by Max Barry

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by The Republic of Vurk. . 92 reads.

S01 - 12 - Time for New Recruits

The Republic of Vurk

- Time for New Recruits -

The Result:
Option 1 choosen againist Option 2; by winning 16 weight againist 15 weight.

Guns were given to the VAF. Manguard Hardliners didn't like that.
-Factional changes taken effect, revisit to the excel table for more details-

Defense Forces

(Stagnant Decreasing)

Changes trend to:

(Stagnant Increasing)

Defense Forces


Changes size to:


Sergant Seliman entered the soldier's dormitory. Cranked up the lever and opened the Soviet era lamps and yelled with stentorian voice:

-Soldiers! Wake up! And get ready!

Soldiers woke up... More like... Some of them woke up, while rest were either rubbing their eyes or busy being shocked. There were quintuple bunk beds right and left; the Sergant was slowly walking and only looking at his newly issued combat watch. Meanwhile, some soldiers were trying to wake up their team members, some soldiers were trying to wear pants, some fell from the bunk bed, even one fell from the top and hit his head badly, but he stood up and yelled "I'm good!". His head and his movements however, were telling the opposite.

This continued like this. Seliman murmured "everything is so far, so good" but after first minute, he realised something was wrong.

After this minute, normally soldiers must start prepare their guns. But new guns recently came from the new allies were already unknown things for trained soldiers; recruits literally didn't know what to do with these armaments. Some was trying to racking the slide by forcing it to the opposite direction, some was trying to disable safety mechanism, some were trying to enable safety mechanism, some was even bashing their gun to do ground, in order to put the stock out. Seliman got really angry this time, he was always angry but this time was more angry because how guns were being treated. Bloody new recruits!..

And then the time was over. He yelled with same tone:

-Soldiers! Stop doing anything and get in the damn line!

Every soldier stopped what they were doing. Some were half naked, some were unarmed: Most didn't able to fully prepared in time. Only three of them were prepared, including the guy who hit his head badly.

Seliman observed, more like threatened with his eyes, to every single of them. There was no noise in the room. And then once he looked at the injured soldier, he realised, he really hit his head bad. Seliman saw worse, he thought it isn't likely to be life threatening but needed treatment. Moment after that, the soldier dropped on to the ground and passed out. But no one deared to help their fallen comrade. They were all in ready position but mentally, they were like a deer which saw lights of a car coming towards them.

Sergant ordered to other two soldiers who were able to fully prepare themselves:

-You two, run and grab a stretcher from the infirmary and take this thick head to there.

-Sir, yes sir!

As two soldiers leaving, Sergant started to talk, calm, yet still powerful voice:

-Well, no sh*t! I always said myself "I saw the worst" but it was even worse. So this is what Vurk offer? New recruits to my army?

He waited a second:

-What if General Anaran was here? Would you greet her with your underwear, huh? No, not in my watch. I will never ever let you rookies change my nickname to the "kinky sergant". Do not dare to fail me! Do not dare to fail the Vurk! Just because your first night, did you really think duty can wait? Oh just because for you pigs? What you little people thought VAF was all about, a paradise with flowers and friendly patt on your back, from your commanders? Hell, even a damn orientation day? This is all happens because your *sses all relaxed at back home. But no, you maggots will forget what sleep tastes like, what having free time feels like.

He then raised his voice:

-Now, everyone get to the ground!

Everyone got to the ground.

By Tutku15 Tutku15-

The Republic of Vurk

