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History of Neunosia
In 3000 BC, the Atlanto-European Seafaring culture rose in the late neolithic and extended from Modern-day France and Portugal all to the way to Modern-Day Neunosia and as south as the Canary Islands. The Atlanto-European seafarers built settlements in Modern-Day Neunosia. At the start of the bronze age, the Atlanto-European Seafaring culture disappeared leaving the Neunosian settlements to develop on their own.During the Bronze Age in 3300 BC to 1200 BC, the Neunosian settlements grew both in terms of population and their political power and the settlements turned into cities and then into City-States and this what started the rise of the Neunosian City-States and they fought each other for trade rights. During this time, the most powerful city-state was the City of Gelpelin which was ruled by the Aerōbratorid Clan and for 1000 years, Gelpelin subjugated it's neighboring cities and made them pay tribute and created the "Right of the Victors" to legitimatize their rule and built fortresses to keep the cities in check called Caryašpeliae. 350 years later in 2650 BC, a new rival to Gelpelin emerged, the City-State of Danupelin which was ruled by the Sunoparcūnid Clan, Danupelin was growing more richer and more powerful politically and militaristically and were Masters at both naval and land warfare like Gelpelin. Inevitably, Danupelin and Gelpelin went to war culminating the First Austernian War which was fought between 2400 BC to 2387 BC for 13 years and both sides claimed that they won the war but in reality, it was a tie and was inconclusive.
The 2nd Austernian War started between Gelpelin and Danupelin and their allies and for 10 years between 2350 BC to 2340 BC, both armies fought each other on land and their navies fought each other over the seas. A Gelpelian Army of aproximately 20,000 biesieged Danupelin for 2 years until the Danupelian Army lead by General Leucemurona ran through the Stekošae Mountains in Northeast Austerna and attacked the Gelpelites at the Gates of Danupelin. The war ended in 2340 BC when both Danupelin and Gelpelin signed a peace treaty.
The Neunosians transitioned to the Iron Age 100 years before the Bronze Age Collapse. The Kingdom of Astarekas Ekelundya which was based in the Bugevaric Archipelago began raiding the towns on the Neunosian mainland and took cloth, tools, gold, silver, slaves, cattle, and basically anything that they could put on their ships that wasn't nailed down and would sail back to the Bugevaric Islands whenever a retaliatory force was coming and was the scourge of the Neunosian seas for over 150 years and the more powerful Neunosian city-states would pay tribute to the Bugevaric raiders so that their ships and towns would not get raided. In 2040 BC, The Neunosian city-states would cooperate and form the League of cities to combat the Astarekan raiders and this started the Bugevaric War. They sent a massive Army with a massive fleet to the Bugevaric Islands and destroyed the Astarekas Ekelundyan navy at the Battle of Aynavieca, and the armies of the League of cities made their way to the Main Island of Astarekas Ekelundya called Astarekas and destroyed the Bugavaric Army and beisieged the Astarekan Capital City of Mariveica and the city fell. The League of cities occupied the Bugevaric islands for 5 years until the League was disolved and the armies of the city-states withdrew from the Archipelago.
In 2000 BCE, King Neušnáro of Danupelin declared war on Gelpelin by throwing the banner of the Kingdom of Gelpelin into the Danus Seaway and sent an Army to a Gelpelian caryašpeliae, killed the soldiers defending it and burned the fortress to the ground. Gelpelin sent it's navy to blockade the City of Danupelin