by Max Barry

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by The Mighty Union of Rasutafia. . 1 reads.

R.S.N.N Issue 1.1.0

Rasutafia Cuts Healthcare Funding For Elderly Patients Causing A Surge In National Death Rate
The government of Rasutafia has slashed funding for elderly in the country today in attempt to combat age related work accidents. The party declared that any individual unable to work shall be sent home with no further healthcare services provided. The decision has caused a surge in the country's relatively low death rate. The government has yet to speak on a solution to the surging rate of deaths around the country. Tatsuna cemetery is overflowing with new request for services.

Rasutafia Government Stops An Illegal Egg Throwing Protest
State Police was deployed today to squash a gathering. Protesting was deemed illegal by Rasutafia early on when our great leader took office. The protesters proceeded to throw eggs at advisors and leader prompting over 58 arrest and 67 on the spot executions. The arrestees will be sent to labor camps and processed within the coming days. The Rasutafian government sent a notice out to all citizens reminding them that protesting in public is illegal and punishable by execution or arrest by law enforcement. The families of the arrested were also rounded up to receive punishment for harboring fugitives and will also be booked at separate labor camps. Sarskia made a speech shaming the pro democracy protestors for their acts of terrorism and crimes against the state.

Government Researches New Military Weapon
The Rasutafian government has spent 6.8 billion Doosableas on a new weapon called [Redacted by government]. Not much is known about the project as much of the information is private. I am not allowed to report anything on the project. It is believed that[Redacted by government] will be sold to the military upon release[This entire segment has been redacted by the Rasutafian government for containing private information]
