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My NS Journey
So, I've been thinking about this for a while, and this will be from my view.Sep 2023
My journey begins before Commonu, I watched a Drew Durnil video about NS, so I decided to try it out. That's when I saw Email in create your nation. I didn't remember my email so I left.
Nov 2023
The month 2 of my nations were created Commonu and Azan forest. Though the next day I lost Azan Forest's password, it was doomed to CTE but I did't care, Commonu was existing. I learnt from the likes of Moonblessed, The Chads, and Simonia.
Dec 2023
My first active puppet was created Laizenstire. This is also when Commonu had lore, leader vlogs were made. I also think I joined Lone Wolves United about this time. Though I was getting easily aggravated so I quit NationStates due to hate from various nations. Another factor was Cerespasia calling me a summie, so I quit.
Jan-Feb 2024
I returned with a fresh mind and more free time, so I returned (my nations still existed). I worked tirelessly on factbooks. I also joined Majestia about here, I was silent as I had no idea who Majestia's nations were like. But 334 days ago (as of this dispatch) I made my first Majestia post 'You're welcome.' I didn't message again until a fortnight later as I was busy with school and lore.
Mar 2024-June 2024
When I returned to NationStates, I was in The Rejected Realms and it said I was banned from Majestia. I was so aggravated but I noticed Simonia wasn't in Majestia so I telegrammed them 'what happened?' Simonia told me about NeoMajestia (which I joined) where I had numerous adventures and fun.
Sep 14, 2024
After getting a new device when my old one died, my first thing to check on was NS. NeoMajestia was raided by a bunch of raiders. I discovered MJT and later brought Glitchus into it as a powerful villain although he'd appear more later. It managed to be in a video by Simi which I rewatched 5 times.
Oct 2024
I continued to make more lore, bringing in Soiman, Guro, and the ruthless Zirol as Glitchus's minions. And Glitchus was 'defeated' and it settled down before where we are now, in a new saga.
Hope you enjoyed that, obviously I could have fit more in, but it would have been a bit longer and also, I can't remember parts.