by Max Barry

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by The Republic of Lemueria. . 44 reads.


The United Socialist States of Lemueria


Motto: "Chest full of work, hand full of spite."


Population: 180,179,624
-Density: 164 per kmē

Capital: Blashompon
Largest City: Hondous

Official Languages: Elegant Lemuerian (government), Colloquial Lemuerian (businesses)

National Languages: Colloquial Lemuerian, Volkonian, many more

Demonym: Lemuerian, Volkonian

- Lord-Emperor/Honorary Justice of the Aristocrats' Court Velkintote II
- Lord-Speaker: Yomms Heroinis
- President-Speaker: Sembior Durnoinis
- Lord-Justice: Ishama Fillonus

Legislature: Council-Assembly
- Upper House: Aristocrats' Council
-Lower House: People's Council

Lemuerian Empire: June 2 1602
Treaty of the Unionstates: December 9th 1715
Green Rebellion: December 12th 1888
Green Compromise: January 12th 1891
Volkonese War
Somsung Coup

Land Area: 1,095,986 kmē
Water Area: 133,615 kmē
Water %: 10.85%

Highest Point: Mount Rappulwood (5,616 metre)
Lowest Point: Tyhorrian Sea (167 metre)

GDP (nominal): ∅1.863 trillion ($1.322 trillion)
GDP (nominal) per capita: ∅10,339 ($7,340) per person

HDI: 0.79 (high)

Currency: ∅ (gyano)

Time Zone: Lemuerian Standard Time (LST), Volkon Standard Time (VST)

Drives on the: Road is not divided into left or right

Calling code: +75 (Lemueria), +77 (Volkon)

Internet TLD: .lm, .vo

The United Socialist States of Lemueria also commonly called Lemueria or the Unionstate, is an island country located in the Tyhorrian Sea, it spans over 1 million kilometre, and compromises 3/4 of the island of Tyhorria. The first Tyhorrians can be traced back to 63,000 years ago. Lemueria comprises of 2 sub-sovereigns, Lemueria and Volkon, in an arrangement called the Unionstate, the nation compromises a total of 14 provinces, with 8 in Lemueria and 6 in Volkon. The capital, Blashompon, is it's own province. Lemueria controls the Island Territories which consist of 256 islands within Lemuerian jurisdiction. Lemueria is considered a major economic power, and is leading in the technology, medicare, agriculture and mining industries.


The original Lemuerian state was known as Tyhono Meria (land of the Meria), after the Lemu dynasty took power, the words were compounded into Lemueria. Tyhono was dropped from the name after it changed to the Lemuerian Empire, currently after the Green Rebellion the name is the United Socialist States of Lemueria.

The standard way to refer to a citizen of Lemueria is as a Lemuerian.



The first settlers of Tyhorria settled the west which was rich in agriculture and build thriving societies there, about for 50 thousand years the Tyhorrians remained nomads, they then invented modern technology and language, some of them moved into the eastern coastline relying on fishing. The Lemuerian civilization became known as the beacon of the west.

Dyhorrian and Palono Campaigns

After a militaristic dynasty took over, Lemueria was set to expand to the northern coastline to get into aquaculture. After an ambitious assault on the Dyhorrian heartland, the Palonos nearby began to cross the Avocado River into the east, and signed a treaty with Lemueria giving them exclusive economic rights over the entirety of the southeast while they could keep the northeast. Soon, however Lemueria marched down the Volkon River and started the Palono campaign after a skirmish at the crossing point of the two rivers, the dynasty claimed that Palono had used this to deny the treaty and expand into the southeast, and had also committed atrocities. After a while, the Lemuerian forces expanded into eastern Palono and besieged multiple cities, and cut off supply from the Avocado River, after a while the cities were annexed. Soon, a series of unfair treaties were imposed on multiple other cities, them surrendering their freedom in exchange for exclusive access to the river. All of east Palono eventually fell, and the Lemuerians started to build a competent navy, in a major battle the navy went to several seaports and shut them down, while an approaching force was marching from south, eventually all of Palono was part of Lemueria. The Lemuerian Empire was proclaimed.

Lemueria and Volkon

Many skirmishes happened over the years between Lemueria and Volkon, the greatest civilization of the east, but with the discovery of oil in Volkon, Lemueria became much more interested and launched the Second Eastern Campaign. The Lemuerians surrounded Volkon on the east of the Volkon River, and cut them off, however the Southern River which went from civilizations all around the southeast, still provided supply. So Lemueria besieged the area above the river, called the Volkor Strip, and started to invade from there, the Lemuerians then closed almost all of their seaports to Lemueria starting sanctions. After that, they kidnapped tens of thousands of Volkonians to work hard slave labor for Lemuerian drillers, and made big from the oil. This was all that Lemueria was interested in so they left, however over the next century, many unfair treaties would gradually make Volkon a puppet. The Treaty of the Unionstate made Volkon and Lemueria be in a state union, providing equal representation to both at least in theory.

Green Rebellion
Many radical ideas and thoughts had reached Lemueria, one of them being eco-communism, which is socialist policy surrounding agriculture and aquaculture. These people called themselves the green rebels, the green rebels began mass protest, quiting their jobs and refusing to work. This shortage of labor causes a downward collapse for the economy, while Lord-Emperor Velkintote I thought he could survive... he was wrong. So to fulfill the wishes of the green rebels, he enacted many reforms involving a more democratic government and a larger government. This proved successful with him and Lemueria reaching a new golden age of growth, his son, Velkintote II, has went under similar paths, however still keeping a decent amount of power for himself.


Lemueria is an island nation located on Tyhorria, an island at the edge of the world in East Asia. This island is fairly giant, spanning three times the area as Japan for comparison. It is shaped like Turkey but with an upward peninsula in the Northwest similar to the American Northeast. The nation, of the United Socialist States of Lemueria is officially a unionstate with the sub-sovereigns of the, Lemuerian Empire and Volkon. Blashompon, the capital province, is located on the Southwest, while Hondous, the largest province is split by the Volkon River, which splits the two sub-sovereigns at large. Both Blashompon and Hondous have capital cities with the same name, as it customary for any province. The country in total has 14 provinces, 8 in Lemueria, and 6 in Volkon. The ones in Lemueria are: Blashompon, Inner Lemueria, Dyhorria, Palono, Midlands, West Dim, East Dim, Sambrone. And the ones in Volkon are: Inner Hondous, Umbreon, Down Volkon, Upper Volkon, Adinos, Merinos. The two provinces not in any of the sub-sovereigns: Hondous, and the Island Territories. While I would love to go on them more specifically, alas for the sake of brevity we must move on.


The Lord-Emperor's Census is taking every decade and keeps tabs on all the 165 million citizens of Lemueria. While in the 1950s and 1960s, young Russians flew to Lemueria in flocks and scientific advancement attracted thousands of engineers and designers to settle, after that growth rates slowed. However immigration and increasing birth rates have lead to more of N explosion in growth. The Lemuerian population is expected to reach 230 million by 2050 and 500 million by 2100 at this rate, increasing from previous estimates. However it will probably soon decline then stabilize unless more events happen.


The two primary languages in Lemueria are Lemuerian and Volkonian. About 60% of the population speaks both languages, and 70% multiple. Out of the remaining, 25% are foreigners or are in other exceptional circumstances, meaning that only 5% is not linguistically fluent. This is thanks to strong educational policy and a deep sense of linguistical appreciation that is deeply ingrained into Lemuerian culture.


Lemueria has a strong atheism majority. However in practice most Lemuerians are semi-religious. The native religion commonly practiced in Lemueria is called Ascendism, in modern times the Lord-Emperor's cult of personality has been ingrained into the religion however sparking a number of fundamentalists. It is estimated that of all all atheist Lemuerians 35% are truly atheist, 40% are semi-religious, and 24% are in other categories, and a percentage or less is fundamentalist. However this minority is definitely very vocal influencing many parts of Lemuerian policy, the fundamentalists can be split into many types, like true fundamentalists, religious fundamentalists, and supportive fundamentalists mainly. True ones are against the cult of personality being inscribed into the religion, religious ones are just conservative Ascendists who use the term in more traditional ways, and the supportive fundamentalists are religious fundamentalists who SUPPORT the cult of personality.

Recently the Christian population has been increasing and site at 2% now.


All Lemuerians are well Lemuerians. For the sake of statistics, Lemuerians, Volkonians and 55 other islander ethnicities have been called native while foreign nationalities are separately listed. Now natives have no recorded foreign ancestry, while Spanish means that person has a bit of Spanish ancestry too. So the results are 40% native, 15% Russian, 15% German, 10% Chinese, 10% Portuguese, and 8% American. The high American number is due to many Americans looking to invest in Lemueria and moving there. The remaining 2% are split across many ethnicities. In total 60% foreign ancestries with 40% natives, the native population has been ever decreasing. The last time they formed a majority was in 1952.

Largest Cities



Metro area population





Inner Lemueria














Palono (City)














Inner Hondous










The government of Lemueria is lead by a President-Speaker, who is a parliamentarian that has been majority-voted by the Council-Assembly and has executive powers over the government. He has the power to appoint the Commons' Court, to issue verdicts and proclamations to governmental departments which form the largest basis of his power, to submit budgets and redistricting plans, and much more by a department basis. The Lord-Speaker meanwhile is appointed by the current Lord-Emperor and has the power to appoint the Aristocrats' Court, to send religious doctrines to the Ascendist Hall as his On Behalf Of The Head, and to vote as an assemblyman.

The Council-Assembly has one member for each district, a district is typically composed of a metropolitan or culturally connected area, there are two types of district, a district entirely within one state is called a county, and a district crossing state borders is called a transtatal district, or a district colloquially. For example the Inner District spans the municipalities between and of the Incorporated Community of Gawalaso and the City of Inner Hondous, while the County of Blashompon spans the City of Blashompon and the Blashompon metropolitan area. Currently there are 532 districts all, with 86 / 16% of them transtatal districts and the rest counties. An additional member is added for the Lord-Speaker resulting in 533 members overall. This number has fluctuated throughout the years as it is very much dynamic, with new districts being created and old being collapsed.

Foreign Relations and Military




Economic Indicators

Rank: 13th (above Australia, below Mexico)
Currency: ∅ (gyano)
Fiscal Year: Jan 1st - Dec 31st

GDP (nominal): ∅1.863 trillion ($1.322 trillion)
GDP (nominal) per capita: ∅10,339 ($7,340) per person (94th, above Colombia, below Moldova)
Labor Force: 97,172,865 (6th, above Pakistan, below Brazil)
Unemployment: 1.002% (6th least, below Thailand, above Guernsey)







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