Group: = Greece
------- Space Industry: = none
------- Nuclear Weapons: = none
------- Coastal Nation: = Yes
------- Infrastructure Points = 40
------- Roads: = TBD -- (trade = no land trade)
------- Railroads: = TBD -- (trade = no land trade)
------- Seaports: = TBD -- (trade = no sea trade)
------- Airports: = TBD -- (trade = no air trade)
------- Border Checkpoints: = TBD
------- Military Facilities: = TBD
------- Civilian Fleet: = TBD
------- National Navy: = TBD
------- Enterainment Facilities: = TBD
------- Sports Facilities: = TBD
------- Other Facilities: = TBD
------- Cargo Ships (container/vehicle): = 4
------- Cargo Ships (dry bulk): = 3
------- Cargo Ships (liquid tanker): = 2
--- Vital Resources:
------- HAVE: bauxite, grain, cotton, fruit, fish
------- PRODUCE: aluminum
------- (*Cannot produce steel for other countries.)

--- Greece (southern half)
-------- (Resources: = bauxite, grain, cotton, fruit, fish)
--- Ionian Islands
-------- (Resources: = fish)

(Send a telegram to Jon at Tessen to request a regional land claim.)

--- Vital Resources:
------- NATURAL: = timber, tropical wood, dye, silk, fish
------- MINES: = iron, coal, bauxite, oil, precious metals, sulfur
------- FARMS: = grain, cattle, fruit, cotton, wool, coffee, tea, tobacco, opium
------- MATERIALS FACTORIES: = steel, aluminum, glass, chemicals, synthetic rubber, lumber
------- PLASTIC FACTORIES: = Bakelite
------- CLOTHING FACTORIES: = clothing made from: fur, leather, animal skins, cotton, silk, wool, linen
------- FUEL REFINERIES: = gasoline, ethanol fuel, methanol fuel, syngas
------- FOOD FACTORIES: = bread, packaged foods, packaged meats, frozen seafood, beer, wine
------- OTHER FACTORIES: = synthetic dye, paper, cement, machine parts
------- POWER PLANTS: = coal-burning, natural gas, hydropower, (NS: wind/solar)
------- PRODUCTS NOT YET AVAILABLE: = nuclear power, acrylic, spandex, fiberglass
------- PRODUCTS NOT YET AVAILABLE: = polystyrene, PVC, polypropylene, PET plastic
---------- (*natural resources require positive NS timber and fish industries.)
---------- (*mine resources require a positive NS mining industry.)
---------- (*farm resources require a positive NS agriculture sector.)
---------- (*factories and refineries require a positive NS manufacturing sector.)[/color]

Great britain au

