by Max Barry

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by The Protectorate of Terra Violetia. . 4 reads.

Violetia.rp // Roleplay Rules

Section I.

1. THE ROYARCHY OF VIOLETIA's roleplay is a modern-tech environment, involving claims and technology based within some level of realism.

2. In all regional matters, statistics provided by NationStates are not recognized.

3. Regional activity is classed into two categories, using either to influence the other is against Roleplay Etiquette:

    3a. In-Character, abbreviated as IC, which is comprised of all actions and events which occur inside the world of the roleplay.
    3b. Out-of-Character, abbreviated as OOC, which is comprised of all actions outside of the world of the roleplay.

4. It is against Roleplay Etiquette to roleplay another nation's IC actions without their approval, this includes the actions of individuals belonging to that nations.

5. All posts on the Regional Message Board are categorized in the following types:

    5a. Public posts, are defined as RP actions or history that are public knowledge and can warrant immediate reaction from a nation without prior set up.
    5b. Private Posts, which normally happen within a private space and are not public knowledge. Such posts can be reacted to by a nation that has reason to know (i.e. Intelligence gathering), however prior posts must be established and permission must be acquired from the Original Poster.
    5c. In the case where the Original Poster declines to give permission, and the person requesting permission can lodge an Inquiry with the Roleplay Chancellery to resolve the situation if they think the Original Poster is being disingenuous about their response.

6. Players must have an approved application and must be on the map to roleplay.

7. A nation is automatically removed from the map after Ceasing-to-Exist or upon failing an activity check.

    7a. To pass an activity check, a person must have posted at least one Factbook/Dispatch of adequate quality.

8. Posts must abide by certain standards of the region that clarify important information for the reader.

    8a. All Roleplay Posts require a date and/or time specifying exactly when it happened.
    8b. The source of any roleplay dialogue must be clearly identified so that the reader knows who's speaking.

9. All political entities are represented on the regional map and are to be interpreted by the Roleplay Chancellery.

    9a. Claims are based on a series of factors such as time, realism, backing, and more. Just because one claim is larger does not mean your claim has the justification to be the same size.
    9b. Map Claims are interpreted by the Roleplay Chancellery for the greater good of the region and they must follow certain principles.
    9c. The Principles of Cartography are based in realism, culture, ethnicity, geopolitics, and time.

10. Players can expand into unclaimed territory with prior approval from the Roleplay Chancellery. They must show ability to produce Roleplay Posts to the aforementioned standards. When necessary, the Roleplay Chancellery can reserve the right to perform as an NPC enemy when it is deemed necessary.

11. Each player is given one opportunity to switch within certain conditions.

    11a. Have been in the roleplay for longer than 1 week but less than 1 month.
    11b. Have an actual justification for utilizing their one-and-only switch.
    11c. Pledge to be active and continue contributions to regional worldbuilding.

12. A player does not use their one-and-only switch if they meet the following requirements:

    12a. They have voluntarily lost all their land in a legitimate war with another player.
    12b. They CTE'd or left the roleplay for a significant amount of time.
    12c. They have otherwise been rendered unable to roleplay as their current claim.

13. A player cannot start over these basic hard limits in Violetian roleplay:

    13a. A population size of sixty-five (65) million people.
    13b. A GDP per Capita (GDP/pc) of US$10,000.

16. A player may have non-human species as their primary race, however they must not possess the following:

    16a. Any biological, chemical, or otherwise physical advantage over human species.
    16b. No features that may be seen as biologically implausible.
    16c. No features that may be seen as inappropriate, lewd, or otherwise in breach of the NS guidelines.
    16d. The Department reserves the right to have full discretion over species and the right to remove any deemed unsuitable for roleplay.

17. The Roleplay Timescale shall be 1 Real Life Day = 3 Roleplay Days.

Section II.

1. All land on Violetia is subject to conquest or loss. No nation is immune to war, but the cessation and annexation of territory must be consensual.
    1b. If the cessation and annexation of territory becomes controversial within a certain instance, the Roleplay Chancellery reserves the right to mediate a forceful transfer of territory of the Department's choosing.

2. Due to the nature of the time period in Violetia, it is encouraged that war is a last resort for any nation in rivalry with another.

3. All your military equipment & manpower must be stated in a Dispatch.

    3a. This includes types of equipment and statistics. Do not just list "10 Destroyers" without specifying what exactly those destroyers are.
    3b. Whether you have custom military equipment or not, you have statistics on a NationStates Dispatch to be permitted to roleplay a war.
    3c. Equipment and Statistics cannot be listed on a third party site unless it is a real life piece of equipment (ex. you do not need to list the statistics for a Nimitz analog, but simply link to the Nimitz Wikipedia page, custom equipment however requires a factbook/dispatch on Nationstates).

4. War is defined as the following:

    4a. A Hot War is defined as an open, armed conflict between two or more nations. Land transfer, annexation and cessation require consent unless Rule 1b of Section II is instated by a member of the Roleplay Chancellery.
    4b. Internal or Civil War is defined as an armed conflict within one nation, involving internal factions and a domestic political nation. As this is an internal conflict, other players must gain permission to take part.

5. When engaging in any armed conflict, or deciding the outcome of a battle, players are required to work together to come to a mutually agreed upon result. This is an OOC interaction should be kept civil.

6. Players are obliged to accept the results of an armed conflict, so long as such roleplay is not retconned.

7. The use of Weapons of Mass Destruction are banned in Violetia without the prior consultation of the Roleplay Chancellery.

8. Players have between 24 hours to 32 hours to respond to a war post unless an explanation is given to the Roleplay Chancellery concerning the lack of response. If not, that nation will be granted a 6 hour grace period and issued two reminders. If these reminders are not addressed, a treaty will be forced via the other parties, with the Roleplay Chancellery representing the absent party. The absent party is subject to further OOC reprimand if found to be abusing the system to avoid fighting.

Section III.

1. All players in Violetia are entitled to develop a history whether this be expressed in the submitted application or at any point in the Roleplay.

2. All nations are encouraged to participate in regional historical collaboration given the custom map status of the region

    2a. No nation is permitted to override history of another, nor to decide the history of their neighbours without prior consent.

3. Nations are advised not to use hyperboles such as "biggest company in the world", or "strongest army ever seen". Due to the nature of NationStates and the fluidity of membership, it is encouraged the phrase "one of the [adjective]" is used instead to not stir up controversy.

Section IV.

1. The Roleplay Chancellery has the right to cite a player, suspend a player temporarily, and/or ban a player from the roleplay on the basis of decorum, conduct in roleplay, or in areas of roleplay management.

    1a. Two citations will result in a suspension for one day.
    1b. More than two will result in longer suspensions.
    1c. Once a player has obtained 5 or more citations, the Roleplay Chancellery has the right to ban the player from the roleplay.
    1d. The Roleplay Chancellery can ban a player from the roleplay, either temporarily or permanently, if they significantly disrupt the roleplay.

2. Roleplay Rules are interpreted by the Roleplay Chancellery. They have the authority to warn twice then reprimand.

3. The Roleplay Chancellery has the right to amend this document through deliberation and vote.

    3a. A member of the roleplay who is not part of the Roleplay Chancellery may submit a suggestion or document for deliberation and vote.

4. The Roleplay Chancellor and Cartographer have the right and ability to retroactively veto an application within 10 days of approval.
