We have some issues to address overseas. The political state of some nations are appalling there is no sense of control for the people of these nations. Free media and so called civil rights have tainted these places making them dangerous places to live or travel to. We as a people of one great nation do wish that such cruel actions should be punished. Nations such as these tainted nations have became a burden on the world as we know it. We do not stand for such cruelty here in Rasutafia we are a beacon of strength a beacon of power a beacon of hope. I have heard tales that these so called free nations film their poor and weak to watch them on morning and nightly TV they charge taxpayers for everything from food and water to safety and security. This is just sad and cruel now compare that fair people to Rasutafia we respect our poor and weak we provide food and water as a state we provide safety and security as a state that is freedom that is proper. Now we are not perfect as a nation no one is perfect but our flaws only make us stronger and more unique. These cruel nations have a twisted view of perfect society it is sickening it is preposterous it is twisted and evil. I shall be the savior i shall make our nation stand above these silly practices above and beyond is the goal above and beyond is the dream. WE ARE RASUTAFIA WE ARE FREE WE ARE BIG WE ARE STRONG SARSKIA IS A LEADER WELL BORN. GLORY TO RASUTAFIA GLORY TO SARSKIA. CONTROL IS A MUST.