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Chief Delegate Norde Lot
[anchor=intro][/anchor] [sidebar][center][size=125][b]Biographical Note[/b][/size][hr] [table][tr][td][color=4f4e4e]Chief Delegate[/color][/td][/tr][/table] [b][i]Norde Lot[/i][/b] [hr] [color=white]----[/color][img]https://i.imgur.com/kooN3Ry.png[/img][color=white]----[/color] [i]Official Portrait of Chief Delegate Norde Lot[/i][/center][table=plain] [tr][td][hr][/td][td][hr][/td][/tr] [tr][td][b]Born[/b] [/td][td] January 3, 1973 [/td][/tr] [tr][td][b]Spouse[/b] [/td][td] Grazi Lot [/td][/tr] [tr][td][b]Career[/b] [/td][td] World Assembly Delegate [/td][/tr] [tr][td][hr][/td][td][hr][/td][/tr] [tr][td][b]Full Name[/b] [/td][td] Norde Lot [/td][/tr] [tr][td][b]Father[/b] [/td][td] [color=green] Doppil Ploritin [/color][/td][/tr] [tr][td][b]Mother[/b] [/td][td] [color=green] Gredi Ploritin [/color][/td][/tr][/table] [/sidebar] Nordelino Maharta Te Rangi Lotuwairoa Mangatiliwa Habagatu Wairoati, better known as [b]Norde Lot[/b], (nˈoː͡ɹd lˈɑːt) was born January 3, 1973 to parents Doppil and Gredi Ploritin, and serves as the current Chief Delegate to the World Assembly from the small archipelagic nation of [b][url=https://www.nationstates.net/nation=bisofeyr/detail=factbook/id=main]Bisofeyr[/url][/b]. He has previously served as a significant contributor to the Bisofeyri Convocation, where he gained notoriety after submitting and successfully lobbying through and passing legislation pertaining to the vandalism of mountainous pathways, an issue which had been plaguing communities surrounding Lunsel for several years prior to the implementation of Lot's measures. [floatleft][box][center][b]Table of Contents[/b][/center][hr]1. [url=#intro]Introductory[/url] 2. [url=#earlylife]Early Life[/url] 3. [url=#ideology]Ideology[/url] [tab=20][/tab] – [url=#political]Political Views[/url] [tab=20][/tab] – [url=#religious]Religious Views[/url] 4. [url=#hobbs]Hobbies[/url] 5. [url=#trivia]Trivia[/url] [/box][/floatleft] [color=white] - - - - - - - [/color] [size=150][anchor=earlylife][color=#4f4e4e][b]Early Life[/b][/color][/anchor][/size][hr] Lot was born to Doppil and Gredi Ploritin in downtown Parao, which is where Norde spent most of his childhood. His parents were both berry farmers, and Lot spent a significant portion of his childhood shucking Festle-berries prior to their distribution among the community. Both of Lot's parents were active within the Bisofeyri Convocation, though neither of them had made tremendous waves and instead appreciated the body more for its community presence. When Lot was thirteen years old, his parents brought him to his first Convocation, where Lot quickly became enraptured with the organization behind it all. [size=150][anchor=ideology][color=#4f4e4e][b]Ideology[/b][/color][/anchor][/size][hr] [size=125][anchor=political]Political Views[/anchor][/size] Lot is of the belief that the World Assembly has encroached much too far on the domestic affairs of members. In general, Lot believes that the finances of the World Assembly have been proven to be a significant burden on each member, given the "involuntary donation" scheme currently propagated by GA 17 and the disproportionate return of those funds back to members. He believes that this disincentivizes members from joining the World Assembly, and makes the operation thereof too reliant on massive, interplanetary nations which have little reason to remain in the Assembly. Lot also has expressed discontent with the inconsistency the World Assembly has exhibited in where it interferes with internal criminal operations of members. Despite his own personal beliefs on what ought and ought not to be allowed, he generally disagrees with a multinational body interfering on things that are subject to internal legal processes of individual members, and thus not fit for international legislation. Where this general thought is not applicable, it should be applied consistently, which it evidently has not been given the lack of illegalization of basic criminal acts, such as murder, thievery, and rape, while more nuanced issues such as the legalization of psychoactive drugs, are not implemented. In general, Lot has made the established position of the [nation]Bisofeyri World Assembly Mission[/nation] to do with reducing barriers for entry and re-incentivizing World Assembly membership, ensuring internal administrative efficiency, and dealing with issues that are inherently transnational. The primary goal of Lot is to establish more stringent environmental regulations that members must follow, in order to ensure that the world is a more beautiful and persevering place. [size=125][anchor=religious]Religious Views[/anchor][/size] [color=white] - - - [/color] [size=150][anchor=hobbs][color=#4f4e4e][b]Appointment to Chief Delegate[/b][/color][/anchor][/size][hr] When Bisofeyr initially opted to get involved in the World Assembly, Magus Regent [url=https://www.nationstates.net/page=dispatch/id=2014070][b]Delfi Quix[/b][/url] tasked [b][url=https://www.nationstates.net/page=dispatch/id=2014091]Murr Plocte[/url][/b], the Arcanum Vice-Regent, with finding a suitable representative to send to the Assembly. Plocte quickly turned to the Bisofeyri Convocation to put up a nominee for the office, and following the recent success of the Mountain Path Protection Act, Lot was nominated and quickly garnered support for the position. Despite initial protest to the nomination, Lot became the frontrunner, followed close behind by [b]Vol Vol[/b] (who was later chosen by Lot to work alongside him as Vice-Delegate). During final deliberations, Lot made known his opposition to bringing Bisofeyr as a nation wholly under World Assembly jurisdiction, and let it be known that under his leadership, there would be an office set up to render influence to the international body, but the nation itself would not join, because of the antithetical nature of the World Assembly to Bisofeyr's way of life. This was met with thunderous applause, with some critics acclaiming him as one of the "all-time great speakers in the Convocation." [size=150][anchor=trivia][color=#4f4e4e][b]Trivia[/b][/color][/anchor][/size][hr] [list] [*] [*] [/list] [hr][size=25]Template by [nation=noflag]Soleanna[/nation], template [url=https://forum.nationstates.net/viewtopic.php?f=23&t=419360]here[/url][/size]