by Max Barry

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by The Crowned Republic of Carcaso. . 47 reads.

Endorsement Cap Act

  1. The Monarch shall serve as World Assembly (WA) Delegate.

  2. Senators shall abide by an endorsement cap of 90% of the Monarch's endorsement count.

  3. Citizens shall abide by an endorsement cap of 50% of the Monarch's endorsement count.

  4. Residents shall abide by an endorsement cap of 10.

  5. Those exceedingly their endorsement count prescribed by law shall be notified, and informed of ways to rectify the excessive endorsement count, such as endorsing the Monarch, obtaining citizenship or leaving the WA.

  6. Those deliberately exceeding their endorsement count may be ejected and banned by the Monarch.

  7. A dispatch, including a table of current endorsement caps and detailing the purpose of such caps, shall be publicly visible and pinned on the region page.
