by Max Barry

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by The 眠れんアイテム課金好きな ✨💸✨モッドになったライク神霊 of Myehn. . 27 reads.

Joint Myehn and Karcovshkie Military Development Project; Tactical Exoskeleton Research & Development


This project by the militaries of the Myehnese and Karcovshkie to develop exoskeletons and devices to allow enhanced infiltration opportunities for operators. So far the project has a budget of 500 million Consortieors from Myehn and 500 million more Krown from Karcovshkie giving it a combined total of 1 billion in combined currency.

Prototype Pneumatic Exoskeleton for cargo loaders

So far, the work has produced a Pneumatic exoskeleton for Cargo loaders, and the Karcoshkian for an infantry use exoskeleton.
