by Max Barry

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by The 🐈 Kingdom of New Rogernomics. . 239 reads.

Lazarus Ban/Ejection appeals


[size=110][b]What breaks the Regional Message Board (or RMB) rules?[/b][/size]
[*]Recruitment on our RMB for a foreign region or organization, for raids and defenses, and so on. [spoiler][quote=new_rogernomics;46976835]Join region/organization x, y, z, and leave Lazarus...[/quote]
[*]Posting unsolicited links for recruitment to other regions or organizations. Not against rules of the game, but just not nice to look at on the RMB. [spoiler][quote=new_rogernomics;46976835]Join my region/organization through this link to my region/organization or regional/organization forum...[/quote][/spoiler]
[*]Four or more posted messages consecutively, which look spam-like and lower quality of posting on the RMB.
[*]Posting spam-like posts or extremely long posts on the RMB. Dispatches exist too, post links to those on the RMB instead. [spoiler][quote=new_rogernomics;46976835]S[/quote]
[*]Trolling and inciting real life drama on the RMB. [spoiler][quote=new_rogernomics;46976835]Gay be people need to be x, y, z.[/quote]
[quote=new_rogernomics;46976835]All pro-lifers/pro-choice should be x, y, z.[/quote]
[quote=new_rogernomics;46976835]I hate all x, y, z people, and they deserve to die by x, y, z ways.[/quote]
[quote=new_rogernomics;46976835]Kill all of x, y, z race/ethnicity/religion.[/quote]
[*]Sending links to unknown websites outside of NS that can put players out of character safety at risk. [spoiler][quote=new_rogernomics;46976835]Visit my blog/website, or visit this link to a random unknown url that could be a virus or phishing site.[/quote] Links from YouTube, Dailymotion, Spotify, Google Docs, and so on, are fine, whereas or links are not.[/spoiler]
[*]Displaying obviously National Socialist flags or mottos on your nation can break the rules depending on what they are 
[*]Promoting fascism such as "Hitler was right" on the RMB 
[*]Posting homophobic, sexist or racist rants on the RMB (either in or out of character)
[*]Posting extensive RL political discussions on the RMB rather than on the NS forums for instance 
[*]Display or conduct violation(s) over flags, mottos, and so on 
[*]Suspected to have broken the [b][url=]Etiquette or Terms & Conditions of Nationstates[/url][/b] or any of the rules previously laid down by game admins or moderators, which includes breaking the PG-13 rules of this site. These sorts of violations are likely immediately reported to the site moderators by nations in our region. 

[size=110]Breaking these rules can result in telegram warnings, suppression of posts on the RMB, or an ejection/ban from the region (whether on a temporary basis or permanently). If you have any questions about the rules, telegram [b][nation=noflag]New Rogernomics[/nation][/b], [b][nation=noflag]Treadwellia[/nation][/b], or any of the Epilektoi (Security Councillors) on the [b][url=/region=lazarus]World Factbook Entry[/url][/b], as we are here to help.[/size]

[size=120][b]Endorsement cap/regional security rules[/b][/size]

Nations are also expected to follow the other rules of the region, including the endorsement cap of 60 endorsements for citizens, 40 endorsements for residents, and 10 endorsements for those who are not. This is explained more in the spoiler you can read below:

[spoiler][b]Why do we have an Endorsement Cap?[/b]

Perhaps the most debated and controversial aspect of a region can be the endorsement cap, as everyone loves to hate it, but for founderless regions like ours it is necessary for regional security, as it means that the Delegate and other regional officers have enough influence to eject or ban nations and hold the Delegacy against intruders who might wish to try and take over our region by force, and certainly wouldn't hold a vote over the Delegacy like we would.

[b]What is the endorsement cap exactly?[/b]

The endorsement cap is the limit on World Assembly endorsements that you may hold in Lazarus, which is set by the Delegate, and by extension the Council of Lazarene Security (or the Security Auditors), and by the mandate and laws of the Lazarus that have been passed by the regional Assembly.

If you are endorsing the Delegate and a citizen, you can have up to 60 WA endorsements in Lazarus, though we implement what is termed a hard cap which goes up to 70 WA endorsements. This cap may go up or down, depending on the security risks we have at the time, though this results on a clearly seen change on the World Factbook Entry or WFE.

If you are endorsing the Delegate and a resident, you can have up to 40 WA endorsements in Lazarus, though we implement what is termed a hard cap which goes up to 50 WA endorsements. This cap may go up or down, depending on the security risks we have at the time, though this results on a clearly seen change on the World Factbook Entry or WFE.

If you are not endorsing the Delegate, you can have up to 10 WA endorsements in Lazarus, though the region reserves the right to eject or ban nations who are not endorsing the Delegate, for security reasons, especially if an intruder is trying to gather influence in an attempt to coup the Delegate.

[b]What happens if you breach the endorsement cap?[/b]

Normally, if you have just breached the endorsement cap you will be given a week or so to begin winding down endorsements and to stop endorsing, as often not endorsing for a while will mean your endorsements drop down to compliance with the endorsement cap, as nations cease to exist or leave the region. You can also telegram nations to stop endorsing you or to remove their endorsement to bring your nation down to cap. The exception to this is if you are not endorsing the Delegate, as this is considered a security risk that could be an issue at any time. Nations that are endorsing the Delegate are normally given TG un-endorsement campaigns. 

If you breach the endorsement cap and especially if you keep doing so, the usual response is someone on the Council of Lazarene Security (Security Auditors) sending your nation a telegram advising of the violation of the endorsement cap. This is what is termed the first warning, and if you continue to endorse nations (whether in response to them endorsing you or not), it will then be assumed to have gone to a second warning.

Once either the first or second warning is sent, an un-endorsement campaign will begin on the nations you have most recently endorsed or have endorsed you. This will mean sending those nations telegrams requesting they remove their endorsement from you, so that you come into compliance with the cap. This means that those that are absent or away don't risk ejection or ban, and so that nations that aren't in compliance but are active are helped back into compliance.

[b]How can you be banned/ejected?[/b]

If you reach a third warning, which would involve endorsing over the endorsement cap, fighting un-endorsement campaigns, and actively ignoring repeated requests to stop endorsing, you may be banned, ejected, or both from the region. This becomes an issue of regional security, as if nations are allowed to heavily endorse over cap, then they can accrue enough influence to support an effort to seize the Delegacy either in support of another nation or region trying to coup, or to coup themselves.

[b]I've been banned/ejected, what do I do?[/b]

Appeals may be granted for bans or ejections, as apologies or willingness to not repeat the offense may be sufficient. You may telegram [nation]New Rogernomics[/nation] the form below.[/spoiler]


Appeals may be granted for bans or ejections, as apologies or willingness to not repeat the offense may be sufficient. You may telegram [nation=noflag]New Rogernomics[/nation] the following form to request an appeal:

[b]Ban/Ejection appeal form[/b]
[quote=new_rogernomics;46976835]Ban, ejection, or both: 
Reason for it to be revoked:[/quote]

[b]Appeals are to be telegrammed to:[/b] [nation]New Rogernomics[/nation][/box]
