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by The Republic of Futurist State of Flassau. . 455 reads.

State Mandated Factbook of the Futurist State of Flassau

The Futurist State of Flassau
Der Futuristische Staat von Flussburg (LinkGerman)
L'État Futuriste de Fleury (LinkFrench)
De Futuristische Staat van Vlasdam (LinkDutch)


Motto: "Survival of the Smartest"
"Überleben der Klügsten" (LinkGerman)
"Survie des Plus Intelligents" (LinkFrench)
"Overleven van de Slimsten" (LinkDutch)

Anthem: "LinkDe Internationale"
(English: The Internationale)


Population: 15 227 949
-Density: 392.2/km2

Capital and Largest City: LinkAntwerp
51°13′04″N 04°24′01″E

Official Languages: LinkDutchLinkFrenchLinkGermanLinkEnglish

National Languages: LinkDutchLinkFrenchLinkGerman

LinkDemonym(s): Flaussan

82.9% LinkNo Religion
17.1% Other

LinkEthnic Groups(2024):
79.7% LinkBelgian
20.3% Other

Government: LinkUnitary Parliamentary LinkRepublic
- President: Nicolas Naessens (ND)
- Vice President: Bradley Blomme (ND)
- Speaker of the House: Marco Dewitte (Green)
- Chief Justice: Jules Van Laethem (PL)

Legislature: Parliament
- LinkUpper House: Senate
- LinkLower House: Council of the Talented

LinkBrabant Revolution: 24 October, 1789
LinkUnited Belgian States: 11 January, 1790
Link Belgian Revolution: 25 August 1830
LinkBelgium Declared: 4 October 1830
LinkBelgium Recognized: 19 April 1839
LinkFirst German Occupation: 4 August 1914
Flaussan Coup d'Etat: 28 August 1921
LinkSecond German Occupation: 28 May 1940
Liberation of Flassau: 2 September 1944
Democratization of Flassau: 12 November 1951
Flassau joins LinkNATO: 4 April 1954
Flassau joins LinkThe EU: 1 November 1991

Land Area: 11,849 mile²
30,689 km²
Water Area: 250 km²
Water %: 6,5%

Highest Point: 694 meters (2,276 feet), LinkSignal de Botrange
Lowest Point: 3 meters (10 feet), LinkDe Moeren

LinkGDP (nominal): 🔺️$1.19 Trillion
LinkGDP (nominal) per capita: 🔺️$50,558

LinkHuman Development Index (2024): 🔺️0.912

LinkGini Coefficient: 🔻11.27 low

Currency: Zewalt (Z)

Time Zone: LinkUTC+0 (LinkCET)

LinkDriving Side: Right

Calling code: +32

LinkInternet TLD: .fls,


The Futurist State of Flassau, commonly khown as Flassau or Futurist Belgium, is a LinkRepublic located in LinkNorthwestern Europe. Flassau borders LinkThe Netherlands to the North, LinkFrance to the South, LinkLuxembourg to the East, LinkGermany to the Northeast and Linkthe North Sea to the West. Flassau covers more than 30 thousand Square Kilometers and has about 15 million Citizens within its territory.

Flassau was first inhabited by LinkCeltic and LinkGermanic Tribes, primarily the LinkBelgae, later was in LinkGaul and was Conquered by the LinkRomans. The area of modern-day Flassau stretched across two Roman Provinces, LinkGermania Inferior and LinkGallia Belgica, the latter of which the predecessor of Flassau, LinkBelgium was named after. During the LinkMedieval and Early LinkRenaissance era, the land switched hands multiple times, from the LinkFranks, then LinkLotharingia then LinkBurgundy and the Belgian States in the LinkHoly Roman Empire, and then finally into the LinkHabsburg Netherlands and the later LinkDutch Hands. History then sees the LinkBelgian Revolution and the LinkTreaty of London, the LinkKingdom of Belgium lasts for almost a hundred years until its Instability Phase after the LinkGerman Occupation in the Great War causes a LinkIntelligentsia Coup d'Etat, which declared the establishment of an LinkAccelerationist-LinkFuturist State named "Flassau". Later in the LinkCold War, Flassau democraticize after the death of Leopold Sewich, the Dictator of Flassau, and joins LinkNATO, siding with the LinkWestern Bloc.

Flassau is an LinkDeveloped Country with high National LinkGDP of $1.19 Trillion. The LinkGDP per Capita of Flassau is also high, standing at $50,588, with low LinkIncome Inequality due to Socialistic Policies from the Legacy of Accelerationism. The Economy is thriving with multiple Linkstate-funded International Companies, with an LinkFree Market letting businesses to thrive, although Flassau does not tolerate any Companies violating Linkcomsumer protection Laws. Flassau however ranks lower than expected in Civil Rights, Flassau's Political Freedoms are high, while Economic Freedoms is within the expected area. Flassau is an Unrecognized Regional Power, however Flassau hasn't join the World Assembly/United Nations, and has stated Flassau have no plans to join the World Assembly/United Nations in the near future.


It's said that the word "Flassau" represents a blend of linguistic elements that represent the rich history of Flassau. It combines parts of LinkLatin and LinkOld Frankish; the Linkprefix "Fla-" may have come from the LinkOld Frankish word "fla," which meant "Linkplain" or "Linkland". Recalling the LinkLatin word "savia," which means "Linkforest" or "Linkterritory", the Linksuffix "-sau" reflects the Linktopography of Linkthe area.

"Flaussan" is the term commonly used to refer to a Linkcitizen of Flassau. The Linkdemonym "Flaussan" is derived from the word "Flassau" plus the Linksuffix "-an," which designates a person who is from a certain area or place.


The territory now known as Flassau was first inhabited by LinkCeltic and LinkGermanic tribes, especially the LinkBelgae, who lived there in LinkAntiquity. The region had multiple waves of migration and settlement, shaped under LinkRomans administration as part of LinkGermania Inferior and LinkGallia Belgica.

Flassau was a component of several LinkFrankish kingdoms in the Linkearly Middle Ages, as well as the LinkCarolingian Empire. The territory underwent cultural and political changes under many rulers, notably LinkLotharingia and LinkBurgundy, before forming the LinkBurgundian Netherlands in the Linklate Middle Ages.

During the LinkRenaissance and LinkEnlightenment ages, Flassau became a cultural and economic hub within the LinkHoly Roman Empire, famed for its booming Linktrade cities and Linkintellectual organizations. The region's strategic location led to periodic conflicts and changes in governance, culminating in its incorporation into the LinkHabsburg Netherlands in the 16th century.

The 18th and 19th centuries marked significant upheavals in Flassau's history. The region played a pivotal role in the LinkBrabant Revolution of 1789-1780, which resulted in the establishment of the LinkUnited Belgian States and, later, after the LinkBelgian Revolution and the LinkTreaty of London of 1839, the LinkKingdom of Belgium. However, in a shocking turn, following the turmoil of LinkWorld War I and the economic instability of the interwar period, Flassau experienced a unique LinkIntellectual and political movement.

In 1921, a coalition of LinkIntellectuals and LinkFuturists led a Linkcoup d'état in response to perceived inefficiencies in governance and economic stagnation. They declared the establishment of Flassau, a state embracing LinkAccelerationist and LinkFuturist principles aimed at rapid technological advancement and societal progress. Under the leadership of visionaries like Allan De Waele, Flassau embarked on a path of innovative policies that encouraged Linktechnological research, Linksustainable development, and Linksocial equity.

Throughout the twentieth century, Flassau negotiated worldwide crises with a focus on Linkneutrality and Linkdiplomacy, earning a reputation as a mediator and proponent of international collaboration. The nation's economy thrived as a result of its Linkprogressive economic policies, which mixed state intervention with a dynamic Linkfree market.

In the LinkPost-Cold War era, Flassau remained a hub of technological innovation and education, making substantial contributions to worldwide breakthroughs in disciplines such as Linkrenewable energy, Linkbiotechnology, and Linkspace research. The country's dedication to human growth and Linkenvironmental sustainability won it strong ranks in global indexes, demonstrating its standing as a contemporary, forward-thinking nation.

Today, Flassau stands as a beacon of innovation and progress in LinkNorthwestern Europe, celebrated for its blend of historical resilience with a visionary approach to shaping the future of humanity on a global scale.


Flassau, which covers 30,689 square kilometers (11,849 square miles) in LinkNorthwestern Europe, has a diversified terrain and a Linktemperate maritime climate influenced by its geographical peculiarities. Flassau is bordered by the LinkNorth Sea on the west, the LinkNetherlands to the north, LinkFrance to the south, LinkLuxembourg to the east, and LinkGermany to the northeast. Its landscape varies from Linkcoastal plains on the North Sea to undulating hills and lush forests inland. Notable features include the LinkArdennes Forest in the southeast, which is known for its biodiversity and recreational options.

Flassau experiences a Linktemperate coastal Linkenvironment influenced by the LinkNorth Sea, with warm winters and moderate summers. Winter temperatures average approximately 0°C (32°F), with summer temperatures peaking around 22°C (72°F). LinkRainfall is evenly distributed throughout the year, nurturing lush Linkvegetation and supporting extensive Linkagricultural activities.

LinkEnvironmental conservation is a cornerstone of Flassau's policies, with substantial forested areas contributing to Linkbiodiversity and air quality preservation. The nation prioritizes Linksustainability through Linkrenewable energy initiatives and Linkeco-friendly urban planning practices. Clean air and water resources enhance the overall Linklivability and Linkattractiveness of Flassau.


Flassau has an estimated population of 15,227,949 people, making it one of the largest countries in LinkNorthwestern Europe in term of population. Every ten years, a Linkcensus is done to correctly measure Linkdemographic trends and Linksocioeconomic developments; the first census was taken in 1950.

The Linkpopulation growth rate is constant at roughly 0.8% per year, owing largely to Linkimmigration trends and government measures that promote long-term growth. The birth rate is 15 births per 1,000 people, indicating consistent Linkdemographic patterns among contemporary Linkhealthcare and Linksocial amenities.

LinkMultilingualism is an important component of the Linkcultural environment in Flassau. Spoken by most people, LinkDutch is the main Linkofficial language of the country. The majority of people in Flassau are native LinkDutch speakers, highlighting the language's importance in official and daily interactions.

LinkGerman and LinkFrench are also highly valued as Linknational and Linksecond Linkofficial languages. About 30% of people speak LinkFrench as their Linkfirst language, which illustrates how important it is in Linkareas that have historically been influenced by the LinkFrancophone world. About 10% of people speak LinkGerman, especially in the areas close to the LinkGerman border.

Because of its use in worldwide Linkbusiness and Linkeducation, LinkEnglish is a Linksecond or Linkthird language that is widely known and is spoken fluently by a significant section of the population. With almost 80% of the population fluent in the language, LinkEnglish is useful for Linkcross-cultural communication and Linkworldwide relations in Flassau.


Flassau's Linkreligion Linkdemographics represent a aLinkheterogeneous terrain shaped by Linkgovernmental and Linkcivil Linkatheist Linklegislation. Around 83% of the population identifies as Linknon-religious. LinkAtheists and Linkagnostics make up the majority of this group, and they support Linksecular ideals as part of the nation's Linkgovernment system.

The remaining 17% of religious adherents belong to diverse faiths. LinkChristianity has always had a significant presence, with LinkCatholics accounting for 10% of the population and LinkProtestants for 5%. Other Christian denominations account for 2% of believers.

LinkJudaism and LinkIslam each have small but distinct groups, accounting about 1% of the total population. The remaining 1% consists of minority religions such as LinkHinduismp, LinkBuddhism, and other faiths.

Ethnic Groups
Flassau's Linksocial fabric is enriched by Linkethnic diversity, which reflects the diverse Linkancestry of its population. LinkBelgians are the largest Linkethnic group, accounting for 80% of the total population. This demographic dominance emphasizes the nation's historical and cultural continuity.

In addition, Flassau is home to a variety of Linkminority groups. Approximately 10% of the people identify with different LinkEuropean nationalities, demonstrating the country's openness to regional Linkdiversity. LinkEthnic minorities from LinkAfrica and LinkAsia account for 5% of the population, adding to Flassau's Linkmulticultural identity.

Largest Cities



Metro area population













LinkEast Flanders












LinkWest Flanders








LinkFlemish Brabant









Flassau is a Linkunitary Linkparliamentary Linkrepublic, blending Linkdemocratic principles with provisions for Linkminority rights safeguarded by Linklaw. The foundation of Flassau's governance is enshrined in its Linkconstitution, which outlines the structure and powers of the Linkgovernment.

All LinkCitizens of Flassau is subjected to Six Levels of LinkGovernment, although some may only be used at times, which are: LinkCentral, LinkProvincial, LinkColonial, LinkTerritorial, LinkRegional and LinkLocal.

LinkCentral Government: At the apex is the LinkCentral Government seated inLinkAntwerp, responsible for Linknational defense, Linkforeign affairs, and upholding Linkfundamental rights across the entire nation. It oversees major Linkpolicies affecting all Linkregions and maintains Linknational unity.

LinkProvincial Government: LinkProvincial Authorities manage larger administrative divisions within Flassau, each with its own distinct Linkcultural and Linkhistorical identity. They focus on Linkregional development, Linkeducation, and Linkhealthcare, aligning local needs with national Linkpolicies.

LinkColonial Government: LinkColonial Governance pertains to Linkoverseas territories and Linkdependencies under Flassau's sovereignty. It balances Linklocal autonomy with Linkcentral oversight to promote Linkeconomic development and Linkcultural preservation in distant regions.

LinkTerritorial Government: LinkTerritorial administrations handle specific Linkterritories or Linkspecial economic zones within Flassau, tailored to unique Linkeconomic activities or Linkstrategic Linkimportance. They facilitate Linklocal governance while adhering to Linknational laws and Linkpolicies.

LinkRegional Government: LinkRegional authorities bridge the gap between central directives and local implementation. They oversee infrastructure projects, environmental policies, and economic initiatives, ensuring regional interests are represented in national decision-making.

LinkLocal Government: LinkMunicipalities form the bedrock of governance, managing day-to-day public services such as policing, firefighting, waste management, and urban planning. They uphold property rights and provide essential services directly to citizens.

The Central Government comprises three Branches: LinkExecutive, LinkLegislative, and LinkJudicial.

LinkExecutive Branch: Headed by the LinkPresident of Flassau, who serves as the ceremonial head of state and Linkcommander-in-chief of the armed forces. The President appoints the LinkPrime Minister and cabinet members, holds the power to Linkveto legislation, and represents Flassau on the Linkinternational stage.

LinkLegislative Branch: Which includes The LinkParliament, consisting of two chambers: LinkSenate and LinkCouncil of the Talented.

LinkSenate: Represents regional interests and advises on legislative matters affecting provinces and territories. The Senate is also directly voted by the people, in return for LinkMeritocratic Laws on the Lower House.
LinkCouncil of the Talented: Appointed by the Government using surveyors sent out every 6 months, appointment is based on Meritocratic Laws and selects Talented Peoples willing to work for the Government. Although it can be vetoed by the Senate.
LinkJudicial Branch: An independent Linkjudiciary, including the LinkSupreme Court and lower courts, ensures the constitutionality of laws, resolves legal disputes, and protects individual rights from encroachment by any level of government.

Foreign Relations and Military
Flassau maintains a formidable Linkmilitary force, combining the strengths of LinkGermany and LinkCzechia with a distinct focus on Linknaval and Linkair power reminiscent of the LinkUnited States. The nation's military strategy emphasizes advanced Linktechnology and operational readiness across all branches. Flassau's military capabilities rival those of LinkGermany and LinkCzechia combined.

The nation prioritizes Linknaval forces, boasting a sophisticated fleet that includes Linknuclear submarines and Linkaircraft carriers. This naval prowess allows Flassau to safeguard maritime interests globally and participate effectively in Linkmultinational operations. The Flassau LinkNavy operates cutting-edge Linknuclear submarines and Linkaircraft carriers, essential for Linkmaritime surveillance, Linkstrategic deterrence, and rapid response missions.

Meanwhile, the Flassau LinkAir Force maintains a modernized fleet comparable to the LinkUnited States, ensuring Linkair superiority and supporting joint military endeavors across diverse environments.

On October 11th, 2024, Flassau was permitted by the United Nations to begin to arm itself with Nuclear Weapons, the first being a Nuclear Missile. Flassau officially becomes a Nuclear-armed power on this date.

Flassau adheres to a policy of Linkneutrality while championing Linkdemocratic values and opposing Linkauthoritarian regimes. Through proactive Linkdiplomacy, the nation engages with global partners to promote Linkpeace, Linksecurity, and Linkhuman rights. Flassau's alliances are rooted in Western Linkdemocratic principles, fostering collaborations that advance mutual interests in Linkeconomic prosperity and Linktechnological innovation.


Economic Indicators

Rank: 14th
Currency: Zewalt (Z)
Fiscal Year: 1st of January to 31st of December

GDP (nominal): $1.19 Trillion
GDP (nominal) per capita: $50,558
Work Force Participation Rate: 79.2%
Unemployment: 3.80%

Flassau boasts a robust and diversified Linkeconomy with a nominal LinkGDP of $1.19 trillion and a Linkper capita GDP of $50,558, underpinned by a highly skilled Linkworkforce and strategic Linkeconomic policies. The nation operates a Linkmixed economic model that combines state intervention with a vibrant Linkfree market, fostering Linkinnovation and sustainable growth.

Key sectors driving Flassau's economy include Linkadvanced manufacturing, Linkbiotechnology, Linkrenewable energy, and Linkinformation technology. State-funded Linkinternational companies thrive alongside small and medium enterprises, benefiting from a favorable Linkbusiness environment that emphasizes Linkconsumer protection and Linkeconomic stability. Flassau's low Linkunemployment rate of 3.8% underscores its efficient Linklabor market, supported by comprehensive Linksocial welfare programs and high Linkworkforce participation of 79.2%.

Environmental sustainability is integral to Flassau's economic strategy, with significant investments in Linkrenewable energy initiatives and eco-friendly practices. The nation's commitment to Linkinnovation and Linkeducation fuels continuous advancements in Linktechnology and Linkresearch, contributing to its status as an emerging global economic power in LinkNorthwestern Europe.


Flassau's Linkculture is a vibrant tapestry woven from its rich Linkhistorical influences and modern Linkartistic expressions. Reflecting its diverse Linklinguistic and Linkethnic composition, the nation embraces Linkmultilingualism as a cornerstone of cultural identity, with LinkDutch, LinkFrench, LinkGerman, and LinkEnglish widely spoken. This linguistic diversity extends into Linkliterature, Linktheater, and Linkmedia, fostering a dynamic cultural landscape that celebrates both national heritage and global perspectives. Flassau's Linkculinary scene is equally eclectic, renowned for its LinkBelgian waffles, Linkchocolates, and a thriving Linkbeer culture.

LinkArt and Linkarchitecture flourish in Flassau, with cities like LinkAntwerp and LinkBrussels serving as hubs of creativity. The nation's Linkmuseums and Linkgalleries showcase a blend of traditional LinkFlemish masters and contemporary artworks, while its Linkmedieval towns and LinkRenaissance landmarks offer a glimpse into its architectural legacy.

Festivals and cultural events, such as the annual LinkGhent Festival and LinkBrussels Jazz Weekend, further highlight Flassau's commitment to artistic expression and community engagement, making it a cultural hub in LinkNorthwestern Europe.

Flassau boasts a well-developed Linkinfrastructure that supports its modern society and economic activities across its diverse regions. The nation's Linktransportation network is highly efficient, featuring extensive Linkroadways, Linkrailways, and Linkwaterways that facilitate seamless domestic and international connectivity. Major cities like LinkAntwerp and LinkBrussels serve as pivotal hubs for Linktrade and Linkcommerce, supported by advanced Linklogistics and distribution networks that ensure smooth movement of goods and services. Flassau's strategic location in LinkNorthwestern Europe, coupled with its efficient Linkports on the LinkNorth Sea, enhances its role as a logistical gateway and strengthens its position in Linkglobal trade.

In addition to transportation, Flassau prioritizes Linktelecommunications infrastructure. The nation's telecommunications networks are robust and widespread, providing reliable Linkconnectivity for businesses and residents alike. Flassau's commitment to infrastructure development extends to Linkurban planning and public amenities, with modernized utilities, Linkhealthcare facilities, and Linkeducational institutions ensuring a high quality of life across its communities.

Energy and Technology
Flassau stands at the forefront of Linkenergy innovation with a robust infrastructure of Linknuclear power plants and advanced Linknuclear waste recycling facilities. These facilities not only provide a substantial portion of the nation's Linkelectricity needs but also exemplify Flassau's commitment to Linksustainable energy solutions. The integration of nuclear power has bolstered Linkenergy security and reduced Linkcarbon emissions, contributing to Linkenvironmental sustainability goals on a global scale.

Beyond Earth, Flassau is a pioneer in Linkspace exploration and Linktechnology. The nation is actively involved in Linkdeep space operations, Linkmoon exploration, and LinkMars missions, leveraging its technological prowess to push the boundaries of human knowledge and expand humanity's presence in the cosmos. Flassau's ambitious projects include the development of a LinkDyson Swarm for harnessing solar energy on an unprecedented scale, construction of a Linkspace elevator to facilitate efficient space travel, and initiatives in Linkasteroid mining to access valuable resources for future space missions. These endeavors underscore Flassau's role as a visionary leader in Linkspace science and exploration.

Template by The Free Republic of Ponderosa
Template may be found here.
Credits to ChatGPT for generating about 60% of the text.
