by Max Barry

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by The Federal Republic of Holy Karenland. . 756 reads.

Map of The Southern Lands

There are 2 ways to get your nation onto the nations map, either (a) by occupying unoccupied land or (b) by rebelling in an already established nation.

If going with option A, send Holy Karenland a telegram describing where you would like to be in relation to geographic features such as lakes and passages, or in relation to the positions of other nations.

If going with option B, telegram Holy Karenland about in which nation you will be rebelling in, if you want to take all or just some of the nation, and your reason to rebel. Your reason will be judged on a case-by-case basis by Holy Karenland, and some acceptable reasons include, religious, ideological or ethnic differences, bad administration and management by the current government, or failure by the government to satisfy the people’s needs and/or demands.

The map within this dispatch are enforced. If you make a factbook or forums post with something that’s not along the lines of this map, you will be asked to take it down, and if you don’t, we will ask you again every week for a month, and then after a month, you will be kicked from the region. It is the last thing we want to do, but we have to do it.
