by Max Barry

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by The Defender WASC Bloc of Partnership for Sovereignty. . 5 reads.

Partnership for Sovereignty: Vote FOR "Liberate/Injunct Philippines"

Liberate and Injunct Philippines

Voting Recommendation: FOR

Reasoning: The Partnership for Sovereignty recommends voting FOR Injunct Philippines and Liberate Philippines.

A long time friend of the Partnership and many of its members, as well as being one of “NationStates’ most storied regions,” the injunction and liberation seek to protect Philippines against the transition of the region to a Frontier, and subsequently to a stronghold, as well as ensuring the region does not become a passworded trophy of invader efforts to destroy the region’s community and history. The Partnership unequivocally stands against the destruction of peaceful communities, doubly so for one with the history and experience that this one has, and this recommendation should come as no surprise to any half-knowledgeable party.
