by Max Barry

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by The Elective Kingdom of Ioudaia. . 45 reads.

Oneiropolos Rotorcraft Company

Oneiropolos designs and manufactures compound rotorcraft with counter-rotating coaxial rotors (CRCR rotorcraft, usually written CR2). Such rotorcraft are unusually efficient, as no engine power is wasted countering the torque of a single rotor. They're also capable of faster flight than single-rotor rotorcraft, and are typically smaller and quieter as well.

These advantages fascinated Abas ben Yakir Iros, who spent years studying them and building models of them before founding AYI Helicopters in 1978. Abas' obsession with CR2 helicopters and his passion to convince others of their advantages led to him being nicknamed "the dreamer" (oneiropolos), and, being pleased by the name, he changed his company's name to match.

Difficulties with designing and maintaining the complex rotor assemblies for CR2 helicopters led to Abas spending fruitless years developing them, and his company was hanging by a financial thread by the time he had a saleable aircraft, the ON-21

The ON-21 was adopted by the Ioudaian Navy in 1988 because it was small enough to fit on the crowded decks of the light cruisers of the time. While the ON-21 had a reputation as unreliable, a helicopter available half the time was better than none at at all. Successive improvements to the ON-21 improved its reliability, and it was adopted by the Ioudaian Expeditionary Forces and Air Armada as well. The ON-21 also saw some civilian use as a firefighting helicopter.

Oneiropolos adopted professional management upon Abas' retirement. However, his family is still a major shareholder and has a seat on the company board of directors. The company is presently run by CEO Pero Behira bat Irit Agapia, and its Chief Aeronautics Officer is Chrysaor Carmel, one of Abas' grandnephews. Despite the relationship, Chrysaor earned his position fairly. He admired his great uncle from a young age, and devoted himself to studying aeronautical engineering at Sharitech, finishing 23rd in his engineering class of 300.


The ON-33 is the latest design in the series of medium CR2 helicopters that started with the ON-21. It has two military models, the ON-33-0 for anti-submarine warfare (ASW), and the ON-33-1 for transport. In civilian use, it is employed as an air taxi, a sky crane, and as a light firefighting helicopter.

The military models are equiped with aerial refueling probes.


General characteristics

Crew: 1 to 3 cockpit crew, plus 2 or 3 weapon/sensor specialists (ON-33-0)
• 4,000 kg internal, 5,000 kg external
• 16 troops (ON-33-1)
• 12 civilian passengers in airline seats (ON-33-1 civilian model)

Length: 11.3 m
Height: 5.5 m
Empty weight: 6,000 kg
Max takeoff weight: 12,000 kg
Powerplant: 2 × Leontis Ilai F90-96 turboshaft engines, 1,660 kW each
Main rotor diameter: 2 × 15.8 m
Main rotor area: 392.2 m² 3-bladed contra-rotating rotors


Maximum speed: 300 km/h (160 kn)
Cruise speed: 222 km/h (120 kn)
Longest range speed: 174 km/h (96 kn)
Loiter speed: 90 km/h (50 kn)
Ferry range: 900 km (500 nmi)
Combat Radius:
• with 3.5 t of cargo: 350 km
• with 5 t of cargo: 120 km
Service ceiling: 5,000 m

• 1 × heavy torpedo; or 1 × light torpedo and 12 sonobouys; or 30 sonobuoys
• up to 3 × 14mm machine gun (left and right doors, tail ramp)

• Radar; magnetic anomaly detector or dipping sonar (ON-33-0)

Related Development
• Developed into ON-74 long-endurance ISTAR helicopter drone


The ON-60 is Ioudaia's current heavy-lift helicopter. It was designed to be able to lift a 12-ton light armored vehicle or artillery piece as a slung load, as part of a program to increase the mobility of Ioudaia's Expeditionary Forces and Home Guard. Its designer realized that armored vehicles tend to grow during development, and increased the ON-60's payload to carry 12 tons internally or 13.5 tons slung. In addition to its CR2 rotors, the ON-60 has CR2 pusher propellers in the rear fuselage. The propellers give the ON-60 a speed boost in level flight and provide torque balancing.

The ON-60 has an aerial refueling probe. It can be equipped with a 6,000 kg internal fuel tank and a retractable hose and drouge system to provide buddy refueling, though if long-distance flight is anticipated, refueling from dedicated air tankers is more practical. This temporary refueling system is the same as available for the EHSC-340.

Typically, the ON-60 is armed with two 14 mm machine guns, in the left and right door openings. There's also a remotely operated 20 mm cannon in a ventral turret.

The ON-60 sees extensive civilian use because of its size and speed. In Ioudaia, Western Airlines has equiped them with civilian seating, and uses them to provide center-city to center-city air travel. While the ON-60 is much quieter than single-rotor helicopters, it is still relatively loud for urban operations, especially at night. So, Western Airlines has installed conformal loudspeakers attached to an active noise cancellation system to nearly silence their ON-60s.

The ON-60 is also used as a sky crane in rugged areas, for moving heavy mining equipment, logging, and installing structures. It is sometimes used to provide fast transport of large and/or heavy objects. Carrying a bambi bucket, the sky crane version is a medium firefighting aircraft, hauling 13 tons of water or foam.


General characteristics

Crew: 5: 2 pilots, 1 crew chief/right gunner, 1 left gunner, 1 ventral turret gunner
• Internal payload: 12,000 kg; External payload: 13,500 kg
• 36 troops with standard folding canvas seats, 54 troops with center row added, and 30 with crash attenuating seats
• 28 civilian passengers in airline seats
• cargo compartment: 11.5 m length × 4.0 m width × 2.9 m height

Length: 26.5 m
Height: 9.56 m
Width: 8.5 m over blended-body fuel tanks, 4.0 m cargo compartment width
Empty weight: 14,063 kg
Max takeoff weight: 29,328 kg
Powerplant: 2 × U-U Engine Works T50-12K turboshaft engines, 5,000 kW each
Main rotor diameter: 2 × 24.08 m
Main rotor area: 460 m² 4-bladed contra-rotating rotors


Maximum speed: 270 kn (500 km/h)
Cruise speed: 250 kn (450 km/h)
Never exceed speed: 290 kn (530 km/h)
With full combat load / 13.5 tons external cargo: 250 nmi (460 km)
With 28 civilian passengers and 3 tons of cargo: 750 nmi (1,400 km)
Ferry range: 1,380 nmi (2,560 km)
Service ceiling: 5,600 m
Rate of climb: 13 m/s

• 2 × 14 mm machine gun (left and right)
• 1 × 20 mm cannon (ventral turret)


The ON-74 is a long-endurance ISTAR drone helicopter providing land and naval forces with increased situational awareness over large areas and long periods of time. It was developed from the ON-33.


In 2018, the Ioudaian Ministry of Defense presented Oneiropolos with requests from the Navy and Expeditionary Forces for long-endurance surveillance helicopters, primarily equipped with radar, and also providing hyperspectral imaging as well. Oneiropolos proposed converting the ON-33 into a drone capable of remote control with limited autonomous activity. By using an exising airframe and engines, development time and costs would be reduced, and new logistical requirements would be minimized. The Ministry of Defense liked this idea, and added that existing avionics be used wherever reasonable for the same reasons.

A prototype first flew in mid-2019. Oneiropolos had gutted the interior of a ON-33, converting all the space into large fuel tanks and electronics compartments for the avionics. Over the next few years, Oneiropolos validated the drone's flight capabilities and remote control capabilities, first on land, and then in 2021 by conducting take-offs and landings on Navy ships. The sensors have been updated to keep pace with new models. The first production models were accepted by the Ministry of Defense in November 2023.


Using a pair of side-mounted RE-16-3 AESA radars, and the AESA radar from the Gryphes, the ON-74 provides 360° radar coverage out to 200 km, with synthetic aperture radar (SAR) and inverse synthetic aperture radar (ISAR) for picture-like radar imagery of inland, ocean surface, and aerial targets simultaneously. A large, six-band hyperspectral camera in a chin turret mount provides 360° imaging as well. The turret also contains a smaller thermal IR camera, a laser target designator for guiding precision weapons, and a laser dazzler for warning off people approaching Ioudaian forces too closely.

The ON-74 is equipped with a satellite navigation receiver; when this is used with its radar, it can provide location information for objects its radars see. In addition, the ON-74 has transceivers for satellite communications using the West Star network, and beam-forming UHF transmitters for line of sight communications. These systems provide not only sufficient bandwidth for all of the drone's sensors, but enough additional capacity to relay data from a similarly-equipped aircraft, vessel, or ground vehicle, allowing daisy-chained communications of high-resolution surveillance or targetting information.

A naval version, the ON-74-1, has provisions for sonobouys, extending friendly ships' and aircraft's ASW ranges.


General characteristics

Crew: 0 aboard, 1 remote operator

Length: 11.3 m
Height: 5.5 m
Empty weight: 6,000 kg
Max takeoff weight: 12,000 kg
Powerplant: 2 × Leontis Ilai F90-96 turboshaft engines, 1,660 kW each
Main rotor diameter: 2 × 15.8 m
Main rotor area: 392.2 m² 3-bladed contra-rotating rotors


Maximum speed: 300 km/h (160 kn)
Cruise speed: 222 km/h (120 kn)
Longest range speed: 174 km/h (96 kn)
Loiter speed: 90 km/h (50 kn)
Ferry range: 2,400 km (1,325 nmi)
Endurance at loiter speed: 13 hrs
Service ceiling: 5,000 m

• 2 × Radio Corporation of Shariyath RE-16-3 AESA radars plus 1× Type 12 radar, providing 360° radar coverage with SAR and inverse SAR
Thermorasi thermal camera
Shariyath Ekfantoros six-band hyperspectral camera
Radio Corporation of Shariyath satellite navigation and communication package

Related Development
• Developed from ON-33 medium transport helicopter


ON-74-1 Naval ISTAR Helicopter Drone

The naval variant exchanges fuel for sonobouys to provide ASW capability.

Variant Specification Changes

Ferry range: 2,200 km (1,325 nmi)
Endurance at loiter speed: 12.5 hrs

Armament: 30 × sonobuoys

The Elective Kingdom of Ioudaia

