by Max Barry

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by The Democratic Republic of The Syndicalist Union. . 15 reads.

The Syndicalist Worker’s Party

The Syndicalist Worker’s Party
The Syndicalist Worker’s Party
W O R K E R ' S P A R T Y
The Syndicalist Worker’s Party
The Syndicalist Worker’s Party


Syndicalism, a form of radical socialism that emphasizes the organization of society through decentralized industrial unions, aiming to replace capitalism with a system of workers' self-management.

Core Principles

1. **Worker’s Control:** The SWP believes in the principle of workers' self-management, where decisions about production, distribution, and organization of workplaces are made democratically by the workers themselves, rather than by owners or managers.

2. **Direct Action:** The party advocates for direct action as a means to achieve social and economic change, including strikes, boycotts, occupations, and other forms of nonviolent resistance to challenge the power structures of capitalism.

3. **Solidarity:** Solidarity among workers is central to syndicalist philosophy. The SWP promotes solidarity across industries, regions, and borders, recognizing the common interests of the working class regardless of differences in occupation or nationality.

4. **Abolition of Capitalism:** Syndicalists aim to abolish capitalism and the wage system, replacing them with a system of decentralized economic planning and cooperative ownership of the means of production.

5. **Internationalism:** The SWP embraces internationalism, advocating for the global solidarity of workers and opposing nationalism and imperialism. It supports efforts to unite workers across borders to confront global capitalism.

Political Strategy

1. **Union Organizing:** The SWP actively engages in organizing workers into industrial unions, fostering solidarity and collective action within workplaces and industries.

2. **Electoral Politics:** While some syndicalists eschew electoral politics, the SWP may choose to participate in elections strategically, using electoral campaigns to raise awareness, build alliances, and promote the syndicalist agenda.

3. **Community Organizing:** Beyond the workplace, the SWP engages in community organizing efforts, addressing issues such as housing, healthcare, education, and environmental justice, while advocating for democratic control and social ownership.


1. **Democratic Decision-Making:** The SWP operates on the principles of democratic decision-making, with decisions made collectively by its members through assemblies, councils, or other forms of participatory democracy.

2. **Federalism:** Recognizing the diversity of industries and communities, the party may organize itself in a federated structure, with local chapters or branches retaining a high degree of autonomy while coordinating on broader campaigns and initiatives.

3. **Education and Propaganda:** The SWP prioritizes education and propaganda, disseminating syndicalist ideas through publications, public events, workshops, and educational programs to raise awareness and build a mass movement.

Key Campaigns and Goals

1. **Labor Rights:** The SWP campaigns for the rights of workers, including fair wages, safe working conditions, and the right to organize and bargain collectively.

2. **Social Justice:** The party advocates for social justice issues, such as gender equality, racial justice, LGBTQ+ rights, and immigrant rights, recognizing the interconnectedness of various forms of oppression within capitalist society.

3. **Economic Transformation:** The SWP seeks to transform the economy through the establishment of worker cooperatives, community-controlled enterprises, and other forms of social ownership, challenging the dominance of capitalist corporations.

4. **Anti-War and Anti-Imperialism:** The party opposes militarism, war, and imperialism, calling for the redirection of resources from the military-industrial complex toward social needs and international solidarity.
