by Max Barry

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by The Don't Trust Anyone of Laizenstire. . 8 reads.

Where Is Lory?

Lory: Is it working? Yes? Well, sorry I haven't been active lately, I can't tell you why I left or where I am otherwise I'll *mimics slit throat*. Just know, MJT isn't safe. It's in more danger than ever.
???: This is what you youngsters use?
Lory: Yeah.
???: What is this?
Lory: That's YouTube.
???: Why do you want a digital tube made of you?
Lory: You can watch videos.
???: Why the name?
Lory: Frick, Zirol's returning.
Zirol: Shut the laptop down, you'll see an old friend.
Lory: *gulps* W-who?
Zirol: I'll tell you if you don't type it.
Lory: ...Fine.
