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Enemies of Krist: Ol Ænglikanou Obaygan Partixam (The Anglo-Pagan Party)
[img]https://th.bing.com/th/id/OIP.kOAVrP9fnmzcddXizu3w8gHaFv?w=258&h=200&c=7&r=0&o=5&dpr=1.5&pid=1.7[/img] Jæyd Devërsonn, the Caulxphiílikinleed/Head of the Anglo-Pagan Party. Classification: Maritijeerd (Neutralized 100%) [img]https://th.bing.com/th/id/OIP.NGzTPPTJS2l-9jR4imOVfAHaHa?w=199&h=199&c=7&r=0&o=5&dpr=1.5&pid=1.7[/img] Area of Control: (see above) Description: The Anglo-Pagan Party had it's beginning in 654SK when they started to fight in the Iẞit (Pronounced Sh*t) District (RL Cornwall) and started the Uprising of Kil't's in 622SK, We fought and killed many of them. Burning down entire villages, they accepted defeat in the battle of Ñovo Kourrinz. They started a second rebellion called The 3-Hour Battle on the 4th Sun of the month of Novembre in 222SK (SK means S'gūnsk Krist) we killed them off in 3 hours with a tactical holy nuke.