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World Assembly Engagement Campaign
[background-block=#446499][hr][float=left][img]https://i.imgur.com/HCfSFdb.png[/img][/float][font=Bodoni MT][align=center][size=200][url=https://www.nationstates.net/page=dispatch/id=1891879][color=#FFD42A][b]World Assembly Engagement Campaign[/b][/url][/color][/size][hr][size=125][url=#join][color=#FFD42A]Join the World Assembly[/color][/url] [color=#FFD42A]❦[/color] [url=#endo_emperor][color=#FFD42A]Endorse the Empress[/color][/url] [color=#FFD42A]❦[/color] [url=#vote][color=#FFD42A]Vote in the World Assembly[/color][/url] [color=#FFD42A]❦[/color] [url=#endo_others][color=#FFD42A]Endorse Other Members[/color][/url] [color=#FFD42A]❦[/color] [url=#questions][color=#FFD42A]Questions & Feedback[/color][/url][/size][/align][/font][hr][/background-block]The [color=#446499][b]World Assembly Campaign[/b][/color] is a program sponsored by the [color=#446499][b]Emperor and Senate of [region]Carcassonne[/region][/b][/color] which aims to raise regional awareness of the benefits of World Assembly membership. By doing so, we hope to improve both regional engagement and security. By following these steps described here, you can both make Carcassonne [color=#446499][b]safer and more influential and empower your own nation![/b][/color] The short version is: [list=1][*][b][url=#join]Join the World Assembly.[/url][/b] [*][b][url=#endo_emperor]Endorse the Empress and Senate.[/url][/b] [*][b][url=#vote]Vote in the World Assembly.[/url][/b] [*][b][url=#endo_others]Endorse other World Assembly members.[/url][/list][/b] For more details, keep reading or click on each item. [anchor=join][/anchor][font=Bodoni MT][size=160][b][color=#446499] Joining the World Assembly[/color][/b][/size][/font] [font=Bodoni MT][size=120][b][color=#446499]How To Join[/color][/b][/size][/font] To join the World Assembly, do the following: [list=1][*]Make sure on your [b][url=https://www.nationstates.net/page=settings]settings page[/url][/b] that you've provided a valid email address. [*]Go to the [b][url=https://www.nationstates.net/page=un]World Assembly page[/url][/b] and click the button [font=mono][b]"Apply to join"[/b][/font]. [*]Check your email for an email with [b][color=#446499]"World Assembly invitation"[/color][/b] in the subject. If you don't see it after a few minutes, check your spam folder as well. [*]Follow the link in the email.[/list] Congratulations, you're now a member of the World Assembly! Keep in mind, [color=maroon][b]you may only have one nation in the World Assembly at a time[/b][/color]. So long as you only use one email, the game will prevent this, but if you try to circumvent this rule [b][color=#446499]your nations may be deleted[/color][/b], or you may even be [b][color=#446499]permanently banned from the game.[/color][/b] [font=Bodoni MT][size=120][b][color=#446499]Why You Should Join[/color][/b][/size][/font] [list][*]It lets you [b][url=https://www.nationstates.net/page=dispatch/id=1868343]apply to become a citizen[/url][/b] of [b][region]Carcassonne[/region][/b]. [*]It lets you [color=#446499][b]propose and vote on World Assembly resolutions[/b][/color] and help determine NationStates law. [*]It lets you [color=#446499][b]exchange endorsements with other members[/b][/color], increasing your influence. [*]It lets you contribute to keeping [color=#446499][b][region]Carcassonne[/region] safe and free.[/b][/color][/list] [anchor=endo_emperor][/anchor][font=Bodoni MT][size=160][b][color=#446499]Endorse the Empress and Senate[/color][/b][/size][/font] [font=Bodoni MT][size=120][b][color=#446499]How to Endorse Them[/color][/b][/size][/font] [list=1][*]Go to the Empress's nation page, [b][nation]Pauline Bonaparte[/nation][/b]. [*]Scroll down to the bottom of the page. [*]Click the button [b][font=mono]"Endorse Pauline Bonaparte"[/font][/b]. [*]Repeat these steps for each senator: [list] [*][nation]Aason[/nation] [*][nation]Dragon Empire[/nation] [*][nation]Reside[/nation] [*][nation]Ladratia[/nation] [*][nation]Porfloxonne[/nation][/list] [font=Bodoni MT][size=120][b][color=#446499]Why You Should Endorse Them[/color][/b][/size][/font] [list][*][color=#446499][b]It makes [region]Carcassonne[/region] safer[/b][/color]. Whichever nation has the most endorsements in the region becomes the [b][color=#446499]World Assembly delegate[/color][/b] and has executive powers. This means the region can be forcibly taken by invaders moving in and electing a delegate. Having more endorsements on the Empress and Senate prevents this from happening. [*]It lets you [b][url=https://www.nationstates.net/page=dispatch/id=1868343]apply for citizenship[/url][/b]. This is an important first step to getting more involved in the region and will let you participate in the regional government and elections.[/list] [font=Bodoni MT][size=120][b][color=#446499]World Assembly Members not Endorsing the Empress[/color][/b][/size][/font] [list][*][color=#446499][b]If you are on this list, you should consider endorsing Empress [nation]Pauline Bonaparte[/nation][/b]![/color][/list] [anchor=vote][/anchor][font=Bodoni MT][size=160][b][color=#446499]Vote in the World Assembly[/color][/b][/size][/font] The World Assembly has two chambers, the [color=#446499][b]General Assembly[/b][/color] and the [color=#446499][b]Security Council[/b][/color]. As a member, you can vote in both. Just go the [b][url=https://www.nationstates.net/page=un]World Assembly page[/url][/b] and if there's an ongoing vote in either chamber, you'll see it. Just click on either the [font=mono][b]"For"[/b][/font] or the [font=mono][b]"Against"[/b][/font] button to cast your vote. By voting, you will help determine NationStates law. Not only that, but the Empress casts their vote based on how their endorsers vote. As delegate, the Empress controls a number of votes equal to their number of endorsements, so you will also influence how those votes are cast. [anchor=endo_others][/anchor][font=Bodoni MT][size=160][b][color=#446499]Endorse Other Members[/color][/b][/size][/font] You can endorse other nations in the World Assembly the same way as the Empress and Senate: go to their nation page, scroll down and click the [font=mono][b]"Endorse [nation name]"[/b][/font] button. The only restriction is that you and the other nation must both be in [b][region]Carcassonne[/region].[/b] The best way to get endorsements is [color=#446499][b]endotarting[/b][/color], or [color=#446499][b]tarting[/b][/color] for short. This just means endorsing other nations, and optionally asking them to endorse you back by telegram. You can do this manually, but if you join our [b][url=https://discord.gg/XHJQgycv95]Discord server[/url][/b] as a citizen there are tools you can use to assist you. Endorsements increase how much [b][color=#446499]influence[/color][/b] a nation accrues, and more influence makes a nation harder for the delegate to eject and ban from the region. By exchanging endorsements, you increase the total pool of influence in [b][region]Carcassonne[/region][/b]. This makes it harder for invaders or a rogue delegate to take the region, as they cannot eject and ban as many residents who are resisting. [anchor=endo_caps][/anchor][font=Bodoni MT][size=160][b][color=#446499]Endorsement Caps[/color][/b][/size][/font] To ensure regional security, the law of Carcassonne provides for several [b]endorsement caps[/b] which nations may not exceed. Your endorsement cap will depend on your whether you've endorsed the Empress [b][nation]Pauline Bonaparte[/nation][/b] and whether you've [b][url=https://www.nationstates.net/page=dispatch/id=1868343]become a citizen[/url][/b]. [list][*]If you're [b][color=#446499]not a citizen and are not endorsing the Empress[/color][/b], the cap is [b][color=#446499]ten[/color][/b]. [*]If you're [b][color=#446499]a citizen and are endorsing the Empress[/color][/b], the cap is [b][color=#446499]twenty[/color][/b].[/list] These caps are updated on a [b][color=#446499]weekly basis[/color][/b]. If you're getting close to the cap, we will contact you to warn you. If you exceed the endorsement cap, you will be asked to shed enough endorsements to bring yourself back under it. In the worst case scenario, you may be asked to temporarily resign from the World Assembly to clear your endorsements. [anchor=questions][/anchor][font=Bodoni MT][size=160][b][color=#446499]Questions and Feedback[/color][/b][/size][/font] If you have any questions or feedback, [color=#446499][b]telegram [nation]Carcaso[/nation][/color][/b] with them. Also, if you found the World Assembly Campaign useful, [color=#446499][b]please upvote this dispatch[/b][/color] so others can find it.