by Max Barry

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by Mel-akkam. . 9 reads.

Dholavira Signboard 04/24/2024 – Ledu Elected

Dholavira Signboard S1I5 07/09/2023
The Dholavira Signboard
Mel-akkam’s #1 English-Language Daily

Ledu Elected as LDP Leader
Former Economic Rapporteur Niyantra Ledu has been elected to lead the centre-right Liberal Democratic Party, in a hotly-contested race against the incumbent leader, Vyaparam Vedan. Highlighting the declines in both votes and seats suffered by the party under Vedan’s leadership, Ledu ran on a centrist and social-liberal platform aimed at electability. “Under Ledu, the LDP will definitely see a leftwards shift — possibly leading to them cannibalising the [centrist-technocratic] Coalition [of Independents]’ vote share,” noted Signboard op-editor Abhi Prayam-Roberts, “though we can’t rule out the possibility of some moderate Progressive voters switching over as well.”

LDP Members Defect
Two commissioners and four provincial elders have defected from the Liberal Democratic Party to the more right-wing New Liberals after the election of Niyantra Ledu, a social-liberal centrist, as the former’s leader. Issuing a statement on the behalf of the defectors, New Liberals leader Prantiyata Sthanikata criticised Ledu for “betraying our liberal values” and “acting as a Progressive proxy”.

Prayam Supports Palestine UN Membership
Mel-akkam’s Foreign Affairs Rapporteur Ekabhi Prayam, speaking before the United Nations General Assembly (GA), called upon the organisation’s members to support Palestine in its bid for UN membership. “For decades, the Palestinian people have been denied their right to self-determination,” Prayam noted, calling on the United States, which has previously vetoed Palestine’s membership, to “be on the right side of history” by supporting its new effort.

