Dispatch → Factbook → Legislation
Act to task the Deputy Prime Minister with recruitment responsibilities
The Region That Has No Big Banks,
Acknowledging that the recruitment of new players is paramount to the long term health and success of the region.
Seeks to expand the office of Deputy Prime Minister with recruitment responsibilities that encourages players to both join the government and increase our recruitment capabilities of new players.
Section 1 - Outlining recruitment responsibilities for the Deputy Prime Minister
1.1 - The Deputy Prime Minister shall oversee regional manual recruitment in the following ways -
- 1.1.1 - Encourage residents and citizens to become regional recruiters.
1.1.2 - Vet all recruiter applications and accept those at their own discretion.
1.1.3 - Remove inactive recruiters.
1.1.4 - Train all recruiters in the use of the manual recruitment bot and encourage recruiters to recruit from an account with high civil rights, economy and political freedoms as newer players tend to view accounts with those NS stats more favorably.
1.1.5 - Update the regional recruitment TG as needed with the consent of the Governor
1.2 - In the Event that there is no Deputy Prime Minister all manual recruitment task and responsibilities will be undertaken by the Prime Minister on an interim basis until another Deputy Prime Minister can fulfill the role again.