by Max Barry

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by The grand economic consortium. . 25 reads.

Constitution of 2008

Constitution of The Grand Economic Consortium


We, the people of The Grand Economic Consortium, united in our pursuit of prosperity and progress, establish this Constitution to safeguard individual liberties, promote free markets, and ensure the well-being of our nation.

Article I: Fundamental Rights

1. Every individual within The Grand Economic Consortium shall have the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.
2. Freedom of speech, press, assembly, and religion shall be guaranteed and protected.
3. The right to private property shall be inviolable, and property rights shall be protected by law.
4. Equality before the law shall be upheld, and discrimination based on race, gender, religion, or any other arbitrary factor shall be prohibited.

Article II: Structure of Government

1. The Grand Economic Consortium shall be a parliamentary democracy with a capitalist economic system.
2. The government shall consist of three branches: the Executive, the Legislature, and the Judiciary.
3. The Executive branch shall be headed by a Grand Consortian, elected by the people, who shall serve as the head of state.
4. The head of government, known as the Grand Minister, shall be appointed by the Grand Consortian and approved by the legislature and shall lead the Executive branch.
4. The Legislature shall be a bicameral body consisting of the Chamber of Representatives and the House of the People, with members elected by the people.
5. The Chamber of Representatives shall have 100 seats, while the House of the People shall have 300 seats.
6. The Grand Consortian shall serve a term of 5 years, and members of parliament shall serve terms of 4 years.
7.The Judiciary shall interpret and uphold the Constitution and ensure the rule of law.

Article III: Free Market Economy

1. The Grand Economic Consortium shall uphold and promote the principles of free-market capitalism.
2. Private enterprise shall be encouraged and supported, with minimal government intervention in economic affairs.
3. The government shall protect property rights, enforce contracts, and regulate markets to prevent fraud and ensure fair competition.
4. Taxes shall be levied to fund essential public services and infrastructure, but shall be kept low to encourage investment and entrepreneurship.

Article IV: International Relations

1. The Grand Economic Consortium shall engage in peaceful relations with other nations and promote free trade and cooperation.
2. Treaties and agreements with other nations shall be ratified by the Legislature and upheld by the government.
3. The nation shall defend its sovereignty and territorial integrity, but shall seek to resolve disputes through diplomacy and negotiation.

Article V: Amendment Process

1. Amendments to this Constitution may be proposed by a two-thirds majority of the Legislature or by a national referendum.
2. Amendments shall be ratified by a two-thirds majority vote in both houses of the Legislature or by a majority vote in a national referendum.
3. No amendment shall infringe upon the fundamental rights guaranteed by this Constitution.

Article VI: Supremacy of the Constitution

1. This Constitution shall be the supreme law of The Grand Economic Consortium, and all laws and government actions shall be subject to its provisions.
2. Any law or government action that violates the Constitution shall be null and void.
3. All public officials shall swear an oath to uphold and defend the Constitution.

Signed and ratified by the people of The Grand Economic Consortium on this day, 5th of April 2008

The grand economic consortium

