by Max Barry

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by The Mazdayasna Commonwealth of Zebastani. . 20 reads.

The Soulgodian Commonwealth of Zebastani (Work in progress)

The Soulgodian Commonwealth of Zebastani

Welcome to the Soulgodian Commonwealth
Welcome to the The Mazdayasna Commonwealth of Zebastani! A commonwealth made up of Soulgodian states from the nations of Zebastani, The aynie isles, The Isles of Inbetween and Random island in the middle of nowhere. The Capital of the Soulgodian Commonwealth is known as Pyro, which is located in The aynie isles. The citizens of the country are known as Zebastanians and the main language used here is Zebastani/ Zebastaniak. This page is supposed to act as an overview and welcome to our nation if you are planning to visit this country. This guide will take you quickly through everything, but for more detailed guides we would recommend you choose a link bellow.
