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Glitchus's 2025 a sequel
Glitchus: 2025 is really soon, we need to gather the best plan now.Zirol: I have an idea.
Glitchus: What?
Zirol: I've heard of a time crystal with limitless power, let's disguise ourself and take it. *grabs a dark blue mask with a white outline*
Glitchus: Seems too small.
AV: And that's why it's perfect.
Glitchus: *looks at AV* how?
AV: No-one would expect you to go through time. And the crime seems petty but it really isn't for them.
Glitchus: I suppose, but no on disguises. I mean, we don't want to be assumed to be connected with Neo-Broff.
Zirol: *takes the mask off* Fine.
AV: I'll leak it's exact distance now.
*AV's computer showed the distance of the time crystal was 5 days away*
Zirol: That's long.
Glitchus: Not long for me. *Summons a chunk of the code* We'll go there, because of the code.
AV: Good job, my apprentice.
*Glitchus holds the time crystal*
Glitchus: Now, MJT will never stand a chance.
?????: Indeed it won't.
Glitchus: Who are you?
?????: That is irrelevant, I know you killed the phoenix.
Glitchus: That was in a story.
?????: You did it in real life. I saw the whole thing. Now, I'll take the time crystal from you.
AV: Glitchus, this man isn't weak.
Glitchus: Who is he then master?
AV: Kronos. The God of Time.
Zirol: I sense great power from him.
Glitchus: *silent* over my dead glitches.
AV: And you just signed your fate with Zirol.
Kronos: Indeed he has. *Pauses time and takes the time crystal*
Glitchus: You son of a-!
Kronos: *sends Glitchus, Zirol, and AV to the distant past* Now you will suffer.
Glitchus: I will kill you when I see you.
*Glitchus, AV, and Zirol fall to the ground with a thud*
Random person: chi sei?
Glitchus: My good sir, do you mind moving?
Random person: *visible confusion*
AV: Viene da un'altra epoca.
Random person: Oh, abbiamo un drogato.
AV: No.
Random person: *laughs*
Glitchus: *kills the random person* Annoying.
Zirol: Glitchus. You are the reason, we're stuck in 1500s Italy!
Glitchus: You proposed the idea of the time crystal.
AV: *meditates*
Zirol: AV may have something.
AV: Simonia, Aprilia, Slastinia, Pilosina, and Kronos are watching us.
Glitchus: WHAT!? Viewing me at my lowest!? Unacceptable! They may laugh now, but when I escape, the ground will be red.
Zirol: Let's just find a way out.
*Suddenly a UFO falls from the sky*
Zirol: Well, THAT was convenient.
AV: It seems so.
Glitchus: This doesn't seem... Believable.
Zirol: How do we escape?
Glitchus: Ditching you.
Zirol: Glitchus! I help you out a lot! I'm fed up with you ruining me day after day. Goodbye! *Leaves*
Glitchus: Bye then, you filthy brute.
AV: Glitchus.
Glitchus: I WANT TO LEAVE!!!
AV: I know.
AV: Fine. *Teleports to the present day*
Glitchus: Wait, he could do that the whole time?
A*Glitchus lay around, looking for clues to escape*
5 hours later
Glitchus: Kronos! If you think you slack around and watch me, you've got another thing coming you maniac!
*Glitchus walks to the UFO and looks for stuff to escape*
???: You no teleport?
Glitchus: That maniac took it from me.
???: I have plan.
Glitchus: Then why are you here?
???: Avance told me you.
Glitchus: Avance?
???: Yes, Rareme leader.
Glitchus: ... What is your plan?
???: Reawaken teleport.
Glitchus: How exactly?
???: Right here. *Grabs something from under his tunic*
Glitchus: Yuck! I am not grabbing that.
???: You have to.
Glitchus: *uses his glitches to clean the item* How can I trust you?
???: Avance Vajik will.
Glitchus: ... Oh, that's how /, what's your name?
???: I Boko.
Glitchus: Boko eh, I know you.
Boko: Hold item.
Glitchus: *holds the item*
*Glitchus's power surges*
Kronos: *walks behind Boko* You fool. You won't escape. *Pushes Boko to the floor*
Boko: Stop!
Kronos: No, you giant. *Twists Boko's neck and traps Boko in a time loop where his neck kept getting twisted* I know you're immortal, you'll just live forever with it.
Boko: IT HURTS!!!
Glitchus: You... Why are you doing this? You've already won.
Kronos: I want you to suffer.
Glitchus: Are you evil?
Kronos: No. I am Kronos, I am the God of Time, if it wasn't for me... Nothing would happen.
Glitchus: I hate you.
Kronos: Time hurts, amateur.
Glitchus: How am I an amateur.
Kronos: Because, you have one plan that lost, I have two that are winning.
Glitchus: Two?
Kronos: No-one would believe you.
Glitchus: Rot in hell.
Kronos: I already have been there.
Glitchus: *punches Kronos*
Kronos: You are weak. *Punches Glitchus in a time loop* Now, you'll be punches over and over and over again. Bye. *Disappears*
Glitchus: Boko...
Boko: *coughs blood* Yeah?
Glitchus: Teleport me...
Boko: Boko can't...
Glitchus: I have to fight the pain... *Eyes shine red as a black aura surges through him*
Boko: You doing good...
Glitchus: *focuses his power to start teleporting*
Zirol: Glitchus, you're leaving me here?
Glitchus: Where'd you come from?
Zirol: I want to leave.
Glitchus: I can only teleport myself.
Zirol: I don't care. If you want to beat Kronos, I'll help.
Glitchus: Don't be a good guy.
Zirol: Well, let's just do this. Convince everyone of his hidden antagonisticism.
Glitchus: We are evil.
Zirol: But he's the threat here.
Glitchus: Fine. Learn to teleport.
Zirol: *focuses his power* I can do it now.
Glitchus: Boko, you want to come?
Boko: *roars as he picks himself up through buckets of blood* YES!!!
Glitchus: Good, let's make a plan.
Zirol: I'll go from behind.
Boko: Boko trap him.
Glitchus: I will kill him.
Boko: I get others.
Glitchus: Others?
Boko: Other gods, an army.
Glitchus: When I kill him... I'll burn his corpse. Then I'll take the time crystal.
Zirol: This will be great.
5 hours later
Glitchus: *teleports to the present*
Zirol: *teleports to the present*
Boko: *teleports to the present with other gods*
Kronos: How dare you escape!
Zirol: Ready to die Kronos?
Kronos: You're villains, no-one will help you take me down and commit horrendous crimes.
Glitchus: I bet you would too.
Kronos: I am not evil. I shall just stop time to end you.
Glitchus: Try me.
Kronos: *stops time*
*Everyone is frozen but Kronos resumes time and has Zirol chained to a shock handcuff*
Zirol: Get me out!
Glitchus: I will murder you.
Boko: Army fight!
Various Gods: *charges at Kronos to kill him*
Kronos: I took down Gods before. *Creates a plasma orb* Now, I'll send you to Tartarus.
*Glitchus, Boko, and the other Gods are pushed to a hole leading to Tartarus, while Kronos walks away with Zirol*
Glitchus: *now in Tartarus* That demon, no matter how many times we try, he wins.
Boko: No give up!
Glitchus: It's only me and an orc with less knowledge than a kindergartener.
Boko: Me more smart!
Glitchus: No! You are not! You say you're a God? How couldn't you do anything?
Boko: He Zeus's dad.
Glitchus: I don't give a damn.
Boko: Fine! You surrender. Boko won't!
Glitchus: Fine then, go. Makes us more pathetic.
Boko: Bye. *Boko leaves with the other Gods*
Glitchus: ... Silence, finally.
AV: Glitchus, why you're losing can be explained. You're not choosing the right allies.
Glitchus: Who are the right ones?
AV: The only people to have beaten you, other than him and I.
Glitchus: No!
AV: Listen, the stronger we get. The better we can get. It's a one time thing.
Glitchus: I will never team up with MJT.
AV: I guess you want to rot in here and live forever with the thought that you lost and chose nothing to do about it. Even defying an order from your master.
Glitchus: ... Why are you like this?
AV: We need to break out of Tartarus.
Glitchus: Easy, start a revolution.
AV: And where will we find people willing?
Glitchus: Right here. *Points at an army of other Tartarus prisoners*
AV: Finally, you're getting good.
Glitchus: Alright, now we need to know which ones are here, I don't read Greek mythology.
AV: That there is a Hecatonchire.
Glitchus: Heca what chire?
AV: Hecatonchire, there's Aegaeon, Cottus, and Gyges. They have 100 hands, children of Gaia and Uranus.
Glitchus: So, Kronos's siblings?
AV: Correct.
Glitchus: He locked his siblings in Tartarus...
AV: And we have to fight Kronos.
Glitchus: Hecatontrees!
Aegaeon: *Looks at Glitchus* Who are you?
Glitchus: I am Glitchus, I heard you have a dispute with Kronos.
Aegaeon: Kronos is a traitor! We should kill him for trapping us here for eternity!
Glitchus: Great, but you can't escape.
Aegaeon: Yes we can, we just don't want to.
Glitchus: They can?
AV: Listen fools, I know you're lying. You only escaped Tartarus because of Zeus, now you can't as Zeus isn't here.
Aegaeon: You are smart.
AV: Consider it experience.
Glitchus: How do you know this, AV?
AV: I too, am a God. Plus, I read Greek mythology.
Glitchus: I don't want to though.
AV: I know why, you love rushing in.
Glitchus: That is true.
Cottus: Aegaeon, brother, shall we trust them?
Aegaeon: We have no choice, we want to kill Kronos. How do we escape?
AV: Seeing that we can't teleport out, we need to contact Zeus.
Aegaeon: How do we do that? Kronos is acting passive with him.
AV: Oh, he'll slip up. I know he will.
Aegaeon: You don't know Kronos like we do, he betrayed us, we see his true intentions.
Glitchus: Oh, we have a friend. Boko.
Boko: You call Boko?
Glitchus: Yes, yes I did. We need to plan a way to kill Kronos. *Gets out a map*
Boko: You need Olympus too. *Gets out a map of Olympus*
Glitchus: Alright, Boko, AV, and I will go for Mt. Olympus and where Kronos currently is. Aegagon?
AV: Aegaeon, Cottus, and Gyges, you three will get Zeus and protect Olympus.
Boko: We not beat Kronos.
Glitchus: *smirks evilly* Don't worry, I have backup of my own. Plus you have your Gods.
Gyges: You're missing the part where we escape.
AV: Hades.
Glitchus: God of the Underworld!?
AV: And one of Kronos's sons.
Hades: And why would I help you three.
Glitchus: When did you get there?
AV: Hades knows every soul to enter any Tartarus.
Hades: But why would I help you?
AV: Kronos is planning something big.
Hades: Kronos, he is redeeming himself, plus the Hecatonchires can't beat him.
AV: Kronos is hiding his true intentions, trust me.
Hades: Trust a mass murderer?
Aegaeon: He is not lying. Kronos may indeed be planning a way to overthrow every Greek god.
Hades: Let me check with the Fates.
*Hades leaves*
Glitchus: Can't he uses fire?
AV: No, Hades can't. He can become invisible, use necromancy, create earthquakes, and summon Cerberus. He isn't even evil.
Glitchus: Well, that's bad.
AV: He doesn't usually fight, but Gods can pull off some great feats.
Boko: Who your backup?
Glitchus: Former foes of mine.
AV: The only people to beat him other than Kronos and I.
Boko: Me excited.
Hades: *returns* Well, this isn't good. The Fates agree with you, AV. We need to get Zeus.
AV: If the Fates say so, then... We must say our goodbyes.
Hades: Indeed. *Teleports Glitchus, AV, Boko, the Hecatonchires, Boko's Gods, and himself out of Tartarus.
Hades: Wait here, I'll get Zeus.
*Hades leaves*
AV: Glitchus, you get MJT to know.
Glitchus: They wouldn't trust me, he's allied with them.
AV: Fine, get Boko. I'll tell Hades you're just getting more backup.
*Glitchus and Boko leave*
15 Minutes Later, Mt Olympus.
Hades: Zeus, brother, Kronos will kill us all. The Fates agree.
Zeus: Nonsense brother! Kronos is a hero now.
Hades: That's what I thought too. But...
Zeus: But what?
Hades: We'll die.
Zeus: Hades! We cannot die! We're Gods! I thought you'd know this!
Hades: Only a God can kill another God, Kronos IS a God, he's our father!
Zeus: *sighs* Hades, if you're right and we all die, I want to play you this. I made it a while ago. I'll fight.
Hades: Huh? *Watches the video*
Zeus (on video): Hades, if you're reading this, it's too late. I know Kronos will kill us all, I saw it with my own eyes. Often I think to myself 'I am not good enough' but then I look at you. And I think, you're great, better than me even, but you run a bad job. I can be bad, but I run a great job. So, thank you, thank you for being there, don't cry, this is goodbye, goodbye between brothers. Here's a song to secure it. *Why do birds fall down from the sky plays*
Hades: *drops a tear* No. This won't be his death, I WON'T ACCEPT IT!!!
Poseidon: Hades, you'll take Zeus's position.
Hades: Poseidon, WE HAVE TO FIGHT!!!
Poseidon: One of us needs to survive, we chose you.
Hades: No.
Poseidon: It's our last day together. *Hugs Hades* Goodbye brother. *Poseidon walks outside and flies to Olympus's gate where Kronos is emerging*
Glitchus: *appears* Hades, you needed me?
Hades: Not anymore... I have to stay here, if I don't, Olympus crumbles
Glitchus: If Olympus crumbles, how will he rule it? Plus, wouldn't you be in Tartarus.
Hades: No, not Gods. Gods' afterlife is True Tartarus. I have no power there.
Glitchus: Then fight. If you don't, then we all die.
Glitchus: Best to live life how you want to.
Hades: You sure you're evil?
Glitchus: I don't see myself as one but I don't care what they call me.
Hades: Get Boko.
Glitchus: He's dead.
Hades: ... *Revives Boko* Don't use me to cheat death.
Glitchus: Yeah, it can be annoying.
Zirol (Time Powered): I will kill you.
Hades: You know him?
Glitchus: An enslaved corrupted version of my minion made really powerful by Kronos?
Hades: *throws a skull at the corrupted Zirol, killing the latter*
Hades: Let's do this, then.
*Glitchus and Hades float down to the Gates to Olympus*
Poseidon: Hades!
Zeus: Hades!
Hades: Me.
Kronos: My foolish kids, you will all know the wrath of your Father!!!
Zeus: Kronos, this is as far as you go.
Kronos: Then I'll go further. *Stabs Zeus in the arm with a sickle*
Zeus: *roars in pain* KRONOS!!! *throws a lightning bolt at Kronos.
Kronos: *rewinds time to knock the lightning bolt at Zeus*
Hades: *uses the Helm of Darkness to go invisible and summon the Hecatonchires*
Aegaeon: Kronos brother, you shall die!
Kronos: Oh really *twists Aegaeon's legs*
Hades: *looks at Zeus and Poseidon* The Hecatonchires will buy us time to escape, we cannot win this battle.
Zeus: Hades, the Fates have been wrong before.
Hades: Yes, but, 99% of the time they're right.
Zeus: Not 100% though.
Poseidon: Hades, if we need you, we'll ask.
Zeus: We're always there for you.
Hades: Oh, okay, you want to just be part of Olympus falling then.
Zeus: The King of the Gods deserves to fall with Olympus, it cannot be any other way.
Kronos: *kills Cottus* You fools really think this will hinder me? Think again.
Aegaeon: Brother, no!
Kronos: *smiles twistedly before killing Gyges*
Aegaeon: Kronos, why are you doing this!?
Kronos: I want to teach Zeus a lesson, he stole my throne, he stole part of me, the throne is in unworthy possession. I will regain it. You see my point?
Zeus: Father, you need to know the past is history.
Kronos: I am the history, I am the future, I am the present.
Zeus: But that does not mean you are above all.
Kronos: You annoy me son, should have killed Rhea when I had the chance.
Zeus: You really have no heart.
Kronos: I do son, but it is not open for you.
Zeus: I'm cutting you put from my life.
Kronos: Try me.
Zeus: *looks at Hades* Stay there, Poseidon and I will kill Kronos.
Hades: NO!
Zeus: *creates a lightning barrier in front of Hades* YES!
Poseidon and Zeus: *walk towards Kronos and combine their power into an electric tsunami with full power*
Kronos: *pushes against the electric tsunami*
*The electric tsunami creates an explosion, killing Zeus and Poseidon and creating smog*
Hades: It doesn't line up, only gods can kill another god.
Kronos: *walks through the smog, slightly damaged* I knew you were fools.
Boko: We screwed.
Hades: Guess it's fate.
AV: Don't be pessimistic, at least he's injured.
Kronos: *recovers his injuries*
Hades: You were saying?
AV: Only cowards hide their injuries.
Kronos: You're a common liar.
AV: No, I am not, you coward.
Kronos: *stops time*
Boko: *tries pushing through the stopped time* M...E...N...O...T...G...I...V...E...U...P!!!
Kronos: Shut your mouth, you brute.
Boko: *escapes the stopped time* YOU ARE BRUTE!!!
Kronos: Common orc. Die. *Twists Boko's arm*
Boko: You no kill me.
Glitchus: I think he has amnesia.
Hades: Well, he was dead.
Kronos: Brute, I was holding back when I didn't kill you.
Boko: Hold back?
Kronos: Yes, you fool. Why would I go all out against a weakling?
Boko: Me no weakling!
Kronos: Fight me then.
Hades: Well, he's dead.
Boko: *runs at Kronos*
Kronos: *flicks Boko off Olympus*
Boko: You dirt!
Kronos: Say that again?
Boko: You manure!
Kronos: *freezes Boko in time completely*
Hades: Well, you two need to fight.
AV: I want to watch, it's Glitchus's fight.
Hades: Fine.
To Be Continued!