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Ineva, O.o.C.
Greetings! I am the man behind Ineva. Pleased to meet you!My English (nick)name is Ace; feel free to call me that in O.o.C. capacities.
I do not actually live in Winchestertonfieldville like my forum profile says, as that is a fictional town anyway; this is merely a reference to my favorite Adam Sandler movie, Mr Deeds.
I have 27 years. This bit used to be redacted, but, I've already mentioned this before forum-side.
I quite like autos, politics, music, Judaism, and my country.
I have Moroccan (some would say Arab) and Mizrahi heritage.
I work as an Assistant Professor of Foreign Language (regional dialects, to be specific) and Communication Studies.
My end goal is to become a tenured professor in the latter field, but we will see where life takes me.
English is not my first language, so please be patient with any observed misinterpretations or subpar grammar.
My favorite food is harira--imagine lentils, but better.
My favorite color is purple--more specifically, lavender.
I have a rather unhealthy obsession with one particular musician and band.
At all times, I should be doing something productive instead of this.
I saved the best for last: I am the proud father of an amazing little girl and am a man of G-d.
Thank ya for reading.