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History of the entire Starsian nation
The complete history of the Starsian nationAuthors
- Alexander Stark (former president)
- Horus Mordov (former football player and editor)
- Leonora Cordelia (Professional historian)
All records are from historical books, witnesses and assisting me in this are former president of the 14 Stars Alexander Stark who held the position for more then 2 decades and is known as the father of our nation.
Secondly i am helped by Horus Mordov who is in his 70s now and knows alot about history and is a hobbyist historian and a good editor who helped me make this coverage as good as it can be!
A bit about me, i am Leonora Cordelia and i was born in the Starsian year of 2001 please take note of the fact our years may be diffrent years in other nations so please feel free to translate it to your own timeline.
We in The 14 Stars live currently at the time of writing this (June 2024 irl) in the year 2039 in the 14 Stars and i am exactly 38 years of age i am married and i am blessed with 3 wonderful children.
Alexander Stark is in his late 50s at the time of writing and Horus Mordov was born in 1964 and he is one of the older people of our nation as the average lifespan in only 76,2 years.
The Starsian nation, what is it and why is it not any map?
There is a reason why our country cannot be mapped and cannot exist in any conventional maps and this is because first of all we are an entire universe on ourselves existing outside of any regions.
No one really knows why this is but the most likely assumption is that the Starsian nation is so alien to the rest of the region and conventional nations that our existence in a regular universe would disturb both their world and also would cause alot of friction between us and the rest of the nations.
Our universe also has its own set of physical laws with things being diffrent from normal universes, first of all our universe and by extension the ''planet'' we live on is FLAT! yes you heard that correct it is as flat as a pancake.
With a flat planet another odd thing comes to light and that is.....is there an end? and the answer is no there is no end to our planet and in all technicality our world is infinite there are no limits there are no ends.
Sure there are other countries, other people but the world itself is infinite and it currently is believed that we have not even discovered 0,0001% of the total surface, we are not even sure if there is an end to the surface or that there will just always be new lands and new places that come into existence as soon as we discover them.
But then you will ask me this, Leonora does that mean there is no space? Yes! you are correct there is no space, no space travel and this is because as said the universe we live in is infinite.
Our land is infinite, but also our skies and everything under the ground is infinite including...natural resources because we always discovered and conquer new land we also always discover new natural resource spots.
Our natural resources would usually never run out however we have developed, solar, wind and other more eco friendly technologies in addition to these infinite resources but majority is still oil, gas and coal however because there is so much sometimes even too much there is no war over it because there is enough.
Please do note that enough resources does not immediately mean there are no problems, this nation has its own complex set of issues and also its own set of struggles that it has and always will continue to have, however to some multiverse nations The 14 Stars will sounds like an Utopia but in reality it does not even come close to that.
Our nation is always at war, yes always there is no day that i know of where we weren't at war with other nations around The 14 Stars and as long as our population keeps growing i do not see an end to it either.
But in any case to understand the Starsian nation better i am gonna take you all back in time to the very beginning of our nation roughly 650,000 years ago to the very earliest humans that roamed our planet.
Not much is known about who they were and what they did but they were diffrent from the apes you see today such as the gorilla or the chimpanzee they were taller, smarter and faster.
They were the first ones to set serious steps into development but also only ranged a very small area, they unlike other humans werent traveling from place to place the early Starsians had large stone age or even earlier settlements, as they years progressed and things evolved into modern humanity we skip a time period to the bronze age.