by Max Barry

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by The Diplomatically Immune State of America the Greater. . 135 reads.

America the Greater for Prime Minister

[color=white][nation=noflag]America the Greater[/nation]
for Prime Minister[/color][/font]


[center][font=Georgia][size=200]Vote [b][nation]America the Greater[/nation] for Prime Minister[/b] of [region]The Region That Has No Big Banks[/region]![/size][/font][/center]
[font=Georgia][url=#AGENDA]My Agenda[/url][/font]
[font=Georgia][url=#CABINET]My Cabinet[/url][/font]
[font=Georgia][url=#QUALIFICATIONS]Why Me?[/url][/font]
[anchor=TOP][/anchor][size=150][font=Georgia]Fellow citizens of TRTHNBB,[/font][/size]

[size=120][font=Georgia]I'm very excited to announce that [b]I'm running for Prime Minister![/b] Since I returned to NationStates in October of last year, I've been a very active participant in NBB, and I've grown to absolutely love this community. I witnessed the end of NUCL's landmark stint as Prime Minister and saw the region through two different single-term administrations, always eager to lend a hand and give support in all aspects of government. As I've met the people of this region, my passion for improving NBB's institutions and providing a stable, welcoming experience has only grown.[/font][/size]

[size=120][font=Georgia]To that end, I've felt disappointed of late with the most recent Prime Ministers. I feel that our government has survived solely on the back of an active Cabinet, but that isn't enough to keep us going forever - any community needs an active leader at the helm who isn't afraid to make their opinions known and jump in to help get things done at any time. Our recent PMs have elected to lead from afar, not directly working to enact many changes or guide their Cabinet. I feel that it's time for NBB to return to an era of active leadership, and I am confident that I'm the best candidate to provide that for our region.[/font][/size]
[anchor=AGENDA][size=150][font=Georgia][b]My Agenda[/b][/font][/size][/anchor]

[size=120][font=Georgia]Let's start with the fine details, as I wouldn't expect anyone to vote for me without knowing my concrete plans for the region.[/font][/size]
[*][size=120][font=Georgia][b]Revitalize the office of the Prime Minister.[/b] This means that I'll be a consistent presence in the Cabinet, working with each Cabinet member and guiding them to accomplish their goals effectively. I won't shy away from any branch of government. Autonomy is a great thing, but a supportive leader is even better.[/font][/size]
[*][size=120][font=Georgia][b]Strengthen TRTHNBB's foreign affairs and position our region as a cultural hub.[/b] NBB has reached a point of internal stability - we've always got room to grow and improve, of course, but the one area where we can truly accomplish a massive amount is our foreign relations. Our events have been a massive draw for nations from all over NS, and that's exactly where we need to focus. It's time for us to push for greater foreign participation in our events by hosting different types of events that appeal to more people around NS, bringing back different types of events like Movie Nights, and pushing for our Ambassadors to join other regions' events as well. Moreover, we need to work toward crafting more World Assembly proposals and inserting ourselves into the world. I do not plan to join any interregional organization, as I feel those organizations tend to peter out, but I do fully intend to grow our foreign relations as much as possible.[/font][/size]
[*][size=120][font=Georgia][b]Maintain our government's stability.[/b] We're at a point where our institutions have largely been defined, and it's time to enter a process of refining and perfecting our systems. Change is a good thing and it's always welcome, but our current laws are working well. I have ideas for further legislation, but the window for sweeping reform is slowly closing. NBB needs to focus on encouraging newer nations to become active through methods like featuring active citizens on The Social Reformer; continuing to streamline the WFE; expanding and supporting the Bankless Liberation Forces; finding alternate ways to induce Parliamentary activity like potentially addressing real-world subjects and providing a way to 'commend' nations; identifying candidates to become Justices and working with them to prepare them for the role; and ensuring that all Cabinet members understand their role and regularly announce their initiatives to the region.[/font][/size]
[*][size=120][font=Georgia][b][i]Focus on policies, not politics[/i][/b]. This is highlighted for a reason - I don't believe in parties, and I don't believe in scheming. I will not be engaging in political games or encouraging any sort of tactical voting. I want to encourage all citizens to have a fair chance at acquiring any position through merit alone. For that reason, I will not be endorsing a running-mate until I've seen the full platforms of each DPM candidate, and I will not be selecting a Cabinet ahead of time. This region needs the right people in charge -- we can't get stuck in the trenches of partisan mudslinging.[/font][/size]
[size=90][font=Georgia][url=#TOP]Back to Top[/url][/font][/size]
[anchor=CABINET][size=150][font=Georgia][b]My Cabinet[/b][/font][/size][/anchor]

[size=120][font=Georgia]I'll refer back to the last point I made in my agenda. It's incredibly important to me that the right people with the right ideas are appointed, so I have absolutely no prospective cabinet at this point. I will be asking anyone who's interested in a Cabinet position to submit an agenda to me. I'll select the person with the best agenda and work with them over the course of this term to ensure that they accomplish each of their goals.[/font][/size]
[list][*][size=150][font=Georgia][b]Minister of Domestic Affairs[/b] -- Applications are open![/font][/size]
[*][size=150][font=Georgia][b]Minister of Foreign Affairs[/b] -- Applications are open![/font][/size]
[*][size=150][font=Georgia][b]Minister of Culture[/b] -- Applications are open![/font][/size]
[size=90][font=Georgia][url=#TOP]Back to Top[/url][/font][/size]
[anchor=QUALIFICATIONS][size=150][font=Georgia][b]Why Me?[/b][/font][/size][/anchor]

[size=120][font=Georgia]I think this is a fair question to ask. I've laid out my policies, but it's important to prove that I can fulfill the goals I've set for myself and for the region. Here's a fairly comprehensive list of what I've done over the past year in NBB.[/font][/size]
[list][*][size=150][font=Georgia][b]Speaker of Parliament, late 2023 to May 2024[/b][/font][/size]
[size=120][font=Georgia]After my return to NationStates in October, I was very proud of how the region had grown, but equally dismayed at the state of Parliament. It was a dead institution run by an antiquated proportional-representation law that stifled activity. When [nation]Mjau[/nation] proposed the Parliamentary Reformation Bill, I was incredibly excited. I pushed hard for that bill and it passed by a margin of 7 to 6. Spurred on by Parliament's total reformation, I jumped at the chance to become Speaker. Once I'd won the election, I spent my term writing a large amount of totally new legislation, mentoring new MPs via my Mentorship Initiative and the Legislation Guide, and eventually running a series of successful debates. Before my term, Parliament was a totally inactive institution with essentially no legislation being proposed at any time. When I finished my term, Parliament had seen more its membership more than double from 13 to 28, with roughly 50 pieces of legislation voted on in total. Because of the reforms I enacted, Parliament saw a massive turnaround and is still one of the most active parts of our government.[/font][/size]
[*][size=150][font=Georgia][b]Primary Author of the Constitution[/b][/font][/size]
[size=120][font=Georgia]During my term as Speaker, I was approached by Mjau and [nation]Lawid[/nation], the most active members of the Constitution Committee. They were working with an early draft of a Constitution which was in many ways copied from our region's past Constitutions, and they had become totally stuck, disagreeing with each other at every turn. I joined the Committee and committed to reviving the effort to create a Constitution, totally rewriting and refining almost every clause of the draft they'd provided within a single weekend. Over the course of a week, I debated with other government members about the merits of each clause, eventually leading to a draft which was acceptable to each of us and a major departure from Lawid's effort. I proposed a schedule for ratifying the Constitution and we pushed forward, eventually getting the Constitution passed on December 24th of 2023. Though the Committee had been stalled for months, I revitalized it through concentrated effort and produced a finished product within a month.[/font][/size]
[*][size=150][font=Georgia][b]Expert on Regional Law[/b][/font][/size]
[size=120][font=Georgia]At time of writing, I'm still the person who's written the most active legislation out of anyone in the region, and I was the primary author of the Constitution. I am one of the region's most prominent legal experts, having served as an interim Justice in many court cases as well as successfully defending the regional government against a contest by a banned member. As Prime Minister, it's important to have a handle on the laws of the region in order to know your limits and also be ready to make necessary changes - more than anyone, I fit that bill.[/font][/size]
[*][size=150][font=Georgia][b]Minister of Domestic Affairs[/b][/font][/size]
[size=120][font=Georgia]The Minister of Domestic Affairs has been an inactive position for a long time. Lawid filled the role during The Washington Federation's term, but he did not fulfill his duties in any way - in fact, one of my key complaints about our recent Prime Ministers is their failure to dismiss inactive officials. As a result of Lawid's inactivity, the position of MoDA has been essentially ignored, even sidelined, in our regional government. After my successful term as Speaker, I knew it was time to rectify this. I had a strong belief that the Minister of Domestic Affairs was meant to be a bulwark of regional activity and one of the cornerstones of our government alongside the Minister of Foreign Affairs and the Minister of Culture, so I proposed a sweeping agenda including a revamp of the region's aesthetics, an increase in communication between the government and the citizens, and the institution of government polls. My agenda was ambitious, but I accomplished every task I set for myself - the regional header has been totally revamped, I've made a Central Dispatch for the region, created a Feedback form, instituted a regular Government Approval Ratings Poll, ran a successful Census, and established the Citizen Registry. I made a pledge to revitalize the position of MoDA and succeeded - our region's domestic affairs have been totally revitalized and faith has been restored in the Minister of Domestic Affairs.[/font][/size]
[*][size=150][font=Georgia][b]Foreign Affairs Experience[/b][/font][/size]
[size=120][font=Georgia]Though my focus will always be on NBB over any other region, I do have experience working with other regions. During the InterLeft crisis, I authored a number of critical messages to Aurora and the InterLeft outlining our government's position on that quickly-changing situation. I'm also familiar with leadership in a number of other regions via our regional events, and my time as Delegate has only increased that interregional contact, especially following the proposal to Commend [nation]Yodle[/nation], of which I am the key author. I'm also the current Ambassador to the Union of Democratic States. Further, I plan to join the Discord server for each of our embassy regions and get to know their leadership if I am elected PM. I'm fully prepared to fulfill the foreign affairs responsibilities of the Prime Minister.[/font][/size]
[*][size=150][font=Georgia][b]Key Member of our Government[/b][/font][/size]
[size=120][font=Georgia]I've made an effort to make my opinion known at all levels of the government. I'm an active Member of Parliament and serving on the Board of Parliamentary Affairs under The Kaverian. I'm also an active member of every committee, contributing to decisions and supporting the Cabinet whenever I'm needed. I'm also the region's WA Delegate and I've worked toward a greater focus on WA affairs. The Prime Minister should ideally contribute on all levels, pitching in to every project and jumping in to help everyone accomplish their goals; after all, it doesn't matter who accomplishes something as long as it gets done. Our region deserves a PM who's prepared to lead by example, and I know I'm the right candidate to fill that role.[/font][/size]
[size=90][font=Georgia][url=#TOP]Back to Top[/url][/font][/size]
[anchor=CONCLUSION][/anchor][size=120][font=Georgia]Thanks for reading my campaign platform! I'm excited to participate in whatever the Election Commission comes up with, whether that's interviews, debates, or anything else. I'm thrilled to be running for Prime Minister and I wish the best of luck to any and all candidates, but most of all, to our region. You deserve active, efficient leadership, and for that reason I'm once again asking you to[/font][/size]

[center][size=200][font=Georgia]Vote [b][nation]America the Greater[/nation] for Prime Minister[/b] of [region]The Region That Has No Big Banks[/region]![/font][/size][/center]
