by Max Barry

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by The Triumviratus d' Machina of New-Union. . 61 reads.

New Union Constitution


The text of this Constitution is the property of the government of the New Union. Unauthorized possession or distribution of this document by any unauthorized personnel is strictly prohibited. Violators will be detained and subject to the full extent of the law.

The Constitution of the New Union


We, the people of the New Union, having overthrown an oppressive regime and in pursuit of justice, equality, and the common good, do establish this Constitution to ensure a state built on decentralized governance, cooperation, and the principles of Neo-Federalism. This document shall serve as the foundation of a government that empowers local councils, promotes social equity, guarantees the freedom and dignity of every citizen, and maintains the unity of our nation.

Article I: Founding Principles

1. Decentralization of Power: Governance of the New Union shall be based on local councils, which will operate autonomously while adhering to the principles enshrined in this Constitution and the regulations set by the Technocratic Superintendent Council.

2. Cooperation and Social Equity: The New Union shall promote a cooperative economic model where the wealth of the nation is shared equitably, ensuring access to essential resources, education, and healthcare for all.

3. Civil Liberties: The New Union guarantees freedom of speech, assembly, and association. No citizen shall be silenced or oppressed for their political beliefs or identity, except where these threaten the unity of the state.

4. Rule of Law and Punishment: All citizens are equal under the law, and the laws of the New Union shall be applied impartially. However, any individual convicted of a crime will have their rights permanently revoked.

5. Unity and Sovereignty: Separatism or any action threatening the integrity of the New Union is strictly forbidden. The unity of the state is paramount to ensure the continued progress of Neo-Federalism.

Article II: Structure of Governance

The government of the New Union shall be divided into three key sectors: Civil, Economic, and Military. These sectors shall work together under a system of checks and balances to prevent any single entity from accumulating excessive power.

1. Civil Council: Responsible for upholding civil liberties, empowering local councils, and overseeing social reforms. Headed by the President of the New Union, the Civil Council shall promote education, healthcare, and community participation.

2. Economic Council: Oversees the development and regulation of the economy. It shall prioritize cooperative enterprises, social equity, and sustainable economic growth. The Council is tasked with ensuring that economic policies benefit the majority and avoid exploitation by any elite group.

3. Military Council: The Military Council shall be responsible for the defense of the New Union, ensuring national security while respecting civilian authority. The military shall not interfere in civil governance but shall protect the state from external threats.

4. Technocratic Superintendent Council: This central regulatory body ensures that all local councils and other governing sectors comply with the Constitution and state directives. The Technocratic Superintendent Council holds ultimate authority over the implementation of technological, scientific, and economic standards across the New Union.

Article III: Local Governance

1. Local Councils: Every community in the New Union shall have a locally elected council responsible for governance in accordance with the principles of Neo-Federalism. These councils will have the autonomy to manage local resources, infrastructure, and public services.

2. Direct Democracy: Local councils shall operate under a direct democratic system where citizens vote on key decisions. Citizens have the right to propose and vote on initiatives that affect their community.

3. Compliance with the Technocratic Superintendent Council: All local councils are required to follow the directives and regulations set forth by the Technocratic Superintendent Council, ensuring consistency, unity, and technological advancement across the state.

Article IV: Rights and Freedoms

1. Freedom of Speech and Assembly: All citizens have the right to express their views freely, protest, and organize without fear of repression, except in cases where such actions promote separatism or endanger national unity.

2. Right to Education and Healthcare: The New Union guarantees access to free and equitable education and healthcare for all its citizens, recognizing these as fundamental human rights.

3. Equal Rights: No citizen shall be discriminated against based on race, gender, religion, sexual orientation, or socioeconomic status. The New Union promotes inclusivity and unity.

4. Permanent Revocation of Rights for Criminals: Any citizen found guilty of committing a crime shall have their rights permanently revoked, including the right to vote, assemble, and access state-provided services.
