Dispatch → Factbook → Legislation
Major Governmental Acts of the Federal Republic of Ukraine (1919-Current)
The act:
1): Provides land to veterans of the independence war (many of whom were peasants who worked the land in the first place) to acquire land as repayment for their service to Ukraine; they fought for Ukraine, so they should own their slice of Ukraine
2): Establishes a series of legal protections and assistances allowing Ukrainians to more easily acquire land as well as better assert their control over their land in court, as well as laws regarding the seizure of land from criminals. Furthermore, it restricts the government's ability to seize land through eminent domain as well as outlining the circumstances and provisions that need to be provided to both parties if the government does seize the land.
3a): Establishes the "Українська національна аграрна компанія" or the Ukrainian National Agricultural Company which is jointly administered by the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Agriculture. As of the passage of the act, The УНAK (or UNAC) owns 35% of all arable land in Ukraine with profits directly going to the Ukrainian Government.
3b): Provides financial incentives to farmers organizing themselves into collectives, or joining state-owned collective farms under the Ukrainian National Agricultural Company which is jointly administered by the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Agriculture.
4): Provided protections to agricultural corporations in Ukraine, as well as providing them with a tax cut proportionate to the amount of grain they sell directly to the Ukrainian National Agricultural Company, as well as special contracts for both individual farmers and corporations who grow grain and sell it directly to the Ukrainian Government.
5): Created the ability to take a special, low interest loan from the National Bank of Ukraine for use in purchasing agricultural equipment from abroad.
There are, of course, much more policies that the act does cover.
Main Points.
1) Workplaces must adhere to the 8-8-8 system, that is, Workers should expect eight hours of labour, eight hours of rest, and eight hours of time to themselves. Furthermore, the work week will not exceed 6 days, ensuring at minimum a single day for recreational activities or domestic affairs or chores. Overtime hours can be provided, and are defined as any labour a) exceeding the daily limit of 8 hours or b) any hour of labour occurring on a seventh day of the week.
2) Workers will be paid no less than the minimum wage of 36 Krones (10 USD) per hour. In the event of overtime (see above) workers must be paid an additional 50% on top of their wage. While payment of wages must occur once every fortnight in arrears, payment can be provided as frequently as the employer desires. Failure for an employer to pay these wages out of malicious or premeditated intentions will result in a fine and said employer having to repay the affected employee double the sum of the withheld wage.
3a) Unions who register with the Ministry of Economics are allowed to assemble freely and at their discretion without government interference or monitoring. Unions will also be provided a tax exemption, but must generate their own revenue and will not be provided payment from the government through fundraisers, events and donations. Employers are not allowed to terminate the employment of individuals based on grounds of union membership.
3b) Unions will be so long as they 1) do not advocate for "Illegal or violent administrative change", 2) participate in, or advocate for, the execution any illegal activities, or 3) intentionally provide asylum for individuals who violate either part 1 or part 2. Any Unions who do not comply with these parameters overtly void their legitimacy and cannot act as a Union in the eyes of the Law, and are liable to be legally prosecuted.
3c) The Ukrainian Federal Police reserves the right to investigate any Union suspecting of violating section 3b. Investigations can only be undertaken if a warrant is provided to place the Union on a Watchlist. While on a Watchlist, the Union is able to have information gathered about it and Federal Police officers are allowed to discretely gather this information. If the Union does not violate any portion of 3a, information gathered about the union is to be archived, any sensitive information is to be thoughtfully disposed of, and the Union must be informed an investigation was undertaken and the reasons for this investigation.
In the event the Ukrainian Federal Police has conducted the investigation without legal justification, then the Federal Government must pay compensation.
4) Women are legally required to be given paid maternity leave for up to 20 weeks. However, both parents are to be supplied with at least 1 fortnight of paid maternity leave. Any time after this, the mother is not liable for paid maternity leave. For the duration of Maternity leave, the mother if they so desire is allowed to retain her employment. Individuals who are self-employed are able to request a government loan which will not have interest, but must have repayments paid at least monthly. Any Failure to make repayments with premeditated or malicious intent will carry a fine.
5a) Public protests or demonstrations, so long as they are peaceful, are allowed to operate. However, the organisers of the public protest must inform local law enforcement personnel at least 7 days in advance of the impending protests location and duration to allow time for the necessary resources to be diverted to ensure the safety of non-participants as well as the demonstrators, and to ensure civilians are aware of the protest and are able to adapt their plans accordingly. Failure to give ample warning places all participants involved in the protest at risk of being charged with disturbing the peace.
5b) while most protests are to be allowed, protests which 1) advocate for violent or illegal administrative change, 2) actively arm the protestors with weapons (with the exception of flags and placards), or 3) advocate for policies that run against, or advocate for violations of, the constitution, are not allowed to proceed under any circumstances and will result in charges ranging from disturbing the peace to treason.