by Max Barry

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by Capitalem. . 77 reads.

Nationstates Acronyms and Initialisms (Edited-Original Version by Mediobogdum)

SW Southeastern Wisconsin
HTDD Head of the Threat Detection Department
CCS Coalition of Conservative States
TEP The Epician Islands
TZo The Zone
THZ The Hedgehog Zone
Glyra Gloreya
Dr Dred
ARUSS United Spartan States
3WB Third Wall Bloc
10KI or XKI 10000 Islands
AA Atlantic Alliance
ACC Atlantic Central Command
ACCEL Alliance of Capitalists, Conservatives & Economic Libertarians
AD Authoritarian Democracy
ADN Alliance Defence Network
ADN Army of the Devine Nations
ALL Allied Liberation League
AO Antarctic Oasis
AO Atlantian Oceania
AO Atlantic Oasis
AOI Association of Imperialism
APA Animal Protection Act (GA #228)
BBCode Bulletin Board Code
BoF Baptism of Fire (Tournament)
BWC Biological Weapons Conference (GA #65)
CAS the Confederacy of Allied States
CB Corporate Bordello
CC Champions Cup
CCS Compulsory Consumerist State
CD Corrupt Dictatorship
CD Conservative Democracy
CEC Clinical Excellence Commission (WA Agency)
CoH Cup of Harmony
CHPC Cultural Heritage Preservation Committee (WA Agency)
GMFD Genetically Modified Foods Database (WA database)
CoCR Charter of Civil Rights (GA #35)
CoE Convention on Execution (GA #112)
COPS Convention of Off-site Property Security
COSC Co-ordination of Space Consortium (WA Agency)
COUP Community of Order Under Pestartz Party (now disbanded)
CP Capitalist Paradise
CPA Clean Prostitute Act (GA #179)
CPS Corporate Police State
CRL Civil Rights Lovefest
CSA Creative Solutions Agency (SC #17)
CTE Ceased to Exist
DAR Darwin Allied Republics
DBC Di Bradini Cup
DK Das Kommune
DOS Delete On Sight
DRA Disaster Relief Agency (WA Agency)
DS Democratic Socialists
DSA Defence Security Agency
DSA Democratic Socialist Alliance
DSA Democratic Socialist Assembly
E-Army Equalism Army
EiIT Ethics in International Trade (GA #118)
endo Endorsement
EMA Essential Medication Act (GA #124)
EPARC Epidemic & Pandemic Alert Response Center (WHA Agency GA #53)
EPNS (The) East Pacific News Service
EPSA (The) East Pacific Sovereign Army
EREA Eastern Roman Empire Alliance
FanT Fantasy Tech
FAQ Frequently Asked Questions
FGM (on) Female Genital Mutilation (GA #114)
FiCT Fairness in Criminal Trials (GA #37)
F&NI Factbook and National Information
FKBS Father Knows Best State
FMP Free Market Paradise
FOB Forward Operating Base
FoE Freedom of Expression (GA #30)
FoMA Freedom of Marriage Act (GA #15)
FRA Founderless Regions Alliance
FT Future Tech
FWA Food Welfare Act (GA #52)
GA General Assembly
GAR General Assembly Resolution
GAT Gameplay Advice Thread
GC Globe Cup
GCF Global Cricket Federation
GCR Game Created Region
GESTAPO Global Emigration, Security, Travel and Passport Organisation (WA Agency)
GE&T Global & Economics and Trade
GGR Greater German Reich
GHR Getting Help Request
GPer Game Player
GRA (the) Global Right Alliance
GRP Gross Regional Product
GV Gatesville
HRDD Health Research & Development Division (WA Agency GA #49 - Repealed)
IAEC International Automobile Emmissions Commission (WA Agency GA #257)
IASEN International Association of Slave Exporting Nations (SC #20)
IBC International Basketball Championship
IBWS International Bureau of Water Safety (WA Agency)
IC In Character
ICC International Criminal Court (WA Agency GA #102)
ICD Inoffensive Centrist Democracy
ICL International Copyright Laws (GA #70)
ICMP International Courthouse for Multilateral Prosecution (WA Agency)
ICRC International Coordinated Relief Committee (GA #5 - Repealed)
IDU International Democratic Union
IEA International Exposition Authority (WA Agency)
IEAC International Automobile Emissions Commission (WA Agency)
IFWO International Food Welfare Organisation (WA Agency GA #52)
IGA International Gemological Agency (WA Agency)
IGL International Gemological Laboratory (WA Agency)
IHACC International Humanitarian Aid Co-ordination Committee (WA Agency GA #51)
IFC Iron Fist Consumerists
IFS Iron Fist Socialists
II International Incident
IID International Identity Database (WA database)
IJP Instant Jump Point
IMF Impartial Mediation Foundation (WA Agency)
IMI International Measurements Institute (WA Agency)
IntFed International Federalist
IPU International Postal Union (WA Agency)
IRA International Radio Act (GA #75)
IRB Institutional Review Borad (WA Agency)
IRC International Radiocommunications Commission (WA Agency)
IRC Internet Relay Chat (channel)
ISRA Imperial Sovereign Realm Army
ITA International Trade Administration (WA Agency GA #52)
ITSC International Transport Safety Committee (WA Agency GA#34)
IVEA International Vehicle Emmissions Authority (WA Agency GA #239)
JP Jump Point
JSA Joint System Alliance (SC #24)
JWRMP Joint Water Resources Management Panel (WA Agency)
LDS Liberal Democratic Socialists
LKE (The)Land of Kings and Emperors
LLA Lazarene Liberation Army
LLCS Left-Leaning College State
LPS Libertarian Police State
LWU Lone Wolves United
MD Moralistic Democracy
MIA Missing Individuals Archive (WA Agency)
MoFA Minister or Ministry of Foreign Affairs
MoMH Museums of Musical Heritage (WA Agency)
MT Modern Tech
NYTD New York Times Democracy
NAA Nuclear Arms Assembly
NAP Non-Aggression Policy
NPA (The) North Pacific Army
NAPA Nuclear Arms Possession Act (GA#10)
NatSov National Sovereign
NBE New British Empire
NDRO Nuclear Disaster Response Organisation (WA Agency GA #60)
NE Nazi Europe
NESC Nuclear Energy Safety Commission (WA Agency)
NGO Non-Governmental Organisation (WA Term)
NPD North Pacific Directorate
NPO New Pacific Order
NPTO North Pacific Treaty Organisation
NS NationStates
NSA NationStates Activity
NSA NationStates Administrators
NSD NationStates Dollar
NSG NationStates General
NSOC NationStates Olympic Committee
NSWF NationStates World Fair
NTOA Nuclear Testing Oversight Agency (WA Agency)
NWO New World Order
OA On Abortion (GA #128)
OATO One Army Treaty Organization
OBI One Big Island
ODECON Oceanic Defence Coalition
OEA Organization for Electoral Assistance (WA Agency)
OEX Office for Education Exchange (WA Agency)
ONN Osiran New Network
OOC Out of Character
OSRS One Step Rules Stop
P2TM Portal to the Multiverse.
PAWS Protection of Animal Welfare Society (WA Agency)
PD Psychotic Dictatorship
PEF (The) Pacific Expeditionary Force
PHART Petroleum Homeland Ancillary Resource Trade (NS Daily Issue 'Newspaper' Header)
PMC Permit Male Circumcision (GA #141)
PMT Post-Modern Tech
PPE Personal Protective Equipment (WA Term)
PNN Pacific News Network
PRA Patient's Rights Act (See GA #29)
PRL People’s Republic of Lazarus
PT Past Tech
QiHS Quality in Health Services (GA #97)
RA Regional Assembly
RASH Really Awesome Super Heroes
RofA Reduction of Abortion (GA #44)
REI Renewable Energy Installation (GA #236)
RD or R/D Raiding/Defending
RL Real Life
RLA Red Liberty Alliance
RLWC Rugby League World Cup
RMB or rmb Regional Message Board
RP Role Play
RRA Rejected Realms Army
RtL Right to Life
RtRA Read the Resolution Act (GA #122)
RWC Rugby World Cup
RWU Right-wing Utopia
RWU Right Wing Uprising
SC Security Council
SCR Security Council Resolution
SDF Spiritus Defence Force
SaLDA Spill and Leak Disaster Administration (WA Agency GA #2980)
SLOH Sensible Limits on Hunting (GA #267)
SLP Scandinavian Liberal Paradise
SovCon Sovereign Confederation
SPA Slavian People's Army
SPA Sexual Privacy Act (GA #16)
SPA Standarized Passport Act (GA #76)
SPDR Soft Power Distribution Rating
SPSF South Pacific Special Forces
T by M Tyranny by Majority
TAR The Allied Republics
TBH The Black Hawks
TBR The Black Riders
T&C Terms and Conditions
TCR The Communist Region
TDF Texas Defence Force
TEK The Eternal Knights
TEP The East Pacific
TET The Eternal Thread
TG or tg Telegram
The Met The Meritocracy
TI The Internationale or International
ToI Treatment of Inmates (GA #194)
TMIA The Missing Individuals Act (WA Act WA #151)
TSA The Skeleton Army
TITO Ten Thousand Islands Treaty Organisation
TNI The New Inquisition
TNP The North Pacific
TRF The Red Fleet
TRPA Tropical Rainforest Protection Act (GA #261)
TRR The Rejected Realms
TSP The South Pacific
TSU The Sector Unit
TWP The West Pacific
TWPAF The West Pacific Armed Forces
UCR User Created Region
UDL United Defenders League
UIAF (the) United Imperial Armed Forces (of the New Inquisition)
UICA Union of International Club Associations
ULC Universal Library Coalition (GA #78)
UN (The) United Nations
UNOG (The) United Nations of Old Guard
URN (the) Global Right Alliance
USD Universal Standard Dollar
UWR United Warzone Republic
VF Versutian Federation
WA World Assembly
WAAA World Assembly Adoption (GA #297)
WACC World Assembly Copyright Charter (GA #61)
WACWC World Assembly Chemical Weapons Commission (GA #266 Repealed)
WADA World Assembly Demining Agency (WA Agency)
WADB World Assembly Disater Bureau (WA Agency)
WADF World Assembly Development Foundation (WA Agency)
WAEC World Environmental Council (WA Agency GA #42)
WAEU World Assembly Economic Union
WAESC World Assembly Endangered Species Committee (WA Agency)
WAFC World Assembly Forestry Commission (GA #291)
WAFDRA World Assembly Food and Drug Regulatory Agency (WA Agency)
WAGAO World Assembly General Accounting Office (WA Agency GA #17)
WAGE World Assembly General Assembly
WAGF World Assembly General Fund (GA #17)
WAHQ World Assembly Headquarters (WA Agency)
WAL World Assembley Liberation
WANA World Assembly Numismatics Authority (WA Agency GA #56 - Repealed)
WANC World Assembly Nautical Commission (WA Agency)
WAOBM World Assembly Office of Building Management (WA Agency GA #8)
WAOTC World Assembly Oil Transportation Committee (WA Agency)
WADP (The North Pacific) World Assembly Development Program
WARODA World Assembly Responsible Offshore Drilling Administration (WA Agency)
WASC World Assembly Security Council
WASO World Anti-Slavery Organization (SC #20)
WASP World Assembly Science Programme
WATC World Assembly Trade Commission (GA #26 - Repealed)
WATCH Worls Assembly Trust for Cultural Heritage (GA #287)
WAVAO World Assembly Veterans Assistance Offices (GA #32 - Repealed)
WB World Bowl
WBC World Baseball Classic
WC World Cup
WCC World Cup Committee
WCoH World Cup of Hockey
WECA (The) Wickedly Evil Chocolate Alliance (of TWP)
WFE World Factbook Entry
WHA World Health Authority (WA Agency GA #31)
WHR Wintreath Hvitt Riddaral
WIP Work in Progress
WITAD World Identity Theft Advisory Database
WLC World Lacrosse Championship
WTC World Trade Commission (WA Agency)
WTF Westwind Telegraph Frontline (News)
WMF World Microcredit Foundation
WZEU Warzone Europe

Many of the World Assembly Agencies are also available at: viewtopic.php?p=16748499#p16748499

