by Max Barry

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by The Executive Director of The Ambis Government Puppet. . 1 reads.

Constitution of Palmetto

Article I: General Provisions
Section 1: Rights
1. Each member nation of Palmetto shall retain its sovereignty and independence within the limits of this Constitution.
2. Palmetto shall respect the sovereignty of its member nations and refrain from interfering in their internal affairs, except when necessary to protect the region's stability, security, and values.
3. All residents shall have free speech, to the extent it does not violate NationSyayes Rules

Section 2: Rule of Law
1. Palmetto shall be governed by the rule of law, and all members, including government officials, shall be subject to its provisions.
2. The laws and regulations enacted within Palmetto must be consistent with this Constitution and uphold fundamental rights and freedoms.

Section 2: Citizenship
1. All member nations shall have the ability to gain citizenship
2. Citizenship will be given in one of two ways
2a. When endorsing the officially recognized delegate
2b. If given special permission from the chancellor.

Article II: The World Assembly Delegate/Chancellor

Section 1: Position and Election
1. The World Assembly Delegate/Chancellor shall serve as the chief executive and head of government of Palmetto.
2. The World Assembly Delegate/Chancellor shall be elected by the members of Palmetto through a fair and transparent democratic process occurring every 6 months.

Section 2: Powers and Responsibilities
1. The World Assembly Delegate/Chancellor shall represent Palmetto in foreign affairs and serve as the official spokesperson of the region.
2. The World Assembly Delegate/Chancellor shall have the authority to propose and veto legislation passed by the Legislation, and appoint members to government positions with the approval of the Legislation.
3. The World Assembly Delegate/Chancellor shall ensure the efficient functioning of the government and the implementation of laws and policies.
4. The World Assembly Delegate/ Chancellor shall have the ability to change the region from frontier to stronghold and Vice Versa as they please.
5. Each World Assembly Delegate/ Chancellor shall have the ability to implement 1 executive act as long as they reign. Once one is implemented, they may not declare another one.

Article III: The Legislation

Section 1: Composition
1. The Legislation shall be composed of all Palmetto Citizens.
2. Each member nation in the Legislation shall have the right to participate, debate, propose legislation, and vote on matters concerning the region.

Section 2: Powers and Responsibilities
1. The Legislation shall have the power to enact laws, and make decisions on matters affecting the region's governance.
2. All legislative activites will be held through NationStates poll abilties.
3. The legislative chamber shall have the authority to act as the judiciary when necessary, ensuring fair and impartial adjudication of disputes among member nations.

Article IV: Fundamental Rights and Freedoms

Section 1: Equality and Non-Discrimination
1. All member nations of Palmetto shall be equal before the law, and no discrimination based on race, ethnicity, religion, gender, sexual orientation, or any other grounds shall be tolerated.

Section 2: Freedom of Expression and Assembly
1. Every member nation shall have the right to freedom of expression, including the freedom to express opinions, ideas, and beliefs.
2. Every member nation shall have the right to peaceful assembly, association, and participation in regional affairs.

Section 3: Due Process and Fair Trial
1. Every member nation shall have the right to due process, including the right to a fair and impartial trial, legal representation, and presumption of innocence.
2. No member nation shall be subject to arbitrary arrest, detention, or punishment.

Article V: Constitutional Amendments

Section 1: Amendment Process
1. Amendments to this Constitution may be proposed by any member nation.
2. Amendments shall be approved by a two-thirds majority vote in the legislative chamber.
3. Amendments shall come into effect upon their ratification by the World Assembly Delegate/Chancellor.

Section 2: Constitutional Review
1. The legislative chamber shall periodically review and evaluate the effectiveness and relevance of this Constitution.
2. A constitutional review may be initiated by the World Assembly Delegate/Chancellor or upon a petition supported by a significant number of member nations.
