by Max Barry

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by The Republic of Vanguard of Jiritsu. . 397 reads.

Constitution of The Democratic Socialist Union


All are equal in The Democratic Socialist Union and are entitled without any discrimination to the rights and protections of this constitution. All are entitled to equal protection against any discrimination in violation of this constitution and against any incitement to such discrimination. It shall be a fundamental aim of our Union to realise through the democratic process, a socialist society free from tyranny, a society in which the rule of law, fundamental rights and freedoms, equality and justice will be secured for all.

Article I
Rights and Liberties

Section I
Everyone has the right to freedom of thought and conscience. This also includes the right to freedom of/from religion, and the right to openly observe these beliefs.

Section II
Everyone has the right to criticize the government without fear of being banned or ejected, so long as the criticism is legitimate, constructive and not personal or deliberately offensive.

Section III
All who abide by our laws and our constitution have the right to freedom of peaceful political assembly and association. This right is further explained in Article II.

Section IV
All who abide by our laws and our constitution have the right to take part in the government of this region, either directly or through elected representatives. This right is further explained in Article III.

Section V
All who abide by our laws and our constitution have the right to freedom of travel to and from The Democratic Socialist Union. However, borders may be closed in an event of emergency.

Article II
The Election Process and Political Parties

Section I
To run for any government position, you must be a WA nation and member of a political party.

Section II
To form a political party, you must have at least five founding members residing in The Democratic Socialist Union. Once these requirements have been met, create a factbook with the name of the party, its ideology, and what your party plans to do to improve the region. Whether or not the party is approved will be decided by a government vote.

Section III
Elections will be held once every two months. Only WA member nations may take part in this election.

Section IV
WA Delegate elections must be held first. The WA Delegate will then decide to either appoint the ministers or hold ministerial elections.

Article III
Legislative Process

Section I
Any member of government may introduce a Bill. A Bill is a proposed law which is must first be cleared by the WA Delegate. Once a Bill has received delegatory assent, it is passed on to the Ministers for discussion and debate. If the majority of Ministers approve, it becomes law and is known as an Act.

Section II
Any member of government may propose to repeal or edit a law. To do this, a Form must sent to the WA Delegate that states the name of the law, the changes to be made, and the reasoning behind the edit or rescindment. Once the Form has received delegatory assent, it is passed on to the Ministers for discussion and debate. If the majority of Ministers approve the Form, it's effects immediately take place.

Section III
Ministerial and government votes will last a period of one week. Failure to cast a vote by the end of the week will be treated as an abstention. In the event of a deadlock, the WA Delegate must cast the deciding vote.

Section IV
Any Bill or Form may be put to referendum if deemed appropriate by the delegate or the majority of Ministers. Once a Bill or Form is put to referendum, it is in the hands of the people and cannot be retracted by any member of government. Only WA member nations may take part in this referendum.

Section V
Referenda can be called for any current law if it is widely perceived to be unpopular. Repealing a law through referenda will require a two-third majority in a poll created by the WA Delegate. Only WA member nations may take part in this referendum.

Section VI
The WA Delegate is the final legal authority in The Democratic Socialist Union and as such, has the right to dismiss any Bill or Form during any stage of the legislative process. The only exception to this is during a referendum, as stated in Article III, Section III.

Section VII
Changing the Constitution will require a two-third majority in a referendum set up by the WA Delegate. Only WA member nations may take part in this referendum.

Article IV
Government Regulation

Section I
In an event of emergency, limited to invasions and internal power struggles, the Founder may take control of the region away from the WA Delegate until order is restored.

Section II
When evidence has been found of political corruption, or in cases of abuse of power, the Founder may take control of the region away from the WA Delegate until order is restored.

Section III
If a member of government is widely perceived to be acting unlawfully or unconstitutionally, the region may vote to decide whether or not the member is removed from power in a poll created by the Founder. Only WA member nations may take part in this poll, and a two-third majority is required for the member to be successfully removed from power.

Section IV
If a Minister is successfully removed from government, the WA Delegate will then decide to either appoint or hold an election for the new minister. If the WA Delegate is successfully removed from power, the Prime Minister becomes Acting Delegate, until the next elections are held.
