by Max Barry

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by The Federation of Virifortis. . 137 reads.

Poetry Contest 2024

Poetry Contest 2024

Hello, residents of the Coalition of the South Pacific. I would like to present our main contest of this term, the Poetry Contest. Literature is beautiful and I'm sure most of you love it.
That said, there is some important information below, so please read carefully.

1. Theme
This time, there is no theme. In other words, write a poetry about whatever you want, paying attention, of course, to the rules. I decided to leave the theme open to see what you are capable of doing and let your creativity flow.

2. Rules
The rules are:
First, do not use AI. Second, don't copy from anyone, it has to be your own poetry. Third, keep it PG-13. Fourth, give your poetry a title to make it easier to identify.
Any submitted poetry will be analyzed and, if it breaks one of these rules, a message will be sent to the submitter, telling them which rule was broken and the poetry will be rejected. We will give them another chance to submit another poetry.

3. Subscription
To register a poetry, simply post it in a dispatch and ping me or simply send me the poetry on my Discord (silvae_). You can also, if you prefer, put it in a dispatch and send it to me via telegram.
The subscription period will be from October 24th to the midnight EST of November 5th. This means you have exactly 13 days left.

4. Judgment
Everything will be decided through TSP polls here in NS, where any resident can vote. The website I will use to record and organize everything will be LinkBracket HQ.

5. Prize
The winner of the Contest will be awarded a wonderful Legendary Card, and they can choose whichever one they wants from the ones I have in my collection. In addition, a notice will be posted in the region informing the winners and those placed second and third.

Final Considerations
I hope you have fun reading and voting on each other's poetries. I hope to see you participating and good luck to everyone who do so.

The Federation of Virifortis

