by Max Barry

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by The Yangchen 1st Response Corps of Khanate of Outer Lethinia and Kungaria. . 95 reads.

An Outer Lethini Guide to Death Chart Rating

A guide to
Death Chart Rating

How to see nation's death chart?
To see a nation's death chart, click on the people tab on their nation page.

How do I rate nation's death chart?
Fist you have to understand what makes a good and bad death chart.

Bad Death Chart

Good Death Chart

*A good death chart is determined by the percentage of deaths due to old age.

Death Chart Rating Formula
Death Chart Rating = omicron*2
Lethini Scale Conversion = (omicron *2) - alpha

omicron = percentage of deaths due to old age
alpha = percentage of the remainder

Old Age Percentage = 40%
Death Chart Rating= 40*2 = 80
Lethini Scale = 80-60 = 20/100

Other method: Rating whatever you feel like.
