Dispatch → Bulletin → Policy
Oath of Allegiance
The following oath of allegiance will fulfill the duty of citizens to swear allegiance under the Constitution:
I solemnly swear allegiance to the Monarchy of Carcassonne, and affirm that I will uphold the Constitution and laws of Carcassonne and will identify and act in the best interests of the region and its citizens.Applicants must be WA nations or disclose what region their participation in prevents this.
Nations of Carcassonne will post their oath on the regional message board. The Speaker may publish a protocol for how nations should register their oath with the Speaker for their citizenship to be processed, and which regions are acceptable reasons not to join the World Assembly in Carcassonne.
Any nation which removes their oath or leaves the region will forfeit their citizenship.
Any nation which leaves the world assembly or ceases its relevant foreign participation or whose other region becomes an enemy of Carcassonne may forfeit its citizenship.