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About Simonia and her "Giveaway"
I'm truly disgusted with what Simonia calls a "giveaway", but is actually an unfair illegal lottery.First of all, let's look at Simonia's "giveaway".
Second, let's look at the definition of both "giveaway" and "lottery". A giveaway is defined as "a thing that is given free, often for promotional purposes.". A lottery is defined as "something with a prize of something of value, the winner being selected by random chance, and consideration to participate in the lottery, often payment."
Let's look at Simonia's "giveaway" again. They're offering a card, prize. '30 random nations", chance. And needing to upvote the dispatch for a chance to win a card, consideration. One may argue that upvoting is not a requirement, but that is flawed, because Godular told me I could only upvote 100 dispatches or else...
Also your chances are very astronomically low, it's practically required...
But what's this? "30 to nations I know"?? That's even worse, Simonia! Not only did you run an illegal lottery, but you skew the odds in your friends' favour? Oh, Simonia, don't tell me... you're MrBeast in disguise?!
Oh it all comes falling apart...
Verdict: Guilty
Punishment: Banned from CaseOh's streams.