by Max Barry

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by The Crowned Republic of Carcaso. . 45 reads.

Joining the World Assembly

How to Join

To join the World Assembly, do the following:

  1. Make sure on your settings page that you've provided a valid email address.

  2. Go to the World Assembly page and click the button Apply to join.

  3. Check your email for an email with "World Assembly invitation" in the subject. If you don't see it after a few minutes, check your spam folder as well.

  4. Follow the link in the email.

Congratulations, you're now a member of the World Assembly! Keep in mind, you may only have one nation in the World Assembly at a time. So long as you only use one email, the game will prevent this, but if you try to circumvent this rule your nations may be deleted, or you may even be permanently banned from the game.

Why You Should Join

There are a number of benefits available only to World Assembly members:

  • It lets you apply to become a citizen of Carcassonne.

  • It lets you propose and vote on World Assembly resolutions and help determine NationStates law.

  • It lets you exchange endorsements with other members, increasing your influence.

  • It lets you contribute to keeping Carcassonne safe and free.
