by Max Barry

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by The United Nations and Universes of The Dharmasya. . 43 reads.

Lippo Universe

» New World for All «
Lippo Universe
Genre: NationStates Roleplay
Universe Governing Body: United Nations and Universes of the Dharmasya
Years: 0001 - present
Calendar: based on LinkLippo Calendar
In-universe Information
Type: Universe
Ethnic group(s): Eurasian, African, American, and others
Religions: Islam, Buddhism, Christian, Hinduism, Shinto, Taoism, Atheism, and others
Locations: Earth, Venus, and Mars

The Lippo Universe is a universe created by Meikerta Emperor James Riady after various events since the death of Emperor Mochtar Riady who contributed to Meikerta as the Founding Father.

The death of Emperor Mochtar Riady was triggered by the planned murder case of the Emperor carried out by the Soviet Union under the leadership of Joseph Stalin as Comrade of the communist party at the Council of Asia Roleplay Season 2 (universe).

Emperor James Riady's anger was uncontrollable because the plan to occupy part of the Council of Asia had failed since it was launched by Emperor Mochtar Riady and then he came to Alboes Derawi and asked for help to establish a universe like the Council of Asia Roleplay Season 2.

As a result, this universe was founded under the name Lippo Universe and continues to this day, even though Emperor James Riady still does not want to move the Meikerta land into this universe.

Map and Countries of the Lippo Universe

Nation Code Name: UK
Capital: London
Leader: Angela Rayner
Population: 766 million
List of Nations:

Nation Code Name: SH
Capital: Nieufschtadt
Leader: Friedrich-Wilhelm II
Population: unknown
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OOC: These stories are only those that have been compiled by the @Every Stories account. Other than that, consider it fanmade. This roleplay content is 18+.

Long Live for New World
The United Nations and Universes of The Dharmasya

since 2024
