by Max Barry

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by The United Federation of Malayanesia. . 68 reads.

Twenty Thirty Four | A TNP Rogueplay

Current state of the world as of 2034

Twenty Thirty Four: A TNP Rogueplay is an unofficial roleplay not organised by the TNP government and not related to the established regional roleplay of Strangereal (SR). We strive to conduct this RP within the rules and boundaries set by the regional government. Speaking of which:


  • Actual fascists, racists, and other such political extremists are forbidden from partaking in the Rogueplay; this is no place for hate or extremism.

  • No god-modding. This includes taking control of another player's characters or forces, determining another player's losses, turning yourself OP, and other acts that lead to an unfair RP. We are here to have fun, people.

  • In line with the rules set by the TNP government, an IC RP post must be some two paragraphs long, which is a minimum of 200 words.

  • There are limitations regarding the use of AI. Using AI to generate images to accompany RP is allowed. Using AI to entirely write out your RP posts is not allowed. We're here to RP with each other, not with chatbots.

  • While not per se a rule, players are encouraged to be cooperative in their RP and communicate their intents regarding actions. E.g. If nation X and nation Y want to RP a war, then it would be highly recommended that they already have in mind what the end of a conflict will look like to prevent future disagreements. It's the journey, not the destination that matters.

  • Have fun, I hereby decree it to be mandatory.

  • More rules may be added in the future, to ensure fairness and improve the quality and enjoyment amongst players.

Current RP Occurances:

  • The start of the Imperial Death Games (IDG) in Neo Imperial America that sees volunteers and felons participating in 'live streamed death games, ranging from puzzle solving, lethal versions of children games, and most famous of all, The Starvation Game, where a mixture of professional assassins, corporate trained warriors, military veterans, prisoners, psychopaths, and other volunteers are dropped onto an arena in Greenland, and are given a week to kill each other'.

  • Broadcasts of the IDG are banned in Malayanesia, citing immorality and disruption to society.


Neo Imperial America


Semi-SoCiAlisT Republic of Thyagalia


