by Max Barry

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by The Mazdayasna Commonwealth of Zebastani. . 7 reads.

Zebastani Ground Attack Operations

Zebastani Ground Attack Operations

Hastoi SA(Speed attack) mark III

Class: Lightweight tank
Description: A smallish tank that is extremely fast due to it being powered by a small jet engine and it's light weight for a tank. It has one main canon attached just above the slope of the tank with a small mounted motion sensor tracking lightweight canon. It uses basic shielding techniques for it's lack of strength
Cost:1 million zelts

Hastoi Zaflak attack and defense operation tank

Class: Heavyweight tank
Description: A very large tank with three canons, two on the far left and right of the tank and one in the centre, it's long and wide slope at a very shallow angle helps give the tank for protection, as well as extremely grippy tires to handle any sort of terrain. It's slope had advanced laser shielding technology.
Cost:200 million zelts

Casklak Missile and personnel transport

Class:Military transport
Description:A massive Military truck with a giant metal cuboid attached to it which is used to carry missiles and personnel around the nation and into the front lines. It has two motion sensor missile launchers on top of it as well as advanced shielding
Cost:50 million zelts

Casalak laser scanning missile launcher truck mark II

Description: A massive military truck used this time to launch laser scanning missiles on the battlefront. These missiles can range from short-range to medium-range. The truck also has a tank canon on the left side but only for defensive needs, as well as basic shielding
Cost:10 million zelts
Amount: 300
