by Max Barry

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by The Libertarian-Conservative of Federal Republic of Serov. . 6 reads.

SNN Special News Report Peace and Alliance

(11/18/2023 15:00) The Federal Republic of Serov and Kelzay have made peace and put their conflict behind them. Kelzay apologized for their previous actions, while still disagreeing on what happened, the two nations agreed to retract and apologized for their previous statements and agreed not to repeat their actions. The two nations have returned to a state of friendship.

(Above: Diplomats from Kelzay and Federal Republic of Serov meet)

(11/18/2023 18:04) Following the end of the conflict between Kelzay and Federal Republic of Serov, Caliawii and Federal Republic of Serov agreed to restore the Caliawiian-Serovian Alliance at a meeting between Serovian PM Anna Petrovic and Caliawiian monarch King Pooh. Caliawii also announced the dissolution of the Anti-Serov Alliance. Political Scientists think that Caliawiian-serov will return to joint governance soon.

(Above: Anna Petrovic and King Pooh's meeting)
