by Max Barry

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by The 𝕯𝖊𝖆𝖙𝖍 𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖗𝖙 of Lethinia. . 94 reads.

Rules of Roses Without Thorns 9.29

Regional Message Board

1. Communication:

• Administrators should, whenever possible, warn users before suppressing messages. Warnings can be by telegram or on the RMB, depending on the severity of the infraction.

• Impersonation of other members or regions as a whole should be treated the same as bypassing restrictions and bans and penalties.

2. Message Suppression:

• After a warning, messages that continue to violate the rules will be suppressed. In cases of serious infractions (e.g. threats of violence, hate speech), suppression may occur without prior warning.

3. Permanent Ban:

Users can be ejected or banned for:

• Users who repeat infractions after multiple warnings and suppressions, or who commit serious infractions, may be eject or permanently banned.

• Voting fraud, which is hereby defined as:
Fraudulent use of Polls to sway an election or survey in a nation’s favor. Simply, a user may only ever vote once per poll, regardless of what resident nation is used.

• Violation of a user’s personal information, whether correct or not, even if entirely made up. This specifically refers to the Internet Protocol Address of their network-accessible device, the home address, town/village/city of residence, their county of residence, or their province or state of residence, their age (more serious consequence if their age < 18 years), or any elaborate physical description of the user. This is to protect them outside of the context of the website.

• Disclosure of personal or sensitive information of other users without consent, such as home addresses (particularly when the subject is relating to a minor (under 18).

[*] Flaming/Insulting people

4. Appeals:

• Users have the right to appeal bans. Appeals must be sent in writing to the WA Delegate, or a Golden Officer within 7 days of the action. The administration has until seven more days to respond.

5. Decision Review:

• Appeals will be reviewed by the WA Delegate or the Golden Officers. Decisions can be reversed if they are considered unfair or based on misunderstandings.

6. Suppression:

Messages can be suppressed by administrators by:

Harassment and Intimidation.

• Threats of violence, hateful acts directed toward anyone, or intimidation of anyone, anywhere, in any region or official Roses Without Thorns environment.

Inappropriate Content:

• Publication of explicit, or offensive material intended for the chat audience. This may include nudity with the intent of sexual gratification, especially pornography, especially if the propagation of said media is considered illegal, but with the exception of purely artistic purposes (statues, seals, artistic interpretations of events real or fictional), glorifying of acts that are illegal by United States or Australian law (Roses Without Thorns is American-based and subject to American laws, and NationStates is subject to Australian law as it’s Australian based).

Ejection/Ban (Bans can be appealed via Founder or WA Delegate or officers with Border Control powers)

Discriminatory Behavior:

• Making claims about a racial, sexual, religious, ethnic, mentally or physically affected, or political group of any kind is strictly prohibited, even in private.

Offensive Content:

• 1. Publication of explicit, offensive or inappropriate material for the chat audience.

Recurrence of Offences:

• 2. Frequent repetition of any behavior listed in the suppression section, even after punishment.

Serious Threats:

• 1. Threats of violence or intimidation against other users that are considered serious.

Illegal Activity:

• 1. Encouraging illegal activities (not related to game) in that user’s local jurisdiction.

Creating Bypass Accounts:

• 1. Creation of multiple accounts to bypass suspensions or bans, unless on the occasion of that nation’s user’s, or the region’s imminent danger.

Hacking and Fraud:

• 1. Hacking attempts, fraud or activities that compromise the security of the system or users.

Civil Guarantees:

A Citizen is henceforth defined as a Nation who eitherhas, or has previously held residency in Roses Without Thorns or a sub-region for at least 7 days, and has either made a post on the RMB, or has proof of having voted on a legitimate and documented election in Roses Without Thorns since the 7th month of 2024, or is a WA member residing in the region.

•1. Citizen nations cannot be banned from the region without approval from the WA Delegate, or a popular vote amongst officers with Executive, Border Control, or Communications powers, whichever approves first, unless that action is overruled by the Founder, or the region or it’s nation’s users are in imminent danger. A ban must be voted on via the officers that meet the criteria mentioned prior. Currently, this includes Gold, Silver, Bronze officers, and the Security Officer, and the WA Delegate him or herself. This may change as positions are dissolved or come into existence, so long as the predefined criteria are met by that officer.

• 2. Citizen nations are expected to be informed of a post having been suppressed or deleted with a thorough explanation of why it was suppressed or deleted.

Blanket suppression is hereby defined as a series of posts suppressed by moderators, when ordered by an officer with Border Control and Communication powers.

• 3. Political posts on the Roses Without Thorns Regional Message Board may be suppressed at any time for any reason a moderator with the proper authority sees fit, but must still inform the poster as to why.

A coup is defined as an executed plot to remove a Delegate or Officer from their position strategically, using means other than elections, including swaying other members to vote for a particular candidate, no matter your position. Citizens maintain the right to be properly and unbiasedly informed about the candidates.

• 4. The Founder, the WA Delegate (If applicable), or any Officer may ban a Citizen nation if there is sufficient evidence to prove they may become a threat to the region or it’s residents in the imminent future, without the permission of anyone, such as in the event of a possible raid, or attempted coup.

• 5. No citizen nation may be denied access to any of Roses Without Thorns’ facilities based solely on their background, majority ethnicity, nationality or place of residency, their political affiliations, their beliefs and especially any label placed upon them(fascism is not tolerated), their financial status, their sexual interests, or their religion. This section may be modified to meet the current needs of Lacia, and can be bypassed if the region or it’s users or their nations may be at risk of harm.

• 6. The World Assembly Delegate should act as a sitting President to the Lacian Republic. As such, the only way they shall enter the position as a World Assembly Delegate should be through popular vote via World Assembly Endorsements. They cannot be removed from power unless they are exceeded by or matched in number of Endorsements with another nation, or have violated a rule that would justify a ban, kick, forced abdication or deposition.

• 7a. Puppet Nations are hereby defined as a Nation (account) of another pre-existing Nation, regardless of their region. A Puppet Nation recognized as associated with another account are not permitted to vote in Roses Without Thorns on official elections, nor enter a position with Embassy, Polls, Executive, or Border Control permissions, unless that puppet nation is operated by a used who controls a pre-existing nation in a separate region. Likewise, a resident nation of Roses Without Thorns cannot ever use it’s puppet nations to vote fraudulently in Elections or Polls. It is a banable offense.

• 7b. As of 9.28, citizen guarantees 7 is extended to include any user who is proven to have used another user’s existing nation to perform any of the acts listed above in 7a, and additionally, to include using another user’s nation to endorse a candidate, especially without the victim user’s knowledge, or even with the victim’s knowledge and permission, will hereby, effective immediately, constitute as evidence for a ban of said user or users, should they be charged.

[*] 8. Officers don’t need the Delegates permission to do something (fixing the WFE, Banjecting a troubling nation/user, suppressing, etc.) but big things (banjecting an important user, etc.) will need the Delegate permission.

Top Contributors: [nation]XXURBANXX[/nation] (Urbänia)
Revised by: [nation]XXURBANXX[/nation] (Urbänia) by request of the [nation]Republic of Libriano[/nation], [nation]Lethinia[/nation]
