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The Breaking Wave - July 2023
The Breaking WaveNews of the 10,000 Islands - July 2023
by Jeanine Cutoffs
Empire of Power Day
This July 30 marks the 20th anniversary of the defeat of the raider region Empire of Power by the fledgling 10,000 Islands Treaty Organization. At the time, the 10,000 Islands had only a few dozen nations while the Empire was five times the size. The Empire was known as an aggressive, militaristic region which had destroyed others in the past and planned a surprise attack on the 10,000 Islands. Fortunately, early warning spotters were able to give XKI notice, and a call for help went out to many friendly regions. That call was answered with courage and vigor. The battle went on for days but in the end not only were the 10,000 Islands saved, the aggressor was reduced to mere trophy. 10,000 Islands thanks and salutes all the nations and regions who came together during that fight to protect our region and form the basis of the Defender alliance TITO.
Empire of Power Day celebrates the defeat of that region and the founding of TITO. Markanite has released a dispatch about a number of activities planned. We hope to see you there!
On 30th July, we celebrate Empire of Power Defense Day. On this date in 2003 we repelled hordes of invaders from the Empire of Power and defended our region with the help of some of our allies. To mark this occasion we will be hosting a few events!
After a few new nations entered the 10000 Islands, historic Islander New Boniventure posted a warning that our region was under attack by invaders from the Empire of Power.
The Empire of Power was a region roughly five times the size of the 10000 Islands and was known for attacking regions and then ejecting all of the natives. Thanks to that early warning, the stealth attack was confirmed. As the Empire of Power nations flooded into the 10000 Islands, the future looked bleak as we were heavily outnumbered. The only hope was to go to outside unknown regions and ask them for their help.
That night Grub put out a call for help to many regions, and thankfully many responded. Some of the regions that generously lent their help were the Urbanites, Texas, the Heartland, The Rejected Realms Army, and several other others. When the NationStates update came, our side was victorious by just a single endorsement. The battle went on for two more days, but help flooded in and the region that dwarfed us in size was soundly defeated. Without the help of those outside regions, the 10000 Islands would have been defeated.
After that fateful day, TITO was born.
The Ten thousand Islands Treaty Organization, otherwise known as TITO, has been helping regions that needed it ever since that first night. We have successfully helped to protect regions in nearly 4000 battles since that first attack on our homeland. Our goal has always been to help others who need it or those that are attacked unfairly. I am happy to say that after 20 years, we are still here fighting for the innocent regions of the NS world.
Join us on the 30th July, in creating some artwork. The theme is defending so lets see your creativity and artistic skill! Submissions can be posted on our Discord in "10KI Art Festival!"
Our very own Minister Wille-Harlia will be hosting a movie night on discord! Vote for your choice here: https://10000islands.proboards.com/thread/44164/movie-night-7-30
On our forum, we will be hosting a Mystery Picture Competition, a TITO Knight's statue will be disguised and pixelated. Can you figure out which one it is? Taco prizes to those who can figure it out!
Throughout the day, representatives of the Council of Nine will be on the RMB to take part in office hours and answer questions. Got any questions about 10000 Islands? Drop in and ask!
Office hours will be as follows:

Government Office Hours and Q&As
Greetings Islanders!
It's been a while, but we wanted to take the 20th anniversary of the attack by the Empire of Power on 10000 Islands as an opportunity to reach out to the wider population of XKI and present an opportunity to learn about your leaders and the inner workings of XKI's government. The successful repulsion of the Empire of Power led to the creation of both the XKI government and our defender military, TITO.
Different members of government and senior members of our community are setting up office hours where they will make themselves available on our regional message board to answer your questions! Want to know about our foreign affairs, how our Ministries work, or different government programs? Or do you just have questions for someone who is experienced in this game about how to network and succeed? How about advice on how to get more integrated into the region? These are great times to reach out to us and ask these questions!
Here is information about who will be available and when. Please be sure to stop by and ask your questions, reach out to your leaders, and let them know what you'd like to see! If you can't make it one of those times but want to talk to someone, feel free to shoot them a telegram.
Time | Nation(s) | Details |
Sunday 7/30, 1:00 to 2:00 PM EDT (7/30 5:00 to 6:00 PM UTC/GMT) | Markanite is the Chief Executive of 10000 Islands. As Chief Executive, he is in charge of lots of aspects of this region, as well as being the Commander-In-Chief of TITO. Ask him questions about his various roles during his office hours! | |
Sunday 7/30, 2:00 to 3:00 PM EDT (7/30 6:00 to 7:00 PM UTC/GMT) | Keswickholt is the Senator for Lyonnesse East. As the Senator for Lyonnesse East, he is in charge of running the House Cup, Shield, and Scepter Competitions, and the wider house system, which was recently revamped to focus more on engagement and new member orientation. Discuss the house system and engagement with him during his office hours! | |
Sunday 7/30, 3:00 to 4:00 PM EDT (7/30 7:00 to 8:00 PM UTC/GMT) | Wille-Harlia is the Minister of Labor, Registrar-General, Foreign Affairs Secretary, and a TITO Executive Officer. As the Minister of Labor, he is in charge of distributing Taco payroll and making sure vacant XKI “jobs” are filled. As the Registrar-General, he is in charge of archiving legislation and, as per recent legislation, managing the Paffnia Rotunda, where Islanders can comment on and suggest legislation. As an Executive Officer, he processes TITO applications and member mission counts. Ask him questions about the Ministry of Labor, jobs, the Paffnia Rotunda, TITO, or something else during his office hours! | |
Sunday 7/30, 4:00 to 5:00 PM EDT (7/30 8:00 PM to 9:00 PM UTC/GMT) | Flying Eagles is a TITO Tactical Officer. As the Tactical Officer, he serves on TITO Command and leads TITO Members in defenses and liberations. Discuss our esteemed defender military, TITO, and how to join it, with him during his office hours! | |
Sunday 7/30, 5:00 to 6:00 PM EDT (7/30 9:00 to 10:00 PM UTC/GMT) | Aschente is the Minister of Immigration. As the Minister of Immigration, he is in charge of directing the recruitment of new people to the Islands, including the recruitment of recruiters and the search for faster recruiting methods. Ask him questions about recruiting and how to get involved during his office hours! | |
Sunday 7/30, 7:00 to 8:00 PM EDT (7/30-7/31 11:00 PM to 12:00 AM UTC/GMT) | Haivon is the Senator for Himes West. As the Senator for Himes West, he is in charge of all aspects of XKI roleplay, including A Taco Archipelago, A Taco Fantasy, forum RPs, and Discord RPs. Discuss the current RP and RP ideas with him during his office hours! | |
Sunday 7/30, 8:00 PM to 9:00 PM EDT (7/31 12:00 to 1:00 AM UTC/GMT) | Liberdon is the Senior Senator for New Republica South. As the Senior Senator for New Republica South, she is in charge of debates and straw polls on the XKI forums. Ask her questions about her plans for future debates and discussions as well as her time on the Council of Nine during her office hours! | |
Sunday 7/30, 9:00 to 10:00 PM EDT (7/31 1:00 to 2:00 AM UTC/GMT) | The cavalier knight is the Senator for Blue Canaria North. As the Senator for Blue Canaria North, they are in charge of writing the monthly emissary report that gets distributed to our embassy regions, which details goings-on in the Islands the past month. Ask them questions about the emissary report and the Council of Nine during their office hours! | |
Monday 7/31, 1:00 to 2:00 PM EDT (7/31 5:00 to 6:00 PM UTC/GMT) | Paffnia is the Regional Reserve Chair. As the Regional Reserve Chair, they are in charge of most of XKI’s regional economy, based on our currency, the Taco. Ask them questions about our regional economy and currency during their office hours! |
Senate Races End in Landslides
The recent Senate races for Lyonnesse East and Himes West ended in smashing victories for Keswickholt and
Haivon. Keswickholt will continue his role as the Senator for Lyonnesse East, driving forward the new changes to the XKI Houses - more on that later. Haivon succeeds AxeCapitol as Senator for Himes West and will take on the responsibilities for the Roleplay regions A Taco Archipelago, A Taco Fantasy, the forums and the Discord channel.
Voting results show nearly uncontested approval of the candidates, and we wish them good fortune in their respective roles. Keswickholt maintains office hours on the forum and posts on the RMB when they are open, while anyone with an interest in or questions about roleplaying in XKI should visit one of the two RP regions or check out the discord.
Changes to XKI Houses
After great deliberation and discussion the Council recently passed legislation to overhaul the XKI Houses. Houses are organizations within the region which focus on socializing and recruiting of new nations. Nations will be automatically placed in the house of their recruiter, or will be encouraged to select one if they joined on their own. Once in a House nations will be eligible for a forum badge, House and Generation information on their signature, and will have access to their House sub-board on the forum. Nations in a House may also compete for honor and Tacos in the competitions for House Cup, Scepter and Shield as well as House v House challenges. Nations interested in learning more about Houses may read this guide. The old Houses will be folded into the new ones, however as these changes are still in the implementation stage the names for the new Houses have yet to be chosen.
Upcoming Events
Everybody stay cool! Really, it's hot out there.
August 14 marks Distinguished Service Medal Day, where we honor those among us who have received the highest non-military award XKI has to give. The Distinguished Service Medal is awarded to member nations based on their exception work in immigration and recruiting or other outstanding contributions to the 10,000 Islands.
September Senate elections begin for the seats of New Republica South, responsible for running debates and polls, and Blue Canaria North, who submits the XKI Monthly report. If you wish to run you may announce your candidacy between Tuesday, September 5 until Monday the 11th. Voting will begin on the 12th and run for a week. More information is available