by Max Barry

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by Astra. . 331 reads.

Astoria | Roleplay Introduction and Applications


| Introduction and Applications | Cartography | Roleplay Rules | RP Moderation Team | Useful Links and Resources

Introduction and Application

If you are reading this, then you are probably here to find out how to get started with Astoria Roleplay. Our roleplay is fantasy, set in the 1800s and features a custom map created by Dionysou, which you can join by following a few simple steps described in this document.

If you have any questions, please contact roleplay admin Unike, roleplay moderator Sateru, or our cartographers Dionysou, and Koronic.

How to be added to the map

  1. Meet the requirements:

    To join our roleplay you must be an angel (citizen) of the region or a WA member and endorse Koronic. You can apply for angelhood LinkHERE.

  2. Fill out the application form and send it to the Cartographer:

    The application must be filled out completely and include the following:

    • Account Name:

      the name of your NationStates nation, which must be located in Astoria.

    • IC Nation Name:

      What your country is called in the roleplay, for example, a NationStates account named "Astra" might be called "The Borgian Empire" in character.[/size]

    • Government Type:

      The basic form of government of your country (e.g., "Democratic Republic"). If you have trouble defining your country's form of government, you can refer to Linkthis list.

    • Population:

      Your population must be no greater than 40 million humans or human-like species. Other species may be allowed and their population numbers will be determined by the cartographer on a case by case basis. The cartographer also reserves the right to change the population number depending on your claim.

    • GDP per capita:

      Your GDP per capita must be in U.S. dollars (US$). Your GDP per capita must not exceed US$ 5,000.

    • Claim Location:

      Indicate your claim location
      You have two options for this:

      • You draw your claim, upload it to an image hosting site (e.g., or Postimg) or Discord and paste the link into your telegram.

      • If you are unable to draw your claim, provide a general description of your claim in your telegram and have the cartographer draw it.

    You can apply by clicking '| Apply to Join |' below, filling out the template and clicking 'send'. The cartographer will notify you when your application has been accepted.

The Celestial Order of Astoria



