by Max Barry

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by The Kingdom of Candanadium. . 1 reads.

Candanadian Honours System

Recipients of national and provincial orders gain post-nominal letters, and knights of national orders receive the title "Sir" or "Dame".

The Most Noble and Most Honourable Order of the House of Magnar (Der edelste und ehrwürdigste Hausorden von Magnar) - Referred to as the Order of Magnar for short, this is a personal gift from the sovereign and awarded by the monarch at his pleasure. This is usually reserved for members of the royal household and foreign heads of state. Individuals can be appointed Members (MMg), Commanders, (CMg), Knights (KMg), Knights-Commander, (KCMg), or Knights Grand Cross (GCMg). The monarch is the sovereign of this order.

The Holy Fraternal Knightly Order of the Tri-Maple (Der heilige brüderliche Rittersorden des Drei-Ahorns) - The Order of the Tri-Maple for short, this is the second-highest order in Candanadium but practically the highest national award as the Order of Magnar is extremely exclusive, awarded in recognition of exemplary service to the country primarily to civil servants, diplomats, military officers, though it is sometimes to prominent figures in Candanadium. Grades of this order include Members (MTM), Officers (OTM), Companions (CTM), Knights (KTM), Knights Commander (KCTM), Knights Grand Cross (GCTM).

The Military Order of Hans the Great (Militärorden von Hans der Großen) - this order is awarded to members of His Majesty's Candanadium Defence Forces and allied military forces. Grades of this order are Members (MHG), Officers (OHG), Commanders (CHG), Knights (KHG), Knights Commander (KCHG), and Knights Grand Commander (GCHG). Associated to this order is the award of King Hans' Medal (KHM), which is commonly awarded to junior other ranks. NCOs and senior NCOs may receive the MHG and OHG, and generally only officers are appointed CHG, KHG, KCHG, and GCHG, though there have been some exceptions to this unwritten rule.

The Honourable Order of Virtue (Der ehrwürdige Orden von Tugend) - this single-grade order honours those who have made extraordinary humanitarian, medical, or academic contributions to Candanadium. Members gain the post-nominals OV.

The Most Excellent Order of Candanadium (Der ausgezeichneste Orden von Kandanadium) - Membership to this order is appointed by a committee headed by the Minister of Candanadian Heritage. This order is less selective than the Holy Order of the Tri-Maple and is more accessible to members of the general public. Grades of this order include Members (MK), Officers (OK), Companions (CK), Knights Companion (KK), and Knights Grand Companion (GCK). Ordinary grades of this order cannot be awarded to foreigners but foreigners can be ordained Extradordinary Companions or Stranger Knights.

The Order of the Lady of Caskhomir (Die Orde van die Vrou van Caskhomir) - This order is of the same grade as the Order of Candanadium, but is awarded to Caskhomir residents in the name of Governor-General of Caskhomir or the King for exemplary service to Caskhomir. Grades of this order include Members (MLC), Officers (OLC), Companions (CLC), and Knights (KLC).

The Order of Belkhomir (Der Orden von Belkhomir) - Similar to the Order of the Lady of Caskhomir, this is awarded to Belkhomir residents in the name of the Prince of Belkhomir for exemplary service to Belkhomir. Grades of this order include Members (MB), Officers (OB), Commanders (KB), and Knights (RB).

The Tridentine Order of Oseania - the highest honour bestowed by the Oseanian Free State and the only provincial order to have multiple grades. Grades include Member (MTO), Officer, (OTO), Companion, (CTO), and Knight Companion (KCTO).

The Order of Fischerstaat (Der Orden von Fischerstaat) - the highest honour of the province of Fischerstaat. Post-nominals OF.

The Order of the Westland - the provincial order of Westland. Post-nominals OW.

The Order of the Northern Cape - the provincial order of the Northern Cape. Post-nominals ONC.

The Merit Order of Eisenstaat (Der Verdienstorden von Eisenstaat) - the provincial order of Eisenstaat. Post-nominals VoE.

The Hautsing Order of Honour (濠鏡榮譽勳章) - the provincial order of Hautsing. Post-nominals HOH.


The Wilhelmus Cross (Das Wilhelmuskreuz) - The highest military honour of Candanadium, awarded by the King to any service member of the Candanadium Defence Forces or the Candanadian Reserve Defence Forces for bravery, courage, or valour of the highest calibre in the face of the enemy, or an act of exceptional devotional to duty, self-sacrifice, or daring. May be awarded posthumously. Recipients gain the post-nominal letters WK and a life pension. Named after King Wilhelmus von Magnare, the Conqueror. This award cannot be taken away for any reason.

The Cross of Maples (Das Kreuz der Ahornblätter) - Awarded to any military service member for exemplary conduct or bravery in general. Recipients gain the post-nominal letters KA.

The Star of Great Kaltachia (Der Stern von Großkaltachien) - Awarded to military service members for outstanding displays of loyalty and personal sacrifice. Recipients gain the post-nominal letters SGK

King Hans' Medal (Medaille des Königs Hans) - Awarded for 10 years of consistently exceptional service. Recipients gain the post-nominal letters KHM.

Defence Service Medal (Verteidigungsdienstorden) - Awarded for 10 years of honourable service, with an additional clasp for every 5 years thereafter. Recipients gain the post-nominal letters DSM.

General Defence Medal (Allgemeine Verteidigungsorden) - Awarded upon the completion of national service, full-time and reserve. Often abbreviated GDM, though not authorized to be used as post nominals.


The Most Loyal Order of Edofasia (Der treuste Orden von Edofasien) - formerly awarded to individuals connected to Edofasia or for service to the Dominion of Edofasia. Grades included Member (ME), Officer (OE), Commander (KE), Knight Commander (RKE), and Knight Grand Commander (RGKE).

The Edofasian Defence Medal (Der edofasische Verteidigungsorden) - Awarded for 7 years' service in the Edofasian Security Forces, with an additional clasp for every 3 years thereafter. Post-nominals EVO.

The Kingdom of Candanadium
