by Max Barry

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by The United States of Granbora. . 43 reads.

Super Soldier Exclusive Equipment

The 30mm Disintegrating Belt-fed M52 "Wall Buster" Autocannon is given to Heavy weapons soldiers for use as an HMG, in place of its smaller cousin.

Sniper teams boast the 37.5mm 5 round M150 "Scourge" sniper rifle, which in the right hands is capable of hitting a target the size of a grape with pinpoint accuracy from 5 miles due to the Sniper teams' helmets having built in Advanced long range HUDs, as well as shredding through as much as 4 inches of armor, or absolutely pulverizing unarmored targets.

Demolitions Soldiers also receive the T99 "Grendel" Multiple Missile Pod. This hulking goliath of a gun is a massive missile launching system, capable of homing in on targets via laser or heat lock. It carries a magazine of 10 127mm rockets. However, reloadable versions are only in development at this point.

Riflemen can opt for the M47 "Grinder's" big brother, The M94 "Chipper", so called because the 25.4mm shells rip through most soft enemy targets like a woodchipper.

The Super soldiers wear their massive, power armor suits, designed to further increase their strength to allow them to carry such massive weapons. The armor comes in several job-specific variants. Personal shielding is currently in development.

The United States of Granbora
