by Max Barry

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by The Allied States of Tekniania. . 14 reads.

The Special Guard

When the Allied States were first formed, it became clear that a special forces unit would be in high demand. For this purpose, The first Speaker, Selai Vaitayaki, ordered the creation of the Special Guard, which would function both as a military intelligence unit and as a special forces unit, ready to respond to the most extreme situations.

The Special Guard is, simultaneously, the smallest of all the Guards and also the most used. Due to Tekniania often taking part in massive, international anti-dictatorial operations, the military is often needed, but the General Council is reluctant to send in the regular Guards. Thus, the Special Guard is often used for these peacekeeping operations, and has a long history of toppling various totalitarian and authoritarian regimes, often by covertly and quickly taking out their leaders.

The actual amount of soldiers serving in the Special Guard is highly classified, but it is estimated to be at around 10 thousand, most stationed on Teataka, a volcanic island 250 kilometres away from any other major settlement. Most things about it are unknown, except for its name, general location and purpose, however, everything else is a state secret.

There are also, supposedly, Special Guard units stationed abroad, working with rebels in totalitarian nations to liberate their people. This function of the Special Guard is the most controversial, seeing as the status of many of these nations is highly subjective.

Special Guard soldiers are recruited from members of the other Guards, where they have already proven themselves. After recruitment, Special Guardsmen/women practically disappear for the duration of their service, not contacting their families or friends for most of their time there, except on holidays and other such occasions.

Seeing as it is a highly secretive part of the military, the Special Guard has only one uniform: a parade uniform, since, in almost all other cases, Special Guardsmen are out of uniform and in civilian clothes or camouflage. The parade uniform is fully black, with silver buttons and decorations. It comes with a pillbox hat, black faux-leather gloves, a jacket (with an attachment point for medal ribbons) and trousers, silver aguillettes and faux-leather shoes.

The Special Guard has the following ranks, from most junior to most senior: Private, Second Lieutenant, Lieutenant, Major, Captain, Colonel, General Colonel (leader of the Special Guard), currently: Tavaita Ganila.

When the Special Guard was first established, several military orders were created to go along with it and to be awarded to its members:
The Liberty Star, awarded for efforts to spread freedom and liberty across the world;
The Silent Defence Order, awarded for efforts to protect Tekniania against internal threats, awarded in three tiers: Guardsman/woman, Captain, General;
The Infinite Sigil, awarded for a lengthy and first-rate service in the Special Guard.
