by Max Barry

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by The Regional Nation of The Northern Light. . 2 reads.

Vote For SC resolution Commend Ghant

Security Council Vote Recommendation

Part of the Information for WA Voters program

Resolution at Vote: Commend Ghant
Vote Recommendation: For

Resolution Analysis
This proposal seeks to commend the monarchy Ghant for their actions in helping countless nations throughout the multiverse. It first notes Ghant's beginnings in the region Ajax as a union of tribes made to repel attacks by hostile groups. The proposal then details Ghant's efforts to defend civil rights and peace in countless nations throughout, including the hosting of the Ismos Peace Prize, an award rewarding the most effective peace-promoting groups, and other peace-promoting efforts regarding wars in many nations through regions like Gholgoth and Panessos. The proposal then moves on to describe the rich Ghantish culture, with extensive legends and poetry. Next, the proposal notes Ghant's efforts to promote international cooperation, including the hosting of a diplomatic ball. The proposal then details Ghant's production of lectures to help nations navigate ongoings for events like several Symposia and the 2018 The North Pacific-Greater Dienstad Cultural Exchange. Lastly, it notes Ghant's administration of the multiveral encyclopaedia IIWiki, containing numerous articles detailing history.

The individual targeted by this commendation has helped greatly in ensuring peace, goodwill, and cooperation throughout the multiverse. In their actions to mediate and promote peace during conflicts, they have prevented the innocent deaths of many and ensured the stability of many nations. Their effort to educate nations through their lectures shows their dedication to helping aid entities all around the multiverse, along with their efforts to bring individuals to international celebrations. Their work in the administration of IIWiki shows their dedication to maintaining the history of countless nations throughout the multiverse, ensuring that the legacies of these nations live on.

For the above reasons, the Ministry of World Assembly Affairs recommends a vote For the Security Council proposal at vote, "Commend Ghant".

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