by Max Barry

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by The South Pacific Delegate of Ebonhand. . 4 reads.

Griffindor's 15th Fortnightly Update

This dispatch was originally sent as a Regional Telegram on March 27th, 2024:

[b]Greetings, my fellow South Pacificans![/b]

It has been [i]18 days[/i] since my last Fortnightly Briefing! :') Apologies for the delay. My real-life obligations (grad school) are eating me alive (one-ish months left!!), and also, there were some developments yesterday that I wanted to be sure were included in my Fortnightly Telegram! Various parts of the region have been active since the last update, and some other parts have been very active! Now, without further ado, it is time for another fortnightly briefing!


[b]First:[/b] The Assembly was active in discussing many of the same topics I informed you about in the last briefing but did start new discussions too.

[spoiler= Well, Tell Us Again!]
Starting first with new business, I gave the State of the Coalition speech to the Assembly detailing the Prime Minister's plans for the remainder of the term, as well as the stuff accomplished so far. You can view it here:

Next, on new business, the regional administration team presented a new guideline to the Assembly to receive comments. The guideline adds harassment to the list of violations a member of the region can have moderation action taken against. This new guideline is set to become part of the Community Guidelines in just a couple of days.

Moving now to old business, the Assembly is continuing debate on proscriptions and whether or not to expand the grounds for which they can be issued. There are sharp divisions on the topic with some arguing that the authority is not wide enough, while others arguing the current setup is sufficient. I will update you at the next fortnightly telegram on the progress made on this debate.

The last item of Assembly business, the Assembly finished debating and passed a resolution restoring accountability to those individuals involved in the 2016 Cabinet Coup. Specifically, the resolution revokes the Amnesty granted by the Assembly in the immediate aftermath of the coup. Opponents of the bill argued (as I said in the last fortnightly telegram) that the resolution was intended to strip the High Court of its ability to determine the facts and rewrite history. The argument did not seem to hold much water as the region was lopsided in its support for the resolution in the final vote, and it has since become law within the region.

[b]Second[/b]: The Prime Minister and Council on Regional Security of the South Pacific jointly issued [i]full proscriptions[/i] upon several regions and organizations.
[spoiler= Which Ones? And Why?]
The organizations and regions in question are [region]Astoria[/region], [region]The Black Hawks[/region], [region]the Brotherhood of Malice[/region], [region]Lair of the Dragon[/region], [region]Osiris[/region], [region]Sparkalia[/region], and [region]Warzone Trinidad[/region]. The reason for the proscription of these regions and organizations was their unlawful unseating of the lawful Delegate of [region]Concord[/region]. This is the largest and most extensive use of a proscription in regional history. The full statement, jointly signed by the Prime Minister and Council on Regional Security, can be found here:

[b]Third:[/b] The case before the High Court, [i][2403.HR] Review of the Rejection of Siberian Districts’ Citizenship Application[/i], remains ongoing.
[spoiler= What's The Hold Up??]
The holdup stems from the real-life obligations of the primary and secondary justices. Further, the Court appears to have been waiting for the changes being made by the Assembly to play out before making its opinion. This is because any potential opinion could be impacted by the decisions made within the Assembly. With the decisions made by the Assembly implemented, the Court will likely be making its final moves in the next several days. [i]Hopefully[/i] this means that I can report the conclusion of the case in the next fortnightly telegram.

[b]Fourth:[/b] The Minister of Roleplay has issued the "Treasure Island Report," which is a first-of-its-kind update on the status of the roleplay canons within the South Pacific.
[spoiler= Give it a Read Here]
Yes, right here:

Going forward, I hope to be able to give you these updates on the roleplay canons to keep you informed of the other major aspect of our regional forums and Discord. Stay tuned!

[b]Fifth:[/b] Get ready! The next election for Prime Minister is fast approaching!
[spoiler= AGAIN??]

Every three months the citizens of the South Pacific get together to elect a Prime Minister. The last election began on January 15th, which means the next election begins on April 15th!

[i]Incumbent[/i] [b]Prime Minister, [nation]Drew Durrnil[/nation][/b] has not yet announced whether or not they are running for a second term, which means you may or may not be running against them! If you are interested in running for Prime Minister, voting for Prime Minister, or serving in the Cabinet, you'll want to be sure you have citizenship prior to the start of the election. Apply for citizenship today, as it can take a bit to get all the steps done! I look forward to seeing y'all run!

[b]Sixth:[/b] With all this talk of regional security, proscriptions, and elections, this is just a friendly reminder to endorse me, [b][nation]Ebonhand[/nation][/b], as well as all the other members of the [b]Coral Guard[/b]!
[spoiler= Cake for Those That DO IT!!!]
You heard me: 🍰

[b]Seventh:[/b] Everyone be sure to check the regional polls! Our Minister of On-Site Events (MOOSE) is currently going through our SwanVison contestants!!!
[spoiler= More Cake for Those That DO IT!!!]
No, seriously:  🍰
Well, we may have to wait for the next one to be posted first (so don't eat your cake until then!!)...

That is all for this fortnightly update! For making it to the end of this Telegram, you all get the traditional end-of-update slice of cake! 🍰🍰

I look forward to updating you all again in a Fortnight and talking with you all in the interim! Remember, my Telegram box is open to those who want to talk!

[i]Always and eternally yours,[/i]


His Most Benevolent Cakeness, the Mother and Delegate of the South Pacific[/b]
